Marvel’s Princess Chapter 288: Bella and Laura


Looking at the blood on her hands and the minced meat splattered on her clothes, Laura felt sick in her stomach. She lay on the side and vomited, all the contents in her stomach were vomited. Then he started to retching.

Bella waited for nearly a minute for the girl Laura to say goodbye to her past before waving for help.

“Save…save me…”

Her voice was very weak and lacked energy. It was impossible to hear her in this thunderstorm!

But the waving movement was seen by Laura.

It was then that she realized that she had a friend whom she had known for less than two hours and whom she had never spoken to.

Laura helped her up.

“Come on… you are being watched, this is a trap, these people… these people know you… you are coming here.”

Bella spoke intermittently about her analysis.

Laura is not a fool. After her reminder, she immediately discovered the clues in the matter.

It is very dangerous to stay at the scene at this time and you must leave immediately.

“Knife, my knife…”

Laura wanted to get the knife, but she stopped her. In the end, she could only help her, came to the body of the man with the gun, and pulled out the immortal sword.

Bella now really didn’t have the strength to explain the extraordinary nature of this knife, so she asked Laura to support her, came to the duo of broken legs, pointed at the throat, and killed them all with one knife.

“Guns…clothes…supplies,” Bella said.

Laura was extremely immature at this time, and she had just killed a person, so it was a time when she was at a loss.

The pistol fell to the ground in plain sight and you didn’t even know to pick it up?

After dawdling for another three minutes, the battlefield was roughly cleaned.

Bella asked Laura to dig a hole, mark it, and then bury the Immortal Sword in the hole. It was a bit dangerous to hold the knife now. She was worried that Laura would accidentally touch it and die.

When she recovers, she won’t need the knife. If she doesn’t recover, the knife won’t be of much use. Now times have changed, everyone is holding a pistol, and there are too few people with a samurai spirit!

After burying the knife, nearly ten minutes had passed since the previous battle.

Bella felt like she could hardly open her eyes. She was shot twice. The injury that Sadako had previously treated relapsed. Her body was hot and she obviously had a fever.

But looking at Laura’s uneasy eyes, she could only brace herself.

“We walked along the beach…the water covered…our tracks.”

“Look at the direction of the mountain. There should be a cave over there…”

“You can’t…can’t enter if it smells fishy. There may be…there may be wild beasts there.”

Her battle with the mirror image of Calypso in the spiritual world reached a critical moment. At this time, she no longer had much consciousness to control her body.

Almost all the weight of her body was on Laura. This woman with a single ponytail and a camisole was really strong and had sufficient physical strength.

After walking more than a hundred meters, she felt that walking was too slow, so she squatted in front and let Bella lie on her back.

“Hold on to me, let’s go quickly.”

She held onto Bella’s legs and Bella had her arms around her neck.

They walked for two miles through the rugged and difficult forest.

As long as Bella wakes up a little, she will tell you some key points of survival. Laura draws inferences from one example and grows up very quickly.

While talking, Bella’s side was completely silent, and Laura seemed to have thought of something.

She shouted with some urgency: “Hey! Talk? Don’t stop, I’m carrying you, I still have the strength!… Talk to me, you will find the cave soon, believe me ! ”

If it weren’t for her extremely bad mental state, Bella would almost be amused by her. Have you watched too many TV series? What are you thinking about? Do I look like I’m going to die?

Laura urged her repeatedly, but she couldn’t explain her current situation and had to brace herself to deal with it.

The two of them were far apart, talking nonsense about one thing or another.

After exchanging names, the two gradually became familiar with each other.

Bella and Laura… one is American and the other is British, one is a student at Stanford and the other is a student at the University of London.

It’s just that Laura is currently on leave from school. As for why she is out of school, she didn’t say, and Bella didn’t have the energy to ask.

While talking, he even talked about acquaintances.

“You actually know Anna? How did you know each other?” Laura was a little surprised.

Bella said intermittently: “I met… once, in… in Israel…”

Anna Miller is Laura’s guardian. Legally speaking, this relationship is very close.

“I always feel that Anna has been hiding something from me, but she was really good to me when I was a child, and I am also very grateful to her. After my father left, she was the one who accompanied me…”

Walking and stopping, on the eve of the increasingly fierce storm, they finally found a small cave of at most ten square meters.

Seeing that the surroundings were safe, Bella breathed a sigh of relief. She immediately immersed all her mind into the spiritual world and concentrated on dealing with Calypso’s mirror image.

When Laura saw her unconscious, she was a little panicked at first, but she quickly forced herself to calm down.

She took a few deep breaths, and then began to check Bella’s injuries.

Laura worked hard to collect dry branches from several nearby caves, then lit fire, disinfected, removed bullets, and bandaged wounds.

After struggling for several hours, Bella’s high fever seemed to have subsided, so she leaned against the cave wall and slowly fell asleep.

“Die! You bitch!” Bella in the inner world finally condensed the soul sword and split Calypso’s mirror image in half from head to toe.

The mental pollution that had been bothering her for most of the day was completely resolved, but her spiritual world was also completely destroyed.

The soul is something that is built quickly and destroyed quickly.

Compared with Karma Taj’s method of signing a contract with the devil to obtain magic power, spiritual magic can be said to have advantages and disadvantages.

Kama Taj’s method is fast and efficient, but it has huge hidden dangers. The devil can give magic power, but he can also take it back.

However, Kama Taj has been inherited for many years and has its own set of screening methods. They will find the kind of demon who has a peaceful personality and likes to sleep to sign a contract. After signing the contract, the devil fell asleep. He slept for a thousand years. When the devil woke up, the corpse of the contractor was turned into ashes. It didn’t matter whether he could take back the magic power or not.

Psychic magic relies entirely on oneself, and there is not much trickery involved.

At this time, the area of ​​​​the Heart Lake, which symbolizes Bella’s spiritual world, has been reduced by 80%. The lake has dried up, and the bottom of the Heart Lake is also full of potholes. It is a serious injury.

She needs to absorb the praise from the outside world again, repair the bottom of the lake, and fill the lake in her heart. This is a water mill.

The good news is that she destroyed Calypso’s mirror image. After the mirror image was destroyed, she gained some knowledge of the ocean goddess, which contained a god’s unique perspective on the laws of the world.

This knowledge has benefited Bella a lot.

The width and breadth of the heart can be strengthened and enlarged by a steady stream of praise.

But the depth of the inner lake and the overall understanding of the world must be understood and mastered by her own thoughts.


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