Marvel’s Princess Chapter 325: Danger


Between the two options of calling his companions and solving the problem himself, the poor guard can only choose the latter.

The most despised thing in the army is a coward. If he calls his companions and searches for a long time but finds nothing, then his reputation as a coward will accompany him for the rest of his life.

He bit the bullet and turned to check the water room behind him. Ethan and Benji on the other side of the corridor quickly erected a high-tech reflector at the end of the corridor.

Benji controls the tablet, simulates it on the reflective board, and projects a scene that is exactly the same as the real environment.

The guard checked the water room and found nothing wrong. He walked out timidly. He subconsciously glanced at the entrance of the passage and felt that there seemed to be something strange there, but he did not see the problem at all.

The image that appeared in the stationary reflector was a smooth passage. The guard did not realize that it was a blackboard-like thing, nor did he see the two large living people behind the reflector.

“Tick tock.” Benji simulated the sound of a drop of water again, which caused the guard to explode.

“Who! Come out!”

He loaded the bullet and stared at the water room behind him.

It’s unclear what kind of mental illness this guard has. Ethan and Benji’s faces were covered with sweat. They were extremely nervous. Each of them held up a reflector and walked forward cautiously. When they passed by When it came to Archives Room 3, Ethan rushed in quickly.

Huh? Bella was still looking down for the blueprints of the Ark reactor. The sudden entry made her stunned, but since she had an invisibility cloak, she wasn’t too nervous.

She just stopped her movements and looked over from the other end of the bookcase.

At this time, Ethan Hunter was wearing a military uniform, with a general’s epaulettes on his shoulders, and a mustache that was very Russian. At first, he thought this man was a Russian general, but Bella observed carefully. I found out that this man is also a thief!

Ethan Hunter looked around. Although he didn’t see anyone, his intuition as an elite agent touched him. There was something abnormal in this archive room!

He lowered his head and searched for the documents and records he was looking for, keeping full alert in his heart.

The archives room is very large, larger than the average school library. There are fifteen such archives rooms in the Kremlin. The archives that Bella and Ethan came to store It’s all just less important information.

Bella and Ethan don’t interfere with each other, each is looking for his own thing.

She quickly found the folder Anton Vanke was talking about. It was in tatters and piled up with some production workshop floor plans and city railway planning plans. It was obvious that no one had paid attention to it for many years.

She no longer cared about her whereabouts and pulled out useful drawings.

Such a loud sound immediately alarmed Ethan Hunter. He stretched his neck and looked in Bella’s direction.

I saw a lot of shabby blueprints flying in the air, and various document bags scattered on the ground.

What the hell? ! He didn’t understand what was going on at first, but then he realized that there was someone there!

Bella got the blueprint smoothly. She stopped staying and ran out quickly along the wall.

Ethan, who also had a guilty conscience, watched a drawing rolled up into a ball, floating in the air, and flying past the wall less than ten meters away from him. He opened his mouth wide and hesitated for a few seconds before finally choosing to continue execution. own tasks.

Bella ran out of the archives room very fast, just in time to see Benji who was still working on the reflector.

This thing was okay for deceiving the panicked guards, but it was completely flawed in Eagle Vision. She stuffed the blueprint into her collar, then jumped up and climbed from the ceiling like Spider-Man. past.

As she walked down the stairs, when her left foot stepped on the carpet on the first floor, a huge omen of danger appeared in her mind.

The death warning is impacting her brain. It is dangerous, very dangerous, very dangerous!

“Bang!” A panicked middle-aged man bumped into her. Bella’s strength did not mean that she was heavy, and she was knocked back unprepared.

Bella was shocked. The middle-aged man was more panicked than her.

The middle-aged man was carrying a metal suitcase and rushed towards the side aisle.



The middle-aged man’s strange behavior attracted the attention of the patrolling soldiers, and a team of five quickly chased after him.

Bella did not follow, but stood there and carefully analyzed the source of the danger.

This feeling is very similar to the reaction when the enemy teamed up and the other party planted a lot of explosives.

If she hadn’t discovered it, she could have walked away, but now that she had discovered it, she couldn’t pretend not to have seen it.

There were a lot of staff in the building at this time. Bella stood there and heard two blond girls discussing about going dancing after work. She also heard a middle-aged man calling his child. , promised that she would go to her children’s hockey game as soon as she got off work, and an old man who was walking a little hobbling walked past her, seeming to be arguing with his wife on the other side of the phone.

If Bella turns away, they will all die.

What’s more, she promised Natasha not to hurt anyone. If there is a loud bang here as soon as I leave, how will I explain it then? There will definitely be a rift in the relationship between the two.

Ethan still had makeup on his face, so she didn’t recognize him, but she recognized Benji at a glance after seeing the photo in the information Natasha found.

Bella has watched Mission: Impossible 5 and 6, and her impression of Ethan Hunt is only at the level of an American 007, looking handsome, pretending to be cool, flying cars, and having big white legs? She had no idea about the connection between Ethan Hunt and the Kremlin bombing, but even with her shallow political sense, she could imagine that if the Kremlin bombed, This matter is more serious than 911 in the previous life!

If a few more important people die, maybe there will be three wars!

Public or private, she cannot just walk away.

Bella walked towards the basement, her eagle vision and divination abilities activated at the same time. In less than fifteen seconds, relying on the extremely dangerous warning in her heart, she found explosives in an abandoned room, which was full of explosives. of dynamite.

In the center of the room, she saw a timer tied with tape, clocked by a crystal oscillator, and then electric current passed through an electric spark to detonate the explosive.

The explosive devices arranged are very simple and standardized. They look like military items. There are no messy red and blue lines in the movie at all…

When Bella looked over, there was still one minute left before the explosion.

It was too late to go to Natasha for help at this time. She blessed herself with ice armor. The Yata Mirror and the Mountain of Light could also provide defense, but it was a pity that she didn’t bring it with her.

She communicates with the marks on her arms and remotely summons the Flying Dutchman.

She needs this ship to help her defuse bombs. She doesn’t know how to use scientific methods and it’s too late. She can only use magic!


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