Marvel’s Princess Chapter 313: Proof


“You want me to join the Assassin Brotherhood and then serve as the Brotherhood’s mentor?” Bella had to confirm again.

Gavin Banks nodded vigorously, indicating that it was what you heard and that he was not joking.

This guy is kidding himself, this was Bella’s first thought.

But looking at Gavin Banks’s serious expression, I don’t think it looks like it. Who would be so bored and take pleasure in such a thing? are you crazy?

If she was asked to join the Assassin Brotherhood and become a leader, she would definitely refuse without saying a word. She was busy and had no time to get involved in their troubles.

But if you directly become a mentor or the leader of a fraternity, that is a different concept.

It must be said that the other party’s offer was so big that she had no reason to refuse.

After weighing it, she already had some thoughts in her heart, but not now.

“Mr. Banks, if what I know is correct, the Assassin Brotherhood is in a very critical moment now. Many of your members have been betrayed by this traitor, and the overall strength has suffered heavy losses, right?” She Kicked Daniel Cross aside.

“Miss Swan, you are right. The Brotherhood may be destroyed at any time now, and we have to look for outside help.” Gavin Banks was very frank.

The meaning is very clear. If the situation were not critical now, why would you, an outsider, be allowed to be the leader?

Bella said thoughtfully: “Even if the Brotherhood is in decline, it is still a, well, super organization. Once I take over as the mentor, the Brotherhood’s intelligence, manpower, resources and knowledge passed down from ancient times can be used for What I use.”

Gavin Banks didn’t know why she took the initiative to praise the Brotherhood and remained silent.

Bella continued: “But these things are resources that belong to the mentor. As a mentor, you can naturally obtain these things. The rights and obligations of the mentor are equal. You cannot use the rights that originally belong to the mentor to compete with them. I make a deal, it’s not fair to me.”

“What do you mean, Miss Swan?” A little doubt appeared on the middle-aged assassin’s face.

“What I mean is very simple. Your company is on the verge of bankruptcy, so you need to find a new professional manager, a manager, a person who is willing to take risks. This person will be responsible for the future operations of the company. A headhunting company can help you What to do after you find someone? Pay a large amount of job-hopping fee or settlement fee. This is the normal process. You can’t use this professional manager’s future salary, right? ”

Bella pointed at the other party: “You are my employee, I won’t mention it in the future, but at least now I feel that we are not friends, so I have no obligation to fight for you. This is a deal, a two-way choice. You secretly observed me, and now you come to me, you must think that I have this value, so now it’s your turn to prove your worth.”

Gavin Banks pondered for a few seconds before he understood: “How do you need us to prove it?”

Bella raised a finger: “I need you to help me find an Isu artifact.”

“What is it?”

“It is a diamond that is said to be the most beautiful in the world. It can only be used by women with a very high concentration of Isu genes. The name of the diamond is the Koh-i-Noor. The Koh-i-Noor was once owned by Nadir, the emperor of the Persian Afshar dynasty. The sand was collected by the palace. Only this kind of beautiful diamond can match my appearance.” Bella touched her face and said narcissistically.

All employees of Yutani Co., Ltd. have been asked the question “Who is the most beautiful woman in the world” more than once.

Gavin Banks is no exception. He was surprised when he was first asked, but now he has become accustomed to it and has become immune

He even thinks this is good. If a saint is used as a mentor, he is not used to it.

I thought about it carefully, and there was vague information about this diamond in my memory.

“Remind you, in the early 20th century, the last time this diamond appeared was in a church during the Spanish Civil War. I can’t divine more information, and you need to find it.” Bella reminded him , and spoke openly about his abilities.

“Okay, the Assassin Brotherhood will find this Isu artifact and prove its ability.”

“I’m really looking forward to that day.”

Having an approximate time when the artifact was lost, and an approximate location, the Assassin Brotherhood searched for a large amount of literature, and finally mobilized the only elites to spend more than half a month to find the Mountain of Light for Bella!

A diamond the size of a fist.

Gavin Banks packed the diamonds in a small box and handed them over to Bella, who had returned to Stanford.

“Please be careful, this diamond seems to affect the user’s spirit.” He whispered before handing over the diamond.

Bella opened the box and took a look at the mountain of light.

“That’s because your bloodline concentration is low, and you’re not female. In fact, there is always a fragment of Isu consciousness lodged in it. Her name is Difficult Mother”

Gavin Banks wanted to ask her how she knew these things, but thinking of Bella’s mysterious methods, he still didn’t ask. The Assassin Brotherhood has lasted for two thousand years since ancient times, so it is natural that she has come into contact with it. People like wizards know that these people have some strange abilities.

Bella closed the box. Now is not the time to deal with the Koh-i-Noor: “The Assassin Brotherhood has proven its strength. We are friends now, but I still have three questions about taking over as mentor.”

“You said.”

“First, can you alone make the decision on this matter? Don’t you need to discuss it with your companions, or the leaders of the brotherhood branches with the same status?

Second, as a mentor, how much rights can I get?

Third, what is the current policy of the Assassin Brotherhood, and what are its goals or expectations for the future? What do you want me to do? Continue to fight against the Templars, and also launch a crazy revenge against the Templars? ”

There are actually many questions in Bella’s mind, but these three are the core issues and must be clarified.

Gavin Banks expected this, and he answered one by one.

“The Assassin Brotherhood was betrayed and our organizational structure suffered heavy losses. Originally, the leaders of the Osaka Brotherhood were my teachers Miichi Mochizuki and Saeko Mochizuki, but they both died in the battle a while ago. I can take over the leadership position here.

Currently, there is only one branch leader in the United States who has the same status as me. We are willing to let you be our mentor because there are not many people in the Assassin Brotherhood. ”

He was very honest, and Bella didn’t hear any cover-up. It can be seen that the current situation of the Assassin Brotherhood is indeed very bad.

This is the main reason why they need external force. What if the external force is unwilling? What will Muddy Waters do? Let her be the leader! This is Gavin Banks’ plan.



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