Marvel’s Princess Chapter 292: Respective actions


Apocalypse said that he had waited five thousand years for a powerful psychic like Professor Charles. In his time, there were too few mutants with powerful abilities.

At this time, Himiko also had similar feelings. She felt that she was protected by Amaterasu, and she was so lucky!

Bimihu’s zombie-like body in the coffin swayed slightly, and a bronze mirror engraved with many mysterious inscriptions was held by her right hand and she slowly lifted it out of the coffin.

A tall warrior wearing a full set of armor walked out of the air. He was the leader of the Storm Warriors, General Storm.

The undead man first knelt down and saluted the coffin, and then took off the bronze mirror with both hands.

As soon as the bronze mirror left Himihu’s hand, it immediately glowed with inexplicable vitality. All the rust on the mirror surface fell off. The patterns of bamboo plums and turtles and cranes behind the mirror gradually became clear, and shadows appeared in the middle of the bronze mirror. There are many lively scenes of men and women singing and dancing.

According to legend, when Amaterasu was hiding in Amano Iwato and Japan was in darkness, the gods in Takamagahara Gods made a mirror using Tenken stone and iron from Mount Tenkin. The gods sang and danced in front of the mirror to seduce the gods. Amaterasu, who was unable to leave the house, watched, and this restored light to Japan.

The mirror Himihu gave to General Storm is the legendary artifact, the Yata Mirror.

General Storm expelled Mathias and other members of the human sect very roughly, and then sealed the entire tomb. This seizure was crucial and could not be disturbed anymore. In order to ensure the smooth progress of the entire process, Himihu pressed the bottom of the box All the artifacts were taken out.

It doesn’t matter what mysterious armed forces or Mathias are now. As long as she can get a new body and give Himiko time to breathe, she can kill all those ordinary people.

“Boom!” With a muffled sound, General Storm closed the tomb completely. Mathias’s face looked ugly. He was abandoned like a dog.

But he didn’t dare to resist. He had seen the ferocity of General Storm. Now General Storm used the power of Yata Mirror to raise a dream-like curtain, sealing the tomb tightly so that no one could enter. .

Mathias was very loyal to Himich before. He wanted to obtain immortality by relying on his loyalty, but now the other party has abandoned him like a pair of shoes. How loyal he was before, but now he is so resentful.

The human heart is the most complicated thing in the world. After a few thoughts flashed through his mind, he made up his mind.

Madias sneered at the tomb. If he can’t do anything, can others not do it either?

He left the underground palace with his cronies, and he was going to join the armed forces who were trying their best to find Himihu’s location.

Can’t the door of this tomb be opened with explosives and firearms? No matter how powerful the Storm Warrior is, can it compete with a submachine gun?

Yata mirror? What it is? In his opinion, it was just a broken bronze mirror.

Seeing Mathias leaving the tomb with his followers, General Storm firmly guarded the door. Anyone who wanted to pass through must step on his body.


In the side hall of the tomb, the female doctor was **** with her hands and hung from the ceiling. There were many mummies hanging around her, including men and women. There were also a large number of decayed corpses piled on the ground. The one to her left happened to be hanging. with a burning female corpse.

As the door was closed, she immediately opened her eyes.

She has been hiding with her parents since she was a child, and she is able to live to the age of forty with all her beard and tail intact. She is not lacking in the ability to deal with dangerous situations.

Looking left and right, she aimed at the burning female corpse next to her.

She strained her waist and legs like a swing, leaning against the burning female corpse, using the flames above to burn the rope around her wrists.

“Not good!” The rope hanging her was burned, and the female doctor quickly fell to the ground. Only then did she see clearly that there was a sharp steel bar right where she landed…

Under the influence of gravity, there was a muffled “pop” sound, and a large hole was pierced through the female doctor’s abdomen from front to back by the steel bar.

The kidney was punctured, and there were signs of tearing from the wound. The steel bars were placed in a pile of rotting corpses without any disinfection. The female doctor was so painful that she fainted on the spot.


The movement the female doctor made in the side hall was discovered by Himihu, but she didn’t care. She didn’t have time to pay attention to a small character now.

Himihu’s decayed body slowly stood up, and Sadako hovered two meters in front of her.

Although Sadako kept calling and said a lot of “no”, “no” and “don’t come close to me”, Himiko’s body still stood upright in front of her.

She couldn’t care less about the flame purification ritual or the self-cultivation of the container.

Himiko only wants Sadako’s body and her powers.

It doesn’t matter whether it fits or not, she is going to take the body by force and then adjust it little by little.

Himihu was as dry as a zombie. There was not much muscle left on her face. The gray skin tightly wrapped her cheekbones. The eyeballs in the eye sockets had long since rotted, and now only two black holes remained.

Sadako’s thoughts are still stuck in the 1960s. How could she have seen such an exciting scene?

Himihu didn’t care about her resistance, she used the most direct and simple method to seize the body.

The mummy-like forehead was pressed against Sadako’s head, and her spirit body, which had survived for eighteen hundred years, rushed over instantly.

A living body! She immediately felt the rich breath of life in this body.

Satisfied, really satisfied! If she takes possession of this body, with her magical attainments and vision, she can make this body survive forever. One thousand or two thousand years is not a problem.

From now on, she no longer has to mess around with any body-taking rituals.

She didn’t care about Sadako’s resistance at all, and Himiko’s consciousness began to go deep into Sadako’s heart.

As she walked, she found that she was getting colder and colder, and the surrounding environment began to become humid.

Good at using the power of storms, Himiko is not averse to humid environments, but likes them very much. She feels that Sadako’s inner world is also very suitable for her.

In Sadako’s inner world, Himiko restored her appearance when she was the queen of Japan. She had a beautiful face, wore a golden crown of the sun symbolizing Amaterasu, a brocade robe with gorgeous patterns, and a silk robe around her neck. Wearing a dark green jade.

Ki Taoism believes that everything in the world has its own soul, namely the lucky soul, the harmonious soul, the wild soul and the strange soul. The jade that integrates these four spiritual bodies is the jade of the four souls. Himiko is wearing it around his neck at this time. It is the Jade of the Four Souls that has powerful psychic abilities. This jade allows her soul to retain most of its original vitality after thousands of years.

This effect is very powerful. You must know that Ogun only lived for four hundred years, and his soul can hardly hold on.

The body has its limits, and so does the soul.


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