Marvel’s Princess Chapter 343: Pipe


006 is still a little envious of magic and does not hide his thoughts.

“Am I talented in this area?” he asked.

Bella was still analyzing the results of the divination, and answered without raising her head: “What do you think magic is? I’ll take an instrument and find someone to test it one by one. This one has an affinity with the earth element, and that one Affinity to water element?

That’s not the case. It is recorded in many ancient books that it was the devil from **** who brought magic to mankind. This view… just listen to it. ”

Magic once belonged to everyone. In… In the very ancient times, everyone could learn and use magic. At that time, magic was a part of life, technology and civilization. The cornerstone of war is also the basis of progress.

Do you think there are any entry requirements for handguns and cars? At that time magic existed in every aspect of people’s lives. Nowadays, the rules have changed, now and in the future are the era of technology, magic has become a skill that only a few people can master.

To be honest, you have no talent, not at all. If you are willing to sacrifice your soul to the devil, you can probably cast two magic spells, but when you cast the spell, your soul will be taken away by the devil. In other words, You will die at that time… Mr. Eric, what did you see in my divination? “Bella changed the topic.

006 thought carefully and said hesitantly: “A sharp arrow, it seems to be an iron arrow, um… and then there are two arrows. The arrows are very powerful and very fast.”

Bella was noncommittal: “Oh, it seems that you have to be careful about people who can shoot arrows. You must be careful… Take two days off and go back to work quickly, right? You should also follow up on Ben Gates. , please let me know if there is any progress.”

I’m still working despite this? 006 originally wanted to ask about changing his name and luck, but now he was forced to go back.

Two days later, 006 was discharged from the hospital.

Deal with all the backlog of matters at Wieland Company, and then contact Ben Gates.

After another twenty-four days, including recuperation and scientific research, Ben Gates finally found the sunken ship Charlotte within the area designated by Bella.

The ship originally sank in the Atlantic Ocean, but the current pushed it more than 300 nautical miles north, and then the iceberg collapsed, and the ship was buried under the iceberg.

This has frustrated the Templars and archaeologists who have been searching for the sunken ship for many years. The location where the ship sank is different from its final location. Without a certain amount of luck and means, it is impossible to find it.

Ben Gates and his assistants were very excited. As the sponsor, 006 also personally participated in this operation. They found a gorgeously decorated wooden box next to the captain’s body. When they opened the wooden box, they found a body lying inside. An exquisitely shaped pipe.

When 006 was still looking confused and trying to find the treasure on the ship, Ben Gates saw from the handle of the pipe that “the legend has been written, the influence of coloring has also been produced, the code in silence has not yet appeared, The riddle of “Fifty-five people are straight and straight and cannot be harmed by Mr. McCulloch”.

006 felt that his IQ was no longer enough. He tried very hard to look like he was thinking seriously, trying to make people see that he was confident, but his open mouth still exposed his true thoughts.

What a messy riddle! Can’t you leave an address properly? Bella always speaks ill of the Knights Templar when she’s not doing anything, which has caused him to have a bad impression of these people now. She’s pretending to be a ghost. Don’t let me see it. If I see it, I’ll destroy you!

While 006 was pondering like a fool, Ben Gates began to think divergently, from dye to stylus, from maps to the clerk of the Continental Congress.

“Fifty-Five People’s Iron Straight Book? It’s the Declaration of Independence! The message that truly represents the treasure is written on the back of the Declaration of Independence?! It must be like this!” Ben Gates said firmly.

But what followed was hesitation and hesitation. He really didn’t know how to get the Declaration of Independence.

006 is the character who dared to use a Jericho missile to blow up Buckingham Palace. Although this plan was shelved indefinitely, he really didn’t take the US and British governments seriously.

“The follow-up clue seems to be in the Declaration of Independence, what should I do?” He whispered into the headset.

Bella, who was listening in the distance, thought for a while: “Get that pipe, tell your ‘new friend’ that you will give up the treasure, and then leave there. He will not be needed for subsequent actions.”

“OK!” The next moment 006 took the pipe and said he wanted to keep it as a souvenir. Then, facing Ben Gates’ strange look, he said that he had given up the action and would no longer continue to pursue the treasure.

“Ian! Please tell me.” 006 has always used the name Ian as a cover-up, and Ben Gates did not doubt it. He thought this was his real name.

The archaeologist looked confused: “You just gave up? You invested more than 38 million US dollars. Don’t you want to know the follow-up clues?”

He felt that it was unbelievable to give up at this moment. 006 also felt like a fool, eating chaffy vegetables, smashing pots and selling iron to make trouble. What did he want?

However, thinking of Bella’s instructions, he still showed a kind smile: “I will not steal the Declaration of Independence. That is a crime. Ben, that’s it. Thank you for your long-term help.”

He left with his men first, leaving Ben Gates and his assistant in a daze inside the sunken ship.

“No! He definitely has a conspiracy! I think people can’t be wrong!” Ben Gates said to himself as he looked at the direction 006 was leaving.

His assistant is a young man. The young man is very satisfied with the current situation. In any case, they have found the sunken ship of the Charlotte. This is a victory. Seeing that Ben Gates has the intention to continue the pursuit, he quickly persuaded: “Even if there is a conspiracy, it has nothing to do with you. Ben, you can’t go to the police and arrest a good man who has not committed any crime, right?”

“He may not be a good person. He has a gun on his waist, and those men don’t look like ordinary bodyguards. I made a mistake! I shouldn’t have said anything about the Declaration of Independence. He must have left me alone. , to steal the Declaration of Independence alone!”

The young assistant felt that he was a bit delusional and that there were too many flaws in his reasoning.

“…Then what are you going to do?”

Ben Gates got stuck directly. Yeah, what should I do?

The other party wants to steal the Declaration of Independence, so call the police in advance? Who knows when he will come to steal? Reporting to the police falsely is also a crime. The key is that Ben Gates is also very interested in the clues behind the Declaration of Independence. What should we do?

On the other side, 006 asked his men to go first. He boarded a helicopter and handed the pipe to Bella.

Different from 006 who is wearing cold weather clothing, cotton hat, and cotton gloves, Bella is dressed in typical autumn clothes, a beige woolen coat paired with black pencil pants and leather boots. The surrounding cold climate does not seem to have much impact on her. She picked up the pipe and looked at it carefully.


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