Marvel’s Princess Chapter 333: Jealousy


Bella is going to ask 006 to see how far his archaeological excavation has gone, and whether he has found the sunken ship of the Charlotte.

But she has been too tired recently, so she needs to take a break from her busy schedule for two days.


Bella was flying around the world throughout the holidays. Before school started, she rushed to Japan specifically to pick up Sadako to go to the United States.

After half a year of study, Sadako has gradually adapted to modern society.

She died more than thirty years ago, and all the documents she had during her lifetime must have been lost.

Bella helped her apply for various documents, and her current name is still Sadako Yamamura.

First, he took Sadako back to the small town of Forks in Washington State, and relied on Sadako’s ability to heal the leg of Jacob’s father, the old chief Billy Black.

Bella has always been grateful to the old chief for helping her start her extraordinary journey. Now that she has the opportunity, she must repay him.

Leaving Fox Town, they took a plane to New York.

Bella’s connections in Hollywood are enough to help Sadako become a second-tier star, but in order to strengthen her positive personality and prevent the evil in her heart from growing again, she feels that she still needs to add an insurance policy.

She recommended Sadako to Professor Charles.

It seems that Professor Charles treats all mutants equally, but in reality there are differences.

Now a mutant with healing abilities has aroused his great interest.

Beast, Storm, Cyclops, Jean Grey, and several generals of the X-Men were all present.

Several people want to see what this mutant with healing abilities looks like.

“Professor, this is Sadako.”

“Sadako, this is the Professor Charles I told you about, a very kind man.”

The charisma of the old bald man is indeed high, and he smiles like a kind-hearted person: “Treatment? To be honest, in all my years of living, apart from Qin, I have never seen a mutant with the ability to heal.”

His words were very tactful. In fact, Sadako is currently the only mutant with healing abilities.

Jin’s healing power comes from the Phoenix, that’s the power of the Phoenix! Using the Phoenix Power to treat people is a bit like shooting mosquitoes with anti-aircraft guns. It is too strenuous. If one cannot control it, the life energy will accumulate and the person will explode.

Theoretically, Qin has the ability to heal, but in practice, she has never treated anyone, and she doesn’t dare to treat anyone, and every one of them dies.

The old bald man takes Sadako to visit his Xavier School for Gifted Youngsters.

“Don’t be nervous, kid, we don’t mean any harm. If you can, you can treat this as your own home.”

Maybe it was the old bald man who filled the gap in Sadako’s heart about her father. After a few words, the relationship between them became much closer.

Sadako healed the injured spine of Professor Charles. The old man walked two steps with the help of his wheelchair. His expression still looked calm. In fact, several X-Men who had a close relationship with him could see his happiness.

Who wants to sit in a wheelchair when he can walk?

“Thank you, Miss Swan, thank you, Miss Sadako, this is probably the best gift I have received this year.” The old bald man said sincerely.

He completely agrees with Sadako’s decision to go to Hollywood.

Sadako made the right choice not to join the X-Men. Once her healing ability is leaked, not to mention Bella, not even the X-Men can save her unless the mutants are willing to go all out and start a **** battle with the human army. , otherwise it’s better to keep a low profile.

Once the healing ability is leaked, senior government officials, wealthy people, and various armed organizations around the world will use all means to capture this person.

There will definitely be a war between mutants and humans.

In order to conceal her therapeutic abilities, Professor Charles continues to use a wheelchair in public.

“Professor?…” Cyclops felt that he was a little too concerned about the thoughts of high-level government officials, but was stopped by the old bald man’s wink.

“Miss Sadako should also pay attention to her studies when she goes to Hollywood. I also have a few friends there, and I will ask them to help.” The old bald man made a direct promise and made it clear that he would help.

No one can ignore the role of Hollywood these days.

Jews know how to use Hollywood to give themselves a cloak of victimhood.

In order to promote a positive image of the US military, the Pentagon has set up an office to connect with Hollywood.

On the surface, the old bald man has nothing to do with Hollywood, but in fact, he secretly controls several medium-sized film and television companies.

I don’t ask you to whitewash mutants or sing praises to mutants, but you can’t blackmail me, right?

With the help of Professor Charles, Sadako’s connections became even stronger.

In less than three days, a series of tasks such as joining the Screen Actors Guild, auditioning, and signing a contract were completed. Sadako was directly parachuted into a crew with a total investment of more than 80 million US dollars as the second female lead.

At this time Sadako also took a stage name, Camilla.

Her role is not important. Compared with the male protagonist, the leading female role is a vase, let alone the second female lead.

But he is also the protagonist, the kind who can appear on movie posters with his name next to him.

Things went so smoothly that Bob Harris found it incredible. He had been in Hollywood for twenty years and this was the first time he had seen such a strong network of people.

The producer and director each chatted with Sadako on the set for ten minutes. The atmosphere of the conversation was very enthusiastic, and the crew members were not fools either. They could all tell that the second female lead from Japan was a well-connected person. What else is there to say? Bear with it! Bob Harris stopped a lot of trouble for Sadako. Sadako herself did not have any arrogance. She bowed to everyone and was very polite in her speech and behavior.

Even if you make a lot of efforts, hostility is inevitable. If you use your connections to force your way into the crew, how can you not let people talk about it? If we don’t let you talk about it, how can you still make people think about it?

“This bitch!” Sadako’s parachute pushed Diane, the original second female lead, to the third female lead, which filled her with jealousy.

Diane has beautiful blond hair, a pretty face, and a graceful figure. She came to Hollywood from Seattle, alone, worked hard, and finally found such an opportunity to be a second female lead, and now she has been squeezed out gorgeously. Her heart was filled with resentment.

But this person is a scheming bitch. She pretends to be friends with Sadako, but in fact she is inquiring about her backing.

She took Sadako to hang out in Beverly Hills, see the palm trees on Sunset Boulevard, and go to the top of Mulholland Drive to browse the West Side of Los Angeles.

Getting together day and night, she unknowingly found herself falling in love with this innocent and kind-hearted Japanese girl. However, Sadako’s thoughts and ideas were still stuck in the 1960s. It could be said that she was extremely conservative and didn’t think much about it at all. , thinking that the two of them were just good friends.

Diane loved deeply and painfully, and her jealousy did not weaken at all because of love, especially when she saw the crew surrounding Sadako and saying compliments, while she could only poke at the side like a piece of wood. With that, her heart was torn in half.


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