Marvel’s Princess Chapter 293: Sadako Yamamura vs Himiko


Just like Himiko strolling through the courtyard, the area she walked through quickly changed from the ordinary streets, houses and courtyards to palaces, golden murals and the sea.

The power of the storm began to erode Sadako’s inner world. When it was completely filled, the seizure of the body was officially completed.

Himihu was very urgent. She had a hunch that things would not be so easy, but she believed that the interference came from the outside world and that those outsiders would come to destroy her plan, so she used the Yata Mirror.

But it wasn’t until a well appeared in front of her that she realized that she was wrong, how wrong it was…

Her worries must come from this well, this seemingly ordinary well.

Is this something magical? ! The moment she saw the well, she even thought she was facing a whole underworld.

How can normal people have such things in their hearts?

Don’t you want to live anymore? Open a direct door to Hirazan in the depths of your heart? Himiko really wanted to ask Sadako, what on earth do you think? Is it so difficult to think about it?

Although he doesn’t know why, Himihu is also a very decisive person.

What did she spend eighteen hundred years doing? Don’t you just want to die?

Seeing that Huangquan Hirasaka seemed to be using the well to open a passage, she controlled her storm power to seal the well without saying a word.

Sadako Yamamura is so angry!

As a fierce ghost who has lived in the real world for more than thirty years, Yamamura Sadako is far more powerful than Bella imagined.

After all, Immortal Killing is just a knife. Can one knife kill all the Immortals in the world? Bella kept things simple. She overestimated herself and underestimated the enemy.

You know, this knife has an upper limit.

The sacrifice of little Sadako does not mean that the evil ghost Yamamura Sadako is completely dead. At the critical moment, she left her own evil, the ultimate emotion transformed from resentment, deep in the heart of eldest Sadako , because they are originally one body, she hides it very deeply.

A personality that gathered all the evil thoughts of Yamamura Sadako was hidden in this way.

Bella didn’t know, O Sadako, who had a bit of a cowardly personality, didn’t know, and even Himiko hadn’t noticed it before.

This part of the evil personality chooses to hide. When O Sadako encounters injustice again or encounters some harm, it will jump out again, fuse and occupy the body.

The process of immortality and reincarnation is also extremely important for evil personalities.

Once the evil side reoccupies the body, at that time, Yamamura Sadako will no longer be a ghost, and of course not a human being. At that time, she will be the spirit ghost recorded in ancient classics, and it is difficult for one among tens of billions of people to be born. , a living ghost.

Unfortunately, all the good plans were ruined by Himihu…

No matter how unwilling she is, the evil side has to take action now. If she doesn’t take action, her body will be taken over by Himihu!

Countless amounts of viscous plasma gurgled out from the mouth of the well. The plasma gathered into a wide river, mixed with a large number of animal and human bones. The river of blood spread very quickly, and Himihu’s feet were instantly submerged. , then the calves, knees, and all the way to the waist.

The evil side in Yamamura Sadako’s heart goes all out as soon as it comes up. There is no pity or sympathy in it, but only resentment.

Himiko has not done anything for many years, and her reaction was a whole beat too slow. After realizing that she was being attacked by the enemy, she was furious: “How dare a lonely ghost attack me? I am the queen! Get out of here. ! ”

Normal female ghosts really don’t dare to mess with her.

No matter how small the Japanese country is, it is still a country, and Himihu still has a certain kingly aura.

But she underestimated Yamamura Sadako, and she didn’t know that the female ghost had just been suppressed by another queen the day before yesterday.

She, the Queen of Japan, was not enough in front of the Queen of Tang Dynasty.

Originally, Yamamura Sadako hadn’t thought of this incident, but now seeing Himiko using her king’s majesty to suppress her, she exploded on the spot!

Both one and two are here to bully me? I can’t afford to offend you, so I’m going to hide. Is that okay? Now that I am hiding, you still want to suppress me? Am I that weak?

All the old and new grudges were taken into account, Yamamura Sadako’s evil side exploded with 120% fighting power. This made Himiko, who only carried the Shikon Jade with Yata Kagami, very difficult. Embarrassed.

Queen Yamatai controlled the storm to attack. Her attack was as fierce as a storm, giving the enemy no chance to breathe. However, after attacking for a long time, she could only compete with Sadako’s evil side.

She cannot retreat. Once she retreats, her spirit body will become the opponent’s supply.

Sadako has no way to retreat, she has already hidden it in the deepest part of her heart, where else can she retreat to? Let’s fight!

Himihu’s magic skills are extremely profound. She controls the storms in the spiritual world to attack in all directions. Tornadoes continue to bombard the well that is Sadako’s last refuge. Heavy rain pours. The blood river composed of blood is separated by water waves. Thunder and lightning all around. He poured out his energy unscrupulously, just to kill Sadako’s last bit of resistance.

Sadako doesn’t know any magic, and she doesn’t have a long life of 1,800 years.

But she can use the blood river spreading from the well mouth to corrode the opponent’s spirit body.

Her power is completely made of resentment and is extremely complex. She does not need to pursue her own purity like Bella, Himihu and Ogun.

A clear creek is easily polluted, but how can a smelly ditch full of garbage and waste be polluted?

At this time, she can use her own characteristics to contaminate the opponent, which is exactly the same as Calypso used to deal with Bella before.

The difference is that Bella is weak and Calypso is strong, but here Sadako is weak and Himiko is strong.

Everything is easy to destroy but difficult to build.

A barefooted one has to fight tooth and nail against a shoed one. Even if the shoed one is stronger than the barefooted one, he will still be in a very awkward situation. He must be careful when fighting, which makes Himihu play particularly conservatively.

She wants to eliminate Sadako’s evil side and ensure that the other party doesn’t get mud all over her.

Himihu’s method is one that many old people will use. Seek stability, don’t make rash advances, keep a calm mind, rely on stronger magical attainments and accumulation, and wear down Sadako Yamamura to death little by little!


I don’t know the tug of war in the catacombs.

The duo of Bella and Laura are still on their way in the mountains.

They came to a U-shaped gap that could only be passed sideways. Through this, they would be completely out of the mountainous area.

Bella passed easily.

Laura? …Laura’s ⊙⊙ is a bit big, and her upper body is directly stuck…

“This is really troublesome! Help me!” the female adventurer shouted.

Is this the trouble of happiness? Are you showing off?

Bella hurried back, pulling, squeezing and pushing.

The force she used was a bit too strong, and Laura couldn’t help but scream.

“Tap it! Tap it! You’re going to squeeze me to death!”

“Breathe in! Breathe in hard!”

“This is not about inhaling, you don’t understand!”

Bella: “…If you keep talking, I won’t care about you!”


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