Marvel’s Princess Chapter 294: What nonsense are you telling the truth


After a lot of effort, the two finally passed through the extremely narrow gap, walked out of the mountainous area, and entered the jungle.

The two are about the same age and have similar hobbies. Whether they are talking about ancient Japanese mythology or some Sikh teachings, they can talk together.

They walked quickly in the forest. As they talked, Laura remembered the time when Bella pushed her before she was caught in the gap. The force was so strong that she almost burst… ….

Laura squeezed Bella’s arm: “Your muscles are so beautiful. How did you get them?”

“I have a secret base where I often do some high-intensity upper body training.” Bella told the truth and didn’t hide anything.

She is doing similar training, Natasha is doing it, Barbara is doing it, and even Samantha, a middle-aged woman, sometimes goes to the gym to build muscles.

In order to pursue physical fitness, many women practice yoga and Pilates, but there are also many women who do muscle exercises.

The fitness theory in the West believes that for every kilogram of muscle added, the caloric consumption will increase by one hundred calories, which means that the metabolic level has increased and the body will burn fat faster. From a health perspective, it is better than simply Aerobic exercise is more suitable for women.

With increased strength, it is more convenient in life. When you encounter a pervert, you can punch him in the face, kick him hard, hold a baby with one hand, or easily carry a suitcase when taking transportation. Something…

Limited by testosterone, it is difficult for women to build large muscles like men. Many women’s arms look slender, but their actual strength is not bad.

Bella could tell that Laura had done a lot of physical training and muscle training, and she talked about several exercises she was used to doing.

While talking, Laura’s voice suddenly lowered. The two of them were sharing the same sorrow, and they were very compatible with each other’s personalities, so she asked a more private question.

“You maintain such a large amount of exercise for a long time…how do you deal with those impulses?”

Actually, what Laura asked was a very professional question.

More exercise means more oxygen in the blood. During exercise, endorphins, substances that make the body feel very comfortable, are also released, which will also deepen the body’s impulse.

Many relationships in the gym are born in this way, but those feelings come and go quickly.

Laura looked at her face and asked with confusion: “Rely on your boyfriend? Or rely on your girlfriend? Or rely on your hands…?”

Bella patted her shoulder lightly: “I’m not that hungry… I have a way to adjust my breathing to keep myself calm. Humans are not beasts, and ancient sages have noticed this problem. , they have developed many effective methods for this.”

Bella does have in-depth research in this area. Again, the more people control the mind, the more problems there are in the mind!

The human heart is a very complicated thing. Japanese actors can commit suicide at the age of eighty. Many times, the mind goes into a dead end, which can be very dangerous.

Keeping oneself calm at all times is a necessary practice that many religions require believers to do.

Bella gave Laura a pass and talked about a lot of useless things before returning to the topic: “I synthesized many religious scriptures and developed a method to resolve impulses and transform impulses into strength again. I have only taught my sister the breathing method, and the effect is pretty good. Do you want to learn it?”

Laura nodded quickly. Many times, this kind of impulse is not something that can be tolerated. It is very uncomfortable to hold it in. She has no lover now, and she doesn’t want to have a one-night stand.

She was quite interested in the breathing method in Bella’s mouth.

“Then let me ask you a question.” Bella drawled: “Who is the most beautiful woman in the world?”

Laura: “…”

She really wanted to ask Bella, has your fever not gone away yet? But looking at her serious face, she didn’t ask after all.

“You are the most beautiful woman.”

“The attitude is not serious enough. Please answer me again. This question is very important.”

“Okay, okay, cough! You are the most beautiful woman!”

Bella frowned slightly, these pretty women are just difficult to deal with! Natasha was like this back then, and Laura is like this now, too perfunctory!

“Actually, I think you can be louder and braver, just tell the truth. Is it that difficult?”

Laura looked around, and there was not even a ghost around. Although she didn’t understand Bella’s intention, she didn’t feel that she would lose anything by saying a word.

Correct your attitude and say in a voice that is almost like roaring: “You are the most beautiful woman in the world! -“

Very good! Bella felt it, and her spiritual power was growing rapidly! She was satisfied.

Originally, she no longer uses these tricks. What limits her is her understanding of the world, the depth of her heart, not the breadth of her heart. But there was no way, who let Calypso plot against her? There is nothing left to be done, and idleness is nothing but idleness. It’s good to be able to recover a little bit.

To her, the compliments from beautiful women like Laura are worth a hundred.

If a hundred Lauras were to stand here and praise her all the time, she would probably be back to her full glory in five or six hours.

“What nonsense are you talking about? Just know it in your heart…you don’t have to shout it out loud…I will teach you a unique breathing method now. If you get used to it, then While breathing, you can regain your strength…”

Bella kept her promise and taught Laura her original breathing method to restore blood! You can regain your strength just by breathing.

This method is a combination of many secret techniques from religions. So far, she has only taught Natasha, and Laura is the second one.

As she was talking, while she was thinking about how to add some more compliments, she suddenly noticed a peeping gaze diagonally behind her.

She turned around sharply. What she saw in her eagle vision was not a hostile target, but she still shouted: “Who is there? Come out!”

There was a sway in the trees, Bella pulled out the Immortal Sword from the simple scabbard she made, and Laura also drew the bow string.

“Laura! Is that you?” A middle-aged man with a beard and a shabby brown shirt walked out of the bushes.

Who is this? Bella didn’t know who it was for a moment.

Laura recognized the person at a glance and was stunned for a few seconds.

“Dad? It’s me! I’m your little Laura–” The female explorer’s eyes were filled with tears. She let go of the bow string, her face full of disbelief.

Laura rushed over quickly and hugged the middle-aged man tightly: “Dad, how did you find me? Have you been following us?”

You yelled so loudly that you woke me up!

The middle-aged man remained silent and did not speak. He just hugged his daughter hard, his eyes slightly red.

Bella frowned, this middle-aged man has been following them? Didn’t he hear some private conversations between women?


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