Marvel’s Princess Chapter 332: New golden apple


“Is this your son? The gene concentration is indeed very high.” Bella’s eagle vision scanned it. It’s difficult to analyze the details, but it is roughly estimated that the Isu gene concentration of Desmond Miles is Definitely more than 1%.

The concentration of this gene is nearly one-third that of Bella’s, five times stronger than his father, and seven times stronger than Gavin.

The conditions of this sixteen-year-old young man are really good, but Desmond Miles is a bit of a middle-aged boy and is completely dissatisfied with his own father.

Bella asked: “William, do you remember the mission of the Knights Templar sending Daniel Cross to Russia?”

When it comes to the person who caused the current miserable situation of the Brotherhood, William was too impressed: “Remember, he seems to be going to the Bolshoi Theater?”

“That’s right.” Bella snapped her fingers, and the hairy girl Galina Voronina walked into the secret room. She took out a sealed box and put it on the table. When she was about to turn around and leave, Bella Ra stopped her.

“Let’s listen together.”

Bella is going to promote Mao Mei to be the third elder of the brotherhood. First of all, she represents the Russian Brotherhood. Secondly, Mao Mei has extraordinary skills. Finally, because she is a woman… she is surrounded by two old men every day. , Bella also felt uncomfortable.

William was very keen. He saw through the intentions at a glance, at least most of the intentions, and wisely did not stop him at this time.

Mao Mei took a seat and Bella opened the metal box with the assassin’s logo.

This is a legacy left to future generations by Ezio, the Assassin Mentor of the Renaissance Brotherhood.

Bella had read it once before and handed a copy of the note directly to William Miles.

The other party took it over and took a closer look, and soon showed a panicked expression.

He looked at Bella: “Is this true?”

“At least this manuscript is authentic. Ezio did leave us some information after more than five hundred years.”

Bella did not continue to guess the riddle: “Mr. Desmond Miles, unless the Brotherhood now has a second person named Desmond with a high concentration of Isu genes, otherwise… ….There are some jobs that you have to take on.”

She asked William Miles to hand the note to Desmond Miles to read.

William Miles looked ugly. His son’s name appeared in a letter from an Assassin mentor more than five hundred years ago. Is this a good thing? He didn’t want his son to be some earth-shattering hero, he just wanted him to live a peaceful life.

He chose his words carefully and asked tentatively: “Is the matter serious?”

Bella did not answer directly: “Actually, I have always felt that human technology is developing. The troubles in Ezio’s mentor era may not be troubles today. Many times, there is more than one way to solve things. It’s just that our own vision limits our Ideas.”

William Myers nodded thoughtfully: “I hope so.”

On the other side, Desmond Miles has never grasped the point. Ezio’s ancient Italian made it difficult for him to understand. After a long time of effort, combined with Bella’s conversation with his father, He finally came to his senses.

“Are you kidding? An assassin who has been dead for more than five hundred years knows my name? How did he know it? How come I don’t know that I am important? Why am I important?” His voice became louder and louder. He even yelled at the end.

Bella looked at him carefully, and Desmond Miles subconsciously avoided her gaze.

“I was rash. It seems you are not ready yet. Just continue to do your promising job as a bartender.” Bella walked past him, reached out with her left hand, and took Ezio’s notes. After pulling it out, Mao Mei, who followed her closely, opened the box and put the notebook back.

Bella left with Mao Mei, and William Miles didn’t know what to do now. Should he persuade his son to accept his fate, or resist his fate? As an assassin, he hopes it’s the former, and as a father, he hopes it’s the latter.

After leaving the bar, Bella gave Mao Mei a new task. The current brotherhood is where women are used as men and men are used as livestock. They are extremely busy from top to bottom.

Originally I wanted to give Desmond some credit, but since he didn’t want to, forget it. The world can turn around without anyone.

Isn’t it just a solar flare? What a big deal! Bella estimated that Qin could stop the solar flare, and even had to hold back her strength. If she used too much force, she might blow out the sun! Besides, 2012 is still nine years away, and she might be able to stop solar flares by then.

She took out a map of Italy and drew a circle at the Colosseum.

“Ezio’s notes record that he once left a golden apple in the underground temple of the Colosseum. My divination shows that it is very safe there. Go and bring this golden apple back.” She ordered. .

“Okay, I’ll set off right now.” Mao Mei agreed happily.

Her gene concentration is not as good as Desmond Miles, but it is still at 0.6%. With her strong martial arts skills and decisive personality, Bella is still very relieved.


The person in charge of the Animus project is here, and the people who train soldiers are here. When Mao Mei comes back, the Brotherhood will have two golden apples, which are the No. 3 golden apples that Bella gave to the Brotherhood. With the Golden Apple No. 6 collected by Apple and Ezio, it is now time to solve the last problem of the Brotherhood, which is the problem of funds.

Bella thought of a sum of money through Ethan Hunter’s incident.

British MI6 secretly prepared secret funds for the Syndicate that could not be traced, a total of 2.5 billion pounds.

Bella recalled what she knew about the plot, and finally shook her head.

2.5 billion pounds is wonderful, but if you want to get this money, you have to kidnap the British Prime Minister…

Bella has no favorable impression of the so-called British Empire. What she is worried about is not the Prime Minister, but the legendary Captain Britain!

Captain Britain is much more powerful than Captain America. In memory, Captain Britain seems to be college classmates with Spider-Man, but the world is a bit chaotic now, and Bella is not sure how old this man is now.

The Ethan Hunt in the movie is really brave and fearless. He kidnapped the British Prime Minister and took down the big boss of MI6. The word US-UK relations is probably not in his dictionary and he can ignore it. , Bella couldn’t ignore it.

What’s more, Ethan Hunter didn’t touch the money, and it should have been returned to Britain in the end. Bella wanted the money, and the motives and purposes of the two parties were fundamentally different.

Even if you get this money, it will be difficult to hide from the British eyes and ears. It is said that many accounts cannot be traced, but there are always clues to check. If you want to rely on an organization with less than 300 people to fight against an old brand with nuclear bombs empire? It’s too difficult.

Bella still sets her sights on the lost treasures of the Knights Templar. She can feel at ease with this, but what about future troubles? After two thousand years of sworn enemy relations, what other consequences could there be?


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