Marvel’s Princess Chapter 295: Holy Trinity


Five minutes later, the father and daughter finally got over the excitement of recognizing each other and began to discuss the practical issues at hand.

From Laura’s perspective, she can reunite with her father, so she will not be so active in the next action of rescuing Lu Ren. If something happens to her biological father because of rescuing Lu Ren, she will I would rather let Lu Ren die.

This is something that is understandable. There is a difference between closeness and distance.

One is a passerby, and the other is her biological father. Which one is more important, she has to weigh in her heart.

But her moral sense and her own kindness do not allow her to retreat. Lu Ren is here to help her, and now she must find the person and rescue him.

Laura is still ready to rescue people as planned.

“Laura, those people are very cruel. You stay here while Miss Swan and I go rescue people!” the middle-aged man Richard Crawford said generously.

Bella stood aside and watched, saying nothing.

According to her observation, Laura’s father’s fighting ability is really average. The fact that he was trapped on the island for seven years and hid in Tibet every day can explain the problem.

What would happen if Lara was thrown onto the island? It doesn’t take seven years, she can kill an elite division in seven days…

Laura’s father is a laggard in the entire rescue operation. It is better not to take him with him.

Bella said: “My skills are pretty good. You father and daughter can talk more, and I can just go rescue people by myself.”


“Too dangerous!”

Father and daughter both objected.

After talking nonsense for a long time, we finally decided that the three of us would go together.

Laura also realized that her father was a scholar and explorer, not a soldier, and he probably had no fighting ability, so she immediately gave her father the pistol.

Although the assets of the Crawford family are controlled by outsiders, Laura’s father is also a billionaire and knows how to use firearms.

The three of them walked towards the north of the island together, with Bella in front and Laura and her daughter behind.

There is no problem with their current direction. Laura’s father has been playing hide-and-seek with the mysterious armed forces for seven years, and is very familiar with the nearby terrain. Under his leadership, the three of them soon arrived at an outskirts of the mysterious armed forces. Camp.

The group occupied an indigenous village on the island and conducted extensive excavation work near the village.

Bottomless caves can be seen everywhere. It is very difficult to enter the island from the outside. There is basically no large-scale excavation equipment. The mysterious armed forces can only use manpower to carry out brutal excavations.

From Laura’s father’s mouth, they determined the name of this mysterious armed force, Holy Trinity! It is an ancient military organization that aims to find the mysterious power of the earth. The Holy Trinity has a close relationship with the Knights Templar.

“The Knights Templar reached its peak in the fourteenth century. The armed forces in their hands could lead the throne changes of many European kings. King Philip IV of France accused the Knights of heresy and burned the knights’ grand master. The leader was Jacques De Molay. It is said that it was at that time that a group of Templar Knights left the Order to form the Holy Trinity…”

Richard Crawford was very knowledgeable. Although he dressed like a savage, he spoke well and had all kinds of historical materials at his fingertips.

Bella also knew this period of history very well, and she even knew that it was the Assassin Brotherhood that secretly pushed Philip IV to make the decision to expel the Knights Templar.

She asked curiously: “Is Holy Trinity one of the fanatical believers? Just like the monastery abbot and Crusader leader Almo Amory?”

Richard Crawford glanced at her in surprise. This woman knew a lot.

“Miss Swan, you are right. If my research is correct, Almo Amory is a member of the Holy Trinity. Some of their bullets today still have Almo Amory’s quotes on them. …..”

When he said this, he paused, and Bella took the next sentence: “Kill them all, and the Lord will know who are His believers. Is this a sentence? In this way, the Holy Trinity is a group of lunatics. Ah…”

Whether Holy Trinity is a lunatic or not, they all have reasons to continue fighting.

The three of them walked through the river valley and soon arrived outside Holy Trinity’s camp.

Chaos! At this time, the camp could be said to be in chaos.

Madias led his followers to find the military leader of the Holy Trinity in Yamatai, decisively betrayed Himich, and served as the leader.

Holy Trinity responded immediately and headed to the mausoleum with a large number of weapons and explosives.

These people are desperadoes, and they are all in the business of licking blood with their swords.

They don’t care about Himihu or the Queen of Japan. They just know that they have to find the target, kill the enemy, and finally go back to deliver the undead corpse.

The military leader of Holy Trinity on Yamatai Island took away most of the soldiers. At this time, Lu Ren immediately summoned many workers to resist. They snatched weapons and relied on their advantage of numbers to fight against the remnants of Holy Trinity. Soldiers fight to the death.

Bella and the others came to the camp and saw this scene.

Laura drew the bowstring, seeming a little hesitant about killing.

Seeing that her father raised his hand and shot an enemy to death, she also put aside all worries and shot a soldier holding a submachine gun to death.

Lu Ren led many people who were coerced to work by Holy Trinity and began to fight back.

Some snatched the weapons of the soldiers left behind, and some picked up the shovels and hammers in their hands.

Even the mole sent by Bella, a rich man, picked up a thick wooden stick and hit a soldier on the side on the head. He was also very unhappy when he was forced to dig soil for a day.

“My friends have been captured in the catacombs. I’ll go find them first!” Bella simply explained that A Lin, who secretly followed Holy Trinity, has found the entrance to the tomb. Now the main force of Holy Trinity is Fighting with those storm warriors.

“I’ll go with you!” The constant fighting also awakened the adventure factor in Laura. After introducing Lu Ren to her father, she jumped into a jeep that Bella found in the camp, and the two Head northwest of the camp.

What good things has Holy Trinity done in the past seven years? That is, they ordered workers to build the roads between several nearby camps.

The jeep is not bumpy when driving on gravel roads.

They crossed the river beach, then skirted a muddy swamp, and finally reached the back of the mountain, where was the entrance to the catacombs.

Lara’s archery skills are good.

Many enemies fell to Laura’s arrows along the way.

The closer she got to the catacombs, the clearer Bella’s feelings became.

The source of the storm surrounding Yamatai Island is here, and these powers should belong to Himihu.

But…what’s going on with the ghostly energy in this power now? This ghostly spirit felt a little familiar to Bella, but she couldn’t remember who it was for a moment.

They followed the battle traces left by Holy Trinity soldiers along the way, pursued them all the way, and finally broke into a World War II-style Japanese military base.


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