Marvel’s Princess Chapter 334: Please watch Sadako’s videotape


Sadako knew that Bella helped her regardless of reward because she was interested in her healing ability. This is the same reason that everyone is willing to make doctor friends. No one can protect themselves from having a doctor friend when they have a headache or fever. It can save lives at critical moments.

She knows this very well. If she is a lonely ghost with no value at all, no one will care about her thoughts. This is the reality of this world.

Sadako is just kind, not stupid. Evil Sadako’s experience of sitting in a well for more than thirty years is also part of her personal experience.

The experience back then caused her to lack a sense of identity. Now that someone recognizes her personal value, she is very happy.

Bella is like this, Professor Charles is like this, and now Diane is also a good friend in her heart.

Sadako likes the current working atmosphere very much, and everyone in the crew seems to like her very much. She feels that this is very satisfying.

“Diane? Where are you going to play today?” she asked her new friend enthusiastically after another day of shooting.

Both the director and the leading actor said her acting skills were good before. Even though she knew what was going on, she was still flattered.

Looking at the young and handsome director talking and laughing with Sadako, Diane looked stiff. She didn’t know how to express her feelings, let alone what to do next.

The more popular Sadako becomes and the more she shines like a real star, the more painful she becomes.

Why? Aren’t you just a Japanese woman? I’m an American! What about racial discrimination? Are you discriminating against skin color? It’s okay to be discriminating against the poor!

In Diane’s mind, it would be perfect if Sadako was very weak and had been bullied on the set, and he could stand up to protect her.

Unfortunately, the real world does not depend on her will. No matter what she thinks or complains, Sadako is more popular than her.

Praise, praise, flattery, how great would it be if all these were yours?

Love and hate were intertwined. At this time, she could only smile: “Camilla, we will go together later…”

She wanted to go watch the latest movie, but when the words came to her lips, she swallowed them alive.

Thinking of her experience half a year ago and the nightmare she had frequently had recently, the idea of ​​destroying everything became clearer and clearer in her mind.

My original intention to go to the movies changed involuntarily.

“Did the director praise your acting skills just now? In fact, I think we still need to hone our acting skills. I recently found an old video tape. Let’s learn from the performances of our predecessors together, right?”

Huh? ? ?

Three question marks appeared in Sadako’s mind.

She is naturally a little sensitive to the word videotape. She has all the memories in the past, but from the perspective of a passerby, she cannot understand the emotions of the evil Sadako. From the bottom of her heart, she does not want to watch any videotape.

However, she knew her own level. She knew that her acting skills were actually very average. Now it was a good way to watch old movies and use lines from the movies to hone her acting skills with Diane. She smiled. Agreeing, the two drove back to Diane’s rental house.

Diane’s palms were all sweaty, and she took out a black video tape from the deepest part of her closet.

She got this when she was working as a reporter’s assistant in Seattle. She can’t look back on the past, and the past experiences have brought her nightmares. She took it out today just to go crazy for the last time.

She wants to completely cut off Sadako’s escape route. She knows very well the weirdness of this videotape. Anyone who watches the videotape will die within seven days! Unless the videotape is transferred to another person within these seven days, this is how she survived half a year ago.

Now that the videotape has found her again, she is not ready to escape. This time she will watch the videotape with Sadako, and then she will confess her feelings and confess everything. The two will live together for seven days, and then die together!

She thought about the entire plan twice. She felt that there would be no omissions and the plan worked!

Diane nervously pushed the video tape into the video recorder. Faced with Sadako’s extremely strange eyes, she forced a smile to herself: “It will start soon. I will make coffee first.”

At this time, large white snowflakes had appeared in the TV. Sadako looked at this new friend with extremely complex eyes, then looked at the TV, and her voice could not help but become colder: “Okay, you go ahead. .”

Diane was so nervous that she didn’t notice Sadako’s tone at all.

Sadako was leisurely sitting on the sofa waiting to watch the video. Diane was standing in the kitchen making coffee, her eyes always on the TV. Fear, love, anger, nervousness, many emotions in her heart were mixed together. I just felt like I was going to explode.

Diane’s heart was in a state of turmoil. In summary, they were all crazy thoughts like ‘die together’ and ‘die together’. The huge gap between reality and dreams had long since left her self-esteem riddled with holes. Rather than suffer in this world, she would rather go to another world.

In her mind, that world should be fair. Maybe there, without all kinds of connections, she and Sadako would be able to start on the same starting line, right?

At least that’s what she thought.

There was nothing unusual about Sadako. She placed her hands flat on her lower abdomen, her legs together, and her sitting posture was very upright.

Looking straight ahead, there were more and more snowflakes on the TV, until a somewhat blurry image gradually emerged.

“Alas-” She sighed, why bother? Originally she thought she felt wrong, but now…? She was so familiar with this opening line!

No one knows this tape better than me! Sadako really wanted to ask Diane, what exactly do you think? Use this tape against me? Are you kidding me?

In the distance, Diane felt regretful and happy at the same time. She stared at Sadako’s back, and the endless pleasure of revenge emerged in her heart.

So what if you have a backend? So what if someone is holding you up? What is the difference between you and me in the face of death?

If you have the ability, call your backstage bosses and see if they can help you!

Sadako doesn’t need to call the backstage boss at all. She may not be able to handle other things. Pulling Kayako and Yaeko over will at least scare her.

But this one? That’s it?

Looking at the deep well that gradually revealed its shape, and watching the white figure slowly crawling out of the well, she felt both dumbfounded and dumbfounded.

She looked back at Diane, and this woman with complicated emotions avoided her eyes.

At this time, the female ghost in white on the TV slowly climbed out of the well.

Huh? The figure of the female ghost in white was still so elegant, but she froze there the moment she climbed out of the well.

If she knew how to use her mobile phone, she would definitely send a black question mark face emoticon.

What is going on?

She was still worried that she had made a mistake, so she deliberately lifted her long black hair that obscured her face and glanced outside the TV.


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