Marvel’s Princess Chapter 310: Sadako’s agent


(Haha, the last chapter was blocked! Let’s be honest (=.=))

After completing the treatment of Bella’s wound and confirming their relationship, Natasha took a plane to leave Tokyo the next evening.

With Natasha gone, Bella’s life seems to be no different from before, except that the number of phone chats between the two has increased significantly. Now they can chat with great interest for half an hour over any trivial matter. .

In her spare time, Bella also continued to pay attention to the affairs of the Yashida family.

She cannot see clearly the future of this family, including many analysts, nor can they see where the family will go in the future, because the situation is too chaotic.

Yashida Shingen opened the coffin of his deceased father for an autopsy. Several coroners disclosed the autopsy report to the outside world, proving that the death time of Yashida was indeed several days earlier than the time announced to the outside world.

Yashida Shingen insisted that his father’s body was controlled by high-tech means, and the will in which his granddaughter inherited the inheritance was invalid! He is the undisputed heir to the family business.

As the third generation of the family, granddaughter Mariko Yashida argued hard in the media.

She spoke passionately about the relationship between her grandson and her grandfather, and no one knew what sweet words she used to fool Wolverine, who had a head full of mushy brains and suffered frequent amnesia.

On various occasions, she brought Wolverine with her, and repeatedly emphasized that in order to express gratitude for Wolverine’s life-saving grace, the old devil left, “If you have a daughter, I will marry her to you. If you don’t have a daughter, I will marry you.” Marry a granddaughter, or marry a granddaughter if you don’t have a granddaughter.”

Wolverine somehow got a wife and became a billionaire, although this wealth is still only on paper.

Faced with huge assets, Mariko Yashida’s former fiancé and the Minister of Justice in Japan were no longer calm. He claimed that he also had the right to inherit. The old devil’s family motto was not about Wolverine, but him.

The Minister of Justice is a senior government official after all and has a natural advantage in legal arbitration.

Yashida Shingen has been in charge of Yashida Enterprises for many years and has connections with the Yakuza organization. He is mobilizing the power in the dark to try to take back control of the enterprise.

Mariko Yashida has won the support of many old subordinates of the old Japanese. She performs miserably in front of the camera every day, and because she is young and beautiful, she also has many supporters.

Relying on their news, the entire Japanese media industry is very happy. There is news every day and new materials can be unearthed every day.

The elderly and young people support the young and beautiful Mariko, the middle-aged and the public support Yashida Shingen, and the government and several other financial groups are partial to the Minister of Justice.

Bella just watched the excitement, she did not participate in these things.

On the fifth day after Natasha left Japan, she contacted the middle-aged movie star who came to Japan to shoot commercials, Bob Harris, whom she had met at the store.

She investigated the income and expenditure of this middle-aged movie star in the past three years. This middle-aged man is a bit miserable. His wife is a typical American housewife. She has a lot of expenses in various aspects. Her children also need to go to school, which also requires a lot of money. of money.

It’s true that Bob Harris is a movie star, but he has expired.

My income in the past three years has basically been equal to no income. He has been living on his laurels. Otherwise, he would not have been called to Japan, a place he was unfamiliar with and the language was still unfamiliar to him, with just one phone call. He didn’t even have an assistant by his side. Seeing his dire financial situation.

Bella is going to persuade him to change his career, stop acting completely, and then become Sadako’s manager.

Bella can build relationships with several high-level film company executives, but she cannot build relationships with everyone. In many cases, the county magistrate is not as good as the current manager. Once the lower-level staff use some rules to embarrass a certain star, then You can really disgust this celebrity to death, but you can’t do anything about him.

At this time, the importance of an agent is reflected. It must be someone who is familiar with all aspects of Hollywood and whose character is trustworthy.

After some screening, Bella finally found unexpectedly that this middle-aged movie star was a perfect fit.

She has the right personality, the right personality, he is an old man in Hollywood, he is already past his prime, and he is very short of money. She feels that she has some confidence in asking him to change his career to become an agent.

The two met in a Western restaurant.

Bella arrived five minutes early and found that middle-aged movie star Bob Harris had arrived early. She quickly extended her right hand.

“Mr. Harris, I take the liberty of asking you out.”

The other party gently squeezed her hand and soon let go.

“Miss Johnson? Do you want something from me?” He forgot Bella’s ‘real name’ and only remembered a surname.

He didn’t know what a passerby like him, whom he had only met once, wanted to do with him, but he was really bored in Tokyo, and he would be willing to have a casual chat with him even if it was just a person who could speak English.

Miss Johnson? Bella thought it was a bit funny, but she didn’t correct it.

Neither myself nor Natasha has much contact with this middle-aged movie star, and it doesn’t matter what he calls her.

“It’s like this, Mr. Harris, I have a good Japanese friend, a female, this year…well, 20 years old, she wants to develop in Hollywood, I want to hire Mr. Harris to be my friend agent.”

Bella stated her purpose simply and directly.

Bob Harris had made some speculation before. He thought it was an advertising or other job, but he never expected that he would be asked to change his career to become an agent.

His first reaction was to refuse. He was already an international movie star, so why would he change his career to become an agent?

Bella continued: “I know Mr. Harris loves acting, but… I don’t want to say this, but times have changed. Now people are pursuing sensory stimulation, explosions and special effects. And simple plots, modern people want the so-called fast pace, everything is fast, eating fast, working fast, even when watching movies, they also want the whole movie to be fast-paced. ”

The middle-aged movie star nodded with a lonely look, that was indeed the case.

A good actor has the opportunity to experience all kinds of life. Some people are born with a love for acting. They can find different perspectives and insights from performances. The middle-aged Bob Harris is undoubtedly such a person.

Unfortunately, today’s Hollywood has also entered a strange circle. Capital is pursuing higher box office. It would rather invest money in promotion and distribution, and would rather chase actors with extremely high salaries than find someone to carve out an excellent actor. script.

Producers are stuck in their own successful modes and will not easily take a step outside because they are worried about unknown risks in the market.

The last script was shoddy and had numerous bugs.

Financiers, producers, and scripts are all dancing with shackles, and it’s even more serious when it comes to actors.

It’s useless for a movie star like Bob Harris to have acting skills. The script is so bad that he can’t show it at all.


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