Marvel’s Princess Chapter 297: Yata Mirror


On the other side, Bella found that her palms were empty. When she looked again, Laura, who had been by her side, was gone.

If you don’t see it, then see it. The female adventurer won’t be unable to cope with this small scene at the moment.

She must break open this space immediately and go deep into the tomb to see what Himihu is doing.

With a soft “click” sound, Bella blessed herself with an ice armor.

Three pieces of transparent thin ice appeared on her side like shields. The thin ice rotated twice and disappeared quickly. However, when she was hurt, the ice shield would automatically appear for protection.

“Japan’s artifact? What kind of artifact is it specifically?” Bella looked around carefully.

At this time, she was standing in a somewhat dilapidated field. The breeze was blowing, and a few weeds seemed to be growing tenaciously. The sky was dark, and there were many figures on the high mountains in the distance, which were like pillars of sky. Dancing in the firelight.

As if feeling her gaze, the number of dancers began to increase, and their figures became clearer and clearer.

“The more I see, the clearer it becomes? Is it actually taking advantage of my own psychology? It’s interesting.” Instead of closing her eyes, she continued to observe, with the intention of not giving up until she saw clearly.

The huge mountains in the distance became clearer and clearer in front of her eyes, and many singing and dancing figures seemed to be waving to her in a friendly manner.

Bella smiled and said nothing, seemingly unaware that the distance between the giant mountain and her was shortening rapidly, and instead kept pace with interest.

If the environment didn’t allow it, she would have danced a dance to cope with it.

The giant mountain seemed to have grown legs. At first it was ten thousand meters away from her, and it was just a small bump in the field of vision.

But as she glanced fiercely, the distance between the giant mountain and her was rapidly closing.

Ten thousand meters, one thousand meters, one hundred meters, and soon the distance reached ten meters.

Many figures became real, and several images of gods with obvious facial features were recognized by Bella.

“Ebisu, the God of the Earth?”

“This is the **** in charge of food. What is its name? Yujia or Dijia?”

“This is… the Takemori God of Thunder from Kojiki?”

Bella folded her arms and watched from below. Whenever she said the name of a god, the aura of the corresponding **** would become much higher, and her appearance and demeanor would become more vivid, as if she was facing a real god. Same.

Bella even saw a few modern people in the singing and dancing team.

They were either wearing weird and rough cloth, or they were wearing combat uniforms with pistols on their waists. But at this time, without exception, they all lost their own nature and followed a group of ‘gods’ there to follow the rhythm. carnival.

“Yata mirror.”

The features were so obvious that Bella easily guessed the name of this artifact.

Countless gods on the giant mountain all turned their heads, either ferociously or contemptuously. All the gods were staring at her.

This number is simply unbelievable. It can really be described as countless. They are so densely packed that there are so many gods that you can’t even see the edge at a glance.

“Are you scaring me? I won’t let you guys go together, I’m sorry for you!” Bella’s right hand suddenly raised.

The next moment the temperature suddenly dropped by more than thirty degrees.

The originally dark sky gathered a large amount of pale white fog.

This is the strongest attack spell that Bella currently masters, a fourth-level group attack spell, Ice Storm!

“Die, you scum!” She raised her hand and pointed.

Hailstones flying all over the sky covered the huge mountain.

The howling wind immediately extinguished the flames on the top of the mountain, and the world was completely surrounded by darkness.

The extremely cold temperature began to spread on the mountain, and the few ordinary people trapped in it were frozen to death.

The remaining ‘gods’ who only have shadows and no concrete entities are like bubbles, which turned into air when they were hit by the hail.

“Why are you doing this? Are you a devil?”

“Please, have mercy on the Japanese people? The Japanese people need light, please, help us!”

“You are so cold! Is your heart made of ice?”

The remaining ‘gods’ began to talk to her.

Some were threatening, some were abusive, and some were begging.

Bella was not moved at all.

She once again released a second-level spell called Crystal Storm at the top of the mountain. Then she worked hard to adjust her breath, accumulated the remaining spiritual energy, and cast a fourth-level ice storm again.

The spells obtained from Calypso are basically ice-based spells.

Reality is not a game. There is no difference between fire and ice spells. All spells are the shaping and release of their own magic powers. Storm, fire, and ice are just elements changed after the spell is shaped.

Bella learned all the ice-based spells just because she thought the ice-based spells were more beautiful…

The flames can easily burn or explode oneself, and then it will run like a rabbit. What else is there to say about beauty? The same goes for the storm, which blows itself into a mess, like a madman…

Ice type is the simplest, it freezes the enemy with a ‘click’, it’s cool and clean!

The ‘eight million gods’ on the giant mountain were destroyed by two consecutive ice storms. She stepped forward, and the giant mountain took a small step back.

“Haha.” Bella smiled.

Her speed suddenly increased to the extreme, and she slashed out with her sword at the upper middle of the giant mountain.

The illusion is like glass. First, the center was cut open, and then a large number of spider-like cracks appeared. Finally, large pieces fell off. Just before Bella was about to be pushed out of this illusion world, she quickly stretched out her arms. A golden round mirror with a simple shape was grabbed out of the air.

Yata mirror.

The Yata Mirror’s ability to create illusions was broken, and there was no one to control it. At this time, it was struggling slightly in Bella’s hands. When a layer of ice enveloped her hands, the mirror completely stopped moving.

Although it is a Japanese artifact, it is still an artifact. Bella, who has always been a poor child, took the mirror and looked at both the front and back.

This thing is larger than the palm of your hand. The frame is carved with fine and simple cloud patterns, and the back has patterns of bamboo, plum, and pine and crane.

Under her gaze, the spirit of Gao Tianyuan in the mirror slowly disappeared, and finally turned into a bronze mirror with a golden luster. The reflection reflected in the mirror vaguely resembled her.

“Your original owner doesn’t want you anymore, can you follow me from now on?” Bella asked in the mirror.

The Japanese word “agree” soon appeared in the middle of the mirror.

Bella smiled, this guy was subdued too quickly.

She was worried and decided to test it again.

“Can you speak English?”


“What about French?”


“What about Russian?”


Every time Bella changes a language, the words on the Yata Mirror will be converted into corresponding words.

After asking a few common sense questions, Bella suddenly asked.

“Yata Mirror, Yata Mirror, tell me, who is the most beautiful woman in the world?”


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