Marvel’s Princess Chapter 342: The reason for the bad luck?


006 was filled with confusion and even more anger: “The sin in my heart? I didn’t do anything to that inexplicable woman! How could I be sinful?”

“You think so, I think so too, but she doesn’t think so…that, well, that guy doesn’t think so either.”

Bella held the blue box and sighed: “The tampering area this time is not large, and it does not affect many people, no more than ten, because this thing cannot hold too many sins, I guess that guy is also there Do experiments. According to…according to their philosophy, maybe this is a way to build heaven on earth.”

She hid the specific titles of angels because she was afraid of causing trouble to 006.

Bella casually crushed the blue box. This thing has no other purpose except to contain the evil in human hearts. But if there is no evil in human hearts and is all occupied by good intentions, are they still human beings?

Angel Cassidio’s idea is very good. He used Diane as an opportunity to focus on this woman, change the surrounding environment according to her ideas, and absorb the evil of the people around her little by little. It seems to be an idea that takes this woman as the center. .

In reality, this plan cannot be implemented smoothly at all, but it is only feasible in theory. Cassidio has no understanding of human nature, and Diane is swallowed up by her own imagination. This plan has failed at the moment it started, regardless of whether the Phoenix comes or not. No way to proceed.

Childish! Bella gave Cassidio a very low opinion.

“Heaven on earth?” 006 felt that what Bella said did not match the world he actually came into contact with.

He frowned. There was one thing he felt he had better ask clearly: “Why? Why are you doing this to me? Is heaven on earth going to destroy me? Or what kind of **** heaven will it be after it destroys me?” Can it be established? ”

His voice became louder and louder, and finally he roared.

I’m so frustrated this time! His anger could not be contained at all.

Bella understood what he was thinking, and she would be very angry if it were him.

She can only tell the truth, although this truth may not be acceptable to 006: “The one who secretly controls all this is an angel. If the name is correct, Cassidio should represent the Shield of God. He is an angel.” A capable angel.”

Bella pointed at 006: “As for why I found you, my analysis is…it’s because of your code name.”

006 looked at her without saying anything, wanting to hear the connection between his code name and this angel of God.

“7 in the Bible represents absolute perfection. God created the world in 7 days, while 6 represents imperfection, absolute imperfection. If you see someone shouting 666 on the road, then you must Stay away from them, because 666 represents the worst evil in the world, represents the pretender, represents Satan or the anti-Christ…”

Bella is very knowledgeable in this area. She cited scriptures: “The characteristics of demons are clearly recorded in verse 18 of Chapter 13 of Revelation in the Bible. The original text is, there is intelligence here, and anyone who has intelligence can Count the number of the beast, for it is the number of man, and his number is six hundred and sixty-six…”

006 was stunned. He opened his mouth as if he could put an egg in it.

He felt that he had finally found the cause of his misfortune.

Bella spread her hands: “You haven’t reached the level of three sixes yet, but in the eyes of angels, you are also an extremely evil person. If Diane wants to deal with you, the kind angel has no objection. If you think about it carefully, You will find that 007 is much luckier than you, and your predecessors, most of those 006s died in various inexplicable small tasks, among which the tasks involving Christianity should account for the vast majority, and the British side abandoned 006 This code name was changed to 007, probably because of similar considerations.”

Comrade 006 was stunned, so this is it?

The extraordinary world is too scary. To be honest, the older 006 is, the more he is in awe of all kinds of things that he does not understand.

When he was young, he would do anything if he didn’t obey. Even if the King of Heaven could come down to earth and strike with an axe, he would be really angry. Now he no longer has such thoughts. As he gradually goes deeper into the extraordinary world, he becomes more and more unsure.

Originally, he wanted to get the ancient relics of the Knights Templar and find the extraordinary power in them, but now he is really afraid.

Although Bella didn’t say it clearly, he understood his role clearly.

The Knights Templar? It sounds like it has something to do with angels or the church or something.

It’s terrifying to think about it. A look from a third-rate actress could harm her like this. What else could she get mixed up in? Compared with Diane’s vengeful character, Bella is as gentle as a saint.

Bella saved him, and he also made his own return: “There is such a thing at the moment. I know a historian named Ben Gates…”

He told the truth about his purpose of befriending Ben Gates, but he did not reveal his original little thoughts, and Bella pretended not to know.

006 is now afraid of extraordinary power, and besides, he has no money…

“Charlotte? A shipwreck that sank in the Arctic?…” Bella recalled several clues to the national treasure and found that Ben Gates was dispensable, but the shipwreck was necessary. condition.

But there is no need to spend several years and countless money to fund his archeology. The Brotherhood doesn’t have much money now, let alone throw Wilander’s money into it.

Bella stretched out her right hand and began to divine in front of 006.

Divination is a way of understanding the truth of the world through magical means, not prophecy. Limited by her own level, she cannot predict things out of thin air.

Time, place, people, she must go deep into something before she can divination and interpret the information based on herself.

If there is nothing, you will only see a blank space.

Using 006 as an entry point, Bella used her spiritual energy to activate divination. She saw several pale white threads flying in the air. Many symbols representing occult science were constantly colliding. She screened them one by one and narrowed down the range.

This is not the first time for 006 to watch her cast spells, but it is really the first time to watch her at such a close range.

He looked at the symbols with unknown meanings, some of which he couldn’t understand at all, and some…he could vaguely understand part of the meaning. It was obviously the first time he saw it, but he felt that he was very familiar with it. However, that sense of familiarity disappeared the next moment with the birth of the new symbol. The whole person was fascinated and dizzy to the extreme.

Bella’s spell ended quickly. She picked up the map and placed a few red dots in the Atlantic Ocean north of Greenland. Then she signed an unnamed check for ten million U.S. dollars. Leave it all to 006.

This money may seem like a lot of money, but actually it would be a drop in the bucket if thrown into polar scientific research projects. However, the scope has been defined, making it easy to find.


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