Marvel’s Princess Chapter 340: Corpse


The body and appearance can be disguised, but the mind is difficult to fake.

Bella felt the beggar’s spiritual world, and squatted down to take a closer look. Although the angel Cassidio had tampered with the fate of several people for one day, the flow of time was different for different people.

At this time, the beggar’s face was thin and deformed, but the vague impression between his eyebrows could still be discerned.

The mind, appearance and experience all match. Although I can’t speak, this is Comrade 006!

What a tragedy! Bella felt sorry for this man.

“Mr. Eric?” she asked tentatively.

006 crawled two more steps in her direction and nodded vigorously.

Bella waved her hands repeatedly to signal him to stop.

At this time, the sour smell on 006’s body, as if it had been soaked in the trash for a week, was really unacceptable to her. It would be rude to cover her nose, but if she didn’t cover her nose, her sense of smell was sensitive and she couldn’t stand the smell. .

“For the sake of your injury, stop first!” She still took care of 006’s self-esteem and used an excuse.

She looked at 006’s injuries. All four limbs were broken. One of the left legs was twisted 30 degrees to the outside. His throat was also damaged. In the past life, this kind of injury would be difficult to heal, but there is hope now, Sadako. She is still here, and based on her own reputation, there is no problem in letting her treat 006.

Bella looked not far away, where middle-aged agent Bob Harris was waving to her.

She made a wait gesture.

“Mr. Eric, your injury is not difficult to heal, but now I want to knock you out first, and you will nod when you hear it.”

006 is going crazy!

Inexplicably, he became a beggar. He was a beggar with serious injuries all over his body and lost the ability to speak and move. He was so weak that he couldn’t even commit suicide.

Hearing Bella say that his body could be healed, he was so excited that he nodded repeatedly, and then he was knocked unconscious by the mind blast.

Bella called the former movie star and current agent Mr. Bob Harris to the front and asked him to find a way to carry 006 to Sadako’s house.

“This?…” The middle-aged agent can’t stand the smell of 006, but as an actor who has climbed up from the bottom, he has suffered a lot. When we were young, it was common to pretend to be dead or beggars. Even if we were wearing makeup, it would not be much better if the paint and jam were stained on our bodies, attracting a large number of mosquitoes and flies, and lying on the ground for two hours.

At this time, I endured it, put 006 in the cart, and returned to Sadako’s rental house like a thief.

Bella made a mistake again. She thought that staying away from 006 would make her nose feel better. Unexpectedly, she was smoked as soon as she walked into Sadako’s room.

The smell is so strong!

She covered her nose, and her keen vision saw many mosquitoes and flies flying around the room. The smell of decay spread throughout the room, and the smell almost made her vomit.

In this regard, Sadako, who has lived alone at the bottom of a well for thirty years, is much better than her.

Sadako pointed to the bedroom pitifully. Bella covered her mouth and looked around. She found a female corpse lying in the bedroom. The female corpse was facing inward. The corpse had already become a giant. The face was swollen and it was difficult to see at all. His face was unclear, and there was a big hole in the belly of the rotting corpse, leaving thick corpse water all over the floor…

“Wow…” Bella immediately retreated and rushed out of the room, taking deep breaths several times just to be afraid of spitting it out.

It took three minutes before she returned to normal.

Normally, she would not be so unbearable. She had killed people after all, and was the person who killed Paris like a mountain of corpses. But this time it was different. This time, she was not prepared at all. Sadako’s room was like a The stuffy jar had been sealed for who knows how long, and the smell accumulated together, which would do far more harm to someone with sensitive senses like her than to an ordinary person.

She looked ugly and tried to adjust her breathing rhythm.

This time we won’t say anything and won’t go into the house, let’s just talk outside!

Sadako told about her experience with Diane. The female corpse in the room was Diane.

“I felt like I was dreaming before… In the dream, I had a car accident, and then I seemed to have lost my memory. Then Diane helped me search for my memory. In that environment, she didn’t seem to be called Diane either. , it was a weird feeling, and then she took me to the set. She seemed to have taken my place in the set, and…”

Sadako selectively recounted this strange experience. In that dream, she had a relationship with Diane, but in reality, she was still a very traditional Japanese woman, so these were omitted.

“Then…? Do you know how she died?” Bella asked.

Sadako shook her head. She had very complicated feelings about Diane, and she couldn’t tell whether she should be happy or sad at this time.

The middle-aged agent then added: “I have seen the corpse, it was suicide, the pistol was pointed at the mouth, and then bang…”

He could see the cause of death, but he couldn’t dispose of the body, so he had to find Bella, a person with great powers, to find a solution.

Bella can indeed handle corpses. This is Los Angeles, where she has been operating for a long time. An unknown actress can just report her missing.

“Okay, I’ll handle it, you…” Bella looked at Sadako, wondering if she had any other requests. After all, Diane was her friend.

The whole story is not complicated. It is a story that begins because of love and ends because of love. At most, other people’s love can only be a story. And this Miss Diane doesn’t know how she was chosen by the angel Cassidio. Her story became true, or at least a tampered version of it.

“You should deal with it quickly. If possible, I don’t want to live in this house anymore…”

The rationality in Sadako’s heart quickly overcame the tampered part of the false memory. She was disgusted. What hatred and resentment!

Gentle people don’t mean they have no temper. Japan’s number one fierce ghost has no temper? joke!

I feel unhappy just because my memory has been restored.

She seemed to have lost her mind in the past two days, being manipulated by Diane, and everyone around her who had come into contact with Diane had undergone earth-shattering changes from reality.

My own house, my own agent, and the crew members who took care of me seemed to have become Diane’s overnight. Everyone was surrounding her, and I could only be like an ugly duckling, humble. Watch her show off her power.

Now that he has everything back, Diane has turned into a rotting corpse.

The experience before and after was incredible and ridiculous! She didn’t want to see this woman at all, she just wanted to deal with it quickly and completely distance herself from the whole matter.

“Okay, I’ll find someone to handle it.” Bella picked up the phone.

She did not use Charlie’s connections or her own connections, but contacted the Brotherhood.


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