Marvel’s Princess Chapter 329: Rescue


At this time, Ethan Hunter couldn’t get up, and couldn’t get down.

He was furious, holding on to the rope with both hands, keeping his body parallel to the ground, and began to run horizontally along the 121st floor, running to the distance, and then he jumped back like a pendulum, and saw his His body drew an arc, and when he was about to approach the 119th floor, he suddenly let go. Using inertia, his body swung toward the 119th floor, where the windows had been removed.

There was a slight deviation in his calculations. His body did not rush in as expected, but hit the middle of the 119th and 120th floors. There was a muffled sound, and then he lost control of his body and fell under the gravity. Under the influence of the force, he fell towards the ground.

Bella was ready to rescue people when she saw an arm suddenly reaching out from the 119th floor and grabbing Ethan Hunter’s left leg at lightning speed.

The force of this fall was too great, and the owner of the arm was quickly taken out of the window. Fortunately, his companion grabbed his leg from behind, which prevented him from falling together with Ethan Hunter. .

“Grab my hand, quickly!” Half of the owner of the arm’s body had already reached out of the tall building, and he pulled Ethan Hunter back little by little.

“Hold on, hold on!…” The owner of the arm was covered in sweat, with veins popping out on his forehead. By coincidence, his eyes collided with Bella who was watching the excitement on the 95th floor.

There are 24 floors in between. This distance is actually quite far, but he can’t stand his good eyesight, and Bella’s eyesight is even better.

Clint Barton with a wrinkled face: ∑(O_O;)!

Bella: (?_?)?

A trace of doubt emerged in Bella’s mind, who is this person? Why are you looking at me so complicated? Have I offended him?

She had never seen this square-faced man with wrinkles, and she had no impression of him at all.

Little did he know that Clint Barton’s eyes were too familiar to her! These eyes appeared in my sleep countless times. The first few months were all nightmares. Now they are getting better, but they are definitely not pleasant dreams.

After Black Braised Egg recruited Clint Barton, he did not let him directly enter S.H.I.E.L.D., but arranged for him to go to the CIA to learn various agent knowledge, and then make a new appointment depending on the situation.

Clint Barton has been studying in the CIA for more than a year and was just sent out to perform a mission with Ethan Hunter two days ago.

His sharp vision and the analytical ability of Eagle Vision allowed him to see that Ethan Hunter could not rush directly to the 119th floor, so he caught his partner in advance.

Originally, it was enough to pull the person in little by little, but the look between him and Bella, through the medium of his eyes, revived his blocked memory.

The praises I enjoyed in my childhood, the unforgettable mania in my body in my youth, and now my calmness and composure.

I am different from before!

It may be different, but he is still him, and his past experiences can still have some impact on him. This impact is very small and subtle. In normal times, it can be suppressed by strong psychological quality. On this occasion today It just caused him to loosen his grip on Ethan Hunter’s hand a little…

With a “swish” sound, due to Clint Barton’s loss of concentration, his fingers loosened, and Ethan Hunt fell to the ground again.

Bella was still watching the show attentively when she suddenly noticed that the protagonist of the incident had fallen in front of her eyes. She subconsciously reached out and grabbed Ethan Hunter’s ankle directly.

After taking action, she was also a little confused. Your behavior is very unfriendly to passers-by!

What should I do now? Throw this guy back? Or throw it away?

They were not suitable, so she could only pull her legs, Gavin Banks helped pull her waist, and the two of them pulled Ethan Hunter back to his room.

It is true that Ethan Hunter has courage, but being thrown and caught twice in a row at an altitude of 600 meters still frightened him so much that his face turned pale, his head was covered in cold sweat, he was breathing vaguely, and he looked like a dead person .

“Ethan? Ethan!?” His companion in the headset kept calling him, which finally allowed him to regain some energy.

He looked at Bella and then at Gavin Banks: “Well… um, thank you, we are practicing an airborne game. In fact, safety is guaranteed. , this is just a game…”

He subconsciously concealed his identity as an agent, showed a handsome smile, waved and walked out.

When he walked out of the door and looked at the floor and house number, his eyes sharpened instantly. From the 119th floor to the 95th floor, a gap of twenty-four floors, one hand caught him? Drag him into the house with ease? Is this an ordinary resident?

There were too many problems, but he really couldn’t care about it now. He still had his own tasks, so he ran quickly to the 119th floor.

“Mentor, you have been exposed.” At this time, Gavin on the 95th floor was also talking to Bella about this.

Bella was wronged: “It was completely subconscious that he reached out. Who knew that his companion would suddenly let go?”

Neither of them took Ethan Hunter seriously, and soon started talking about the brotherhood’s funding issues. Even if they had manpower, a lot of real estate, and all kinds of connections, they still had to build a global hotel chain. , the funds spent are still far beyond Bella’s estimate. The Brotherhood needs more money, a lot of money.

Bella felt that the treasure closest to her was the lost treasure of the Knights Templar, which was what Comrade 006 had been thinking about.

Bella knew what this man was doing secretly, and he could ‘see’ a lot of things just by reading his mind. Most of the time, it wasn’t a question of whether he could do it, but whether he wanted to or not.

She is trying her best to hold herself to high moral standards, but she will never let the people and things around her get out of control.

She didn’t take it seriously at first, but now it’s different.

Is there a problem with the Assassin Brotherhood going to rob the Templars’ treasure? This is a matter of course! Even if God comes down to earth, he can’t say anything!

There should be a lot of gold and silver treasures, but it is really troublesome to get rid of them.

It would be nice if I had cash.

If all those gold and silver treasures were turned into cash…

She is still thinking about it.

“Bang bang bang” gunshots suddenly sounded from a high place, and Bella, who was standing by the window, subconsciously looked over again.

After several gunshots were fired, a blond woman was kicked out of the 119th floor, screaming and falling to the ground.

Holy shit! Another one fell?

Bella was speechless, you are sick!

Saving one is saving, and saving two is saving. She stretched out her hand and pulled the blond woman again.

The blonde woman’s mental quality was obviously inferior to Ethan Hunter’s. Her eyes turned white and she fainted in mid-air.

Bella was a little annoyed. If she saved a few more people, she felt like she would be exposed, but saving people was often a subconscious decision.

She leaned against the window and looked up, and met Clint Barton’s gaze again.

“Come on, come down and get people!” Her tone was the same as the union chairman giving out Mid-Autumn moon cakes to employees.


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