Marvel’s Princess Chapter 291: Himiko


Laura was also aware of this problem. Limited by her inherent way of thinking, she did not expect extraordinary power. She just thought it was too coincidental. She even felt that Bella and the three women had a mole. With two shots, she tried her best to kill the enemy, and she was so sick that she didn’t look like a bad person. She suspected that the female doctor was a mole…

No way, girls her age have always lacked trust in middle-aged women, and the female doctor’s unintentional caution and caution were considered by her to be a sign of a guilty conscience.

Laura asked: “Do you want to find them?”

Bella’s tone was full of murderous intent: “No, I want to destroy them!”

Laura wants to find her father, and she also wants to know the conspiracy hidden behind these guys.

I nodded and agreed immediately.

She used her free time to make a simple bow and arrow, Bella retrieved her immortal sword, and both of them had weapons.

The seized pistol was a German HK45, and there were seven rounds of ammunition in the magazine.

Once the gun was fired, there was a lot of movement, which was not in line with the two people’s original intention of sneaking, investigating and killing. Bella didn’t want it, so she stuffed the pistol into Laura’s waist.

After making preparations, they quickly left the cave and ran towards the distance. It was not difficult to determine the direction. This group of mysterious armed forces was using gunpowder to smash the mountain unscrupulously. They would definitely be right to follow the sound and chase them.


If you take a bird’s eye view from the sky, you will find that Bella and Laura are located on the outermost edge of the island, and they are approaching the central area very carefully.

In the central area of ​​the island, due to the lack of theoretical guidance from Laura and her father, the mysterious armed forces were unable to determine the true location of the tomb of Queen Yamatai Himiko. They could only cast a wide net, covering an area of ​​more than two hundred square kilometers. Find it in the stupidest way possible.

Exploding mountains, digging soil, not sparing an inch of land, searching little by little, this search lasted seven years!

Many fishermen whose boats were wrecked due to the storm outside Yamatai Island, and many Southeast Asians who wanted to sneak to Japan were taken into camps and became the labor force of mysterious armed forces.

Everyone worked under gunpoint. Among them, the longest ones had lived on the island for more than thirty years. After the mysterious armed forces came to the island, they were kidnapped to work. The shortest ones were Lu Ren and Terun. Special, the two of them have just been here for a day.

In the deepest part of Yamatai Island, among the high mountains, there is a magnificent underground palace.

The Queen of Yamatai Kingdom, Himihu, who was named the King of Japan by Cao Wei, has been here for more than 1,800 years.

To be able to live to this age, she is definitely not an ordinary person.

Apocalypse, who has lived for five thousand years, Himihu, who has lived for nearly two thousand years, and Ogun, who has lived for four hundred years, strictly speaking, there is no difference between them.

They are all powerful mutants who use their powerful mental power to seize bodies and rely on a steady stream of new bodies to maintain their lives.

At most, Apocalypse has the strongest means and has lived the longest, followed by Himihu, and Ogun is the weakest.

Other than that, there is really no difference between the three of them.

Himihu also needs a new container to carry her soul. She has created many original teachings and cultivation methods of Ghost Taoism. Her spiritual power is much stronger than Ogun. She only needs to take away her body once every hundred years.

She used the teachings of Ghost Taoism to recruit many young women. Himiko taught them all kinds of knowledge and taught simple magic. She was fair and selfless. It seemed that she was a qualified mentor and queen. In fact, she would teach them every hundred years. Choose a new container that suits you.

Each generation of Queen Yamatai is named Himihu, and each generation of Himihu will lie about letting the winner among the priests get his name and kingdom. In fact, this is all a lie, just for the sake of smoothly seizing the body. The trick of lowering the body’s resistance, from beginning to end, there was only one Himihu. She had no heir, and she has lived to this day.

Himihu has set up a set of rituals in Kidoism to identify the compatibility between a new container and one’s own soul.

After the new container completes all aspects of learning, it will undergo a so-called ‘fire purification’ ritual of the body.

The flames are extinguished, which means that the new body can accommodate the power of the storm in Himihu’s soul. If the new body is burned to death, it means that it is not suitable.

Her plan had been going well, but the secret was discovered by the priestess of the previous generation. The priestess was full of resentment and stabbed Himihu at a critical moment in the ceremony, and then committed suicide with a knife.

Himihu had no choice but to take his extremely old body and rely on suspended animation to wait for the opportunity to get a new body.

She turned the soldiers who were loyal to her into storm warriors. She used the storm warriors to protect her own safety, and at the same time, she took in the survivors who were living on the island. She appointed a man named Mathias as the leader of the sect to help Find a new host yourself.

Madias did not dare to go to war with the mysterious armed forces entrenched in the center of the island. He only had a few wooden spears in his hands, and everyone else had submachine guns and pistols. What the hell!

It was he who sent his men to communicate with the armed forces on the island and leaked the exact time when Laura and the others landed on the island.

But just when he was about to cooperate further, Himihu personally conveyed the ‘oracle’ to him, gave up cooperation, and brought over one of the women who landed on the island!

It was under these conditions that Sadako and the female doctor landed on the island from another beach, were knocked unconscious by the immortal storm warrior, and then passed through the hidden mountain col and finally arrived at Himihu’s tomb.

The female doctor is older, but has strong fish-human blood in her body. In Himihu’s eyes, this ghost-like foreign woman is valuable.

If you really have no choice, it’s not impossible to make do with it.

But in front of another talented person, the fish-man bloodline that the female doctor inherited from the fish-men was not enough.

Himihu’s body is still in a state of suspended animation, but her spirit body is looking at Yamamura Sadako.

Great! This woman made her so satisfied that she didn’t even know what to say.

She felt that Sadako was even in better health than Himiko herself was 1,800 years ago!

First of all, this is a Japanese woman, and her appearance matches Himiko’s aesthetics.

The second thing is temperament. As the founder of Ghost Taoism, Himiko has studied ghosts very deeply. At this time, she felt that Sadako was too in line with her teachings. If Sadako hadn’t been flesh and blood and had a cowardly expression, she would have even He thought that the person standing in front of him was a ghost, a fierce ghost!

Himihu really can’t understand how, under normal circumstances, such a freak could be born in the material world? With a strong aura of underworld, according to her understanding, this is the spirit ghost recorded in ancient classics. It is difficult for such an alternative to be born among 100 million, 1 billion or 10 billion people.

Finally, and what attracts Himiko the most is Sadako’s mutant ability.

She could tell at a glance, the healing ability! If you can heal others, you can also heal yourself. If you don’t want to die, then theoretically, you can live forever.


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