Marvel’s Princess Chapter 341: Blue box


In addition to the Continental Hotel, the Brotherhood also established a so-called “city cleaning company” under the structure of the Continental Hotel.

As the name suggests, this is the one responsible for cleaning.

However, what is being cleaned is not flowers and plants, nor normal garbage such as recyclables and non-recyclables. The city cleaning company is responsible for corpses. After the killer completes his mission, the company will send people to deal with the scene.

Less than half an hour after Bella’s call was made, a cleaning truck arrived at Sadako’s rental house.

The backgrounds of these staff members are similar. They are all people who have performed well in prison, had their sentences reduced, and are not willing to join the underworld anymore.

It is difficult for these people to find a suitable job in society, and they themselves do not have much resistance to corpses.

Some people have injuries or are simply disabled.

Continental Hotel provides them with job opportunities.

After arriving at the scene, several people didn’t say anything. They seemed to have never smelled the stench that could stun Bella. They rolled away Diane’s highly decomposed body with plastic sheets, and then wiped the room and walls. The blood stains were shoveled off and repainted. One person was cleaning the glass neatly, and another person was busy spraying air freshener in the room.

In less than ten minutes, the room was completely transformed.

Bella took out a gold coin specially made by the Continental Hotel and handed it to the other party. The other party took off his hat and saluted, turned around and left without saying a word.

Middle-aged agent Bob Harris secretly observed that she was quite uneasy when she called such a group of people on the phone. This was completely ignoring the law! Isn’t it a bit dangerous to join in the mix yourself?

But he has already boarded the pirate ship. Want to get off? It’s not that easy!

I was worried but then excited. With Bella’s connections, could I get more benefits? Honest man? Honest people also have to support their families. Don’t honest people need to make money? He was thinking about his own thoughts, while Bella was listening to Sadako’s account of the strange experiences of the past two days.

From the moment Diane took Sadako to watch the video tape, to the moment the friendship between the two collapsed, the process was very simple, and then it started to become dreamy.

To briefly summarize Diane’s mentality in this matter, it is very appropriate to use one word to describe it, that is envy, jealousy and hatred!

And what role is the angel Cassidio?

He fulfilled Diane’s wish and forcibly tampered with Sadako’s fate. What happens next? Did he see some brilliance of humanity in Diane, or was this woman who had turned into a corpse a big shot in the future? Bella really couldn’t understand what the angel was thinking.

Sadako can also be described as a love-hate entanglement. What does 006 have to do with this matter?

Thinking of 006, Bella quickly said to Sadako: “By the way, I have a friend. I don’t know how he got involved in this incident. Please help him treat him.”

“Okay, where is he?”


Three days later, Comrade 006 slowly woke up in a Los Angeles hospital.

Just like the treatment of the Vajra Finger, his twisted and deformed limbs were re-interrupted by Bella. After that, Sadako’s superpower replaced the function of the Black Jade Interruption Cream, helping him heal his limbs and then his throat.

Whether it is external or internal injuries, treat them all.

The injury was cured, but the mental and physical torture he suffered in the past few days was not easy to heal. His body was severely depleted and he still needed to rest for the past few days.

Bella also saw some of his memories after he fell asleep. It can be said that the intersection between 006 and Diane was the fierce look outside the window.

Comrade 006 appeared in the most unlucky and least supposed place when Diane was at her most depressed and painful.

He felt that he was innocent when he was hit by a broken video tape while walking on the road, so he glared at Diane fiercely. This was a daily trivial matter in life. 006 did not do any excessive revenge, he continued as usual I went home and wrote in my diary that night.

There will never be a plot in our lives where so and so stares at me, so tonight I am going to kill his whole family. This is incredible!

But such an incredible scene happened. Diane is simply synonymous with revenge. Are you looking at me viciously? Then I will make you pay a heavy price!

Her anger and sadness needed a way to vent, and Sadako was reluctant to let go, so 006 became the most suitable punching bag.

In the tampered world she constructed, 006 became a mute beggar with disabled limbs and unable to speak.

“Are you awake?” Bella asked softly as she played with a boxy, fist-sized blue box. Seeing 006 wake up.

Weak! This was the first feeling that 006 had after waking up. It was as if he had been shot seven or eight times, and then he was given a stomach full of Mongolian medicine, then thrown into the sea in a sack, and finally bitten by a shark. There were double images before his eyes.

“What is that in your hand?” he asked weakly.

This blue box left a deep impression on him. This thing had been beside him from the first day he became a beggar. However, his limbs were broken and he didn’t have the key. He was confused after that and still doesn’t know what is in the box.

As if mocking himself, he smiled bitterly: “Another inexplicable supernatural power, right? My life for the past forty years was… very normal. Ever since I met you, I have become crazy. It’s getting more and more exaggerated now, and I’m almost going crazy! …I am a witness to the incident, so I should have some right to know, right?”

Bella thought for a while and then said the truth immediately: “This thing can accommodate the evil of mortals.”

“Evil?” 006 didn’t understand.

“I don’t know what the other party is called, but according to my observation, this thing previously carried the sins in the hearts of you involved in the incident.”

Seeing that 006 still didn’t understand, Bella began to explain further: “All of us, you, the doctors and nurses outside the door, and even me, we all have evil in our hearts, more or less, but there must be some. .”

Bella weighed the weight of the blue box in her hand: “This thing will absorb the evil in your hearts, and with Diane as the center, build a kind, harmonious and positive environment for everyone.”

“In that environment, Diane was enthusiastic, cheerful, and helpful. The director of the crew…well, you don’t know this person, how should I put it? It seems that the director’s wife cuckolded him, but After being hit by him, he didn’t kill anyone, but beat him up. You know your experience well. Although you were the worst, the people around you gave you food from time to time, and they didn’t let you starve to death.”

“Looking at it this way, isn’t it much more positive than our current environment? That false environment is not a paradise, but it is one with a high moral bottom line…a fantasy, right? An unreal scene.” Bella analyzed the whole thing in a simple statement.


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