Marvel’s Princess Chapter 286: Something happened again


The huge mental pollution invaded the depths of Bella’s soul.

Those who are good at swimming are drowned. She specifically asked Professor Charles for advice before and learned how to use the mental cage.

One is a supernatural power and the other is a spiritual power. The energy attributes are different, but the methods and effects of using them are similar.

Bella had set up a mental cage deep in her heart early to prevent external contamination. However, she did not expect that after the mental cage was activated, it went too deep into her inner lake area, so most of her consciousness was also lost. Brought in.


“Miss Swan?…”

“Wake up? Bella…can you hear me?”

I don’t know how long it took, but Bella felt someone calling her in her ears, but her vision was very blurry and the focus was out of focus. Even if she opened her eyes for a long time, she couldn’t clearly see the appearance of the person in front of her.

It seemed like a long time, and it seemed like just a moment, before the activity between cells was transmitted to her brain. After being stagnant for a long time, she realized that it was Sadako who was using supernatural powers to save herself.

Her current situation is very strange.

The brain can receive information from the outside world, but the body cannot control it. The thinking speed is very slow. When an idea emerges, it takes a long time to respond.

The physical injuries were quickly cured, but the mental and spiritual injuries required her to readjust little by little.

Nodding to Sadako, indicating that she was fine, she had to turn off her external perception and focus on her own spiritual healing.

Sadako and the female doctor put her on a piece of broken iron sheet on the ferry, and the three of them floated on the sea.

The female doctor was experienced after all. She searched for a while in the wreckage of the ship and finally found a distress signal gun.

Half a day later, they were lucky enough to encounter a fishing boat named Endurance.

“I’m Laura, how can I help you? Do you need us to return? But we are very far from the coast now.”

“My student is injured. Do you have a satellite phone here?”

The female doctor did not need Laura to return home, but just borrowed a satellite phone to contact Tokyo. With her authority, she could call a helicopter to treat Bella.

But she tried several times and couldn’t make the call.

“The wind and waves are too strong today, so we can’t make calls at this time.” A young man named Lu Ren said.

Bella was not completely unconscious. She roughly heard the names of Laura and Lu Ren, and saw each other wandering around in front of her eyes. She did not make any response, and all her thoughts sank into the spiritual world. The deepest part is used to deal with Calypso’s mirror pollution.


“Calypso! You bitch!” In the spiritual world, she yelled at the front to vent her anger.

This is the first encounter between Bella and Calypso. A mirror image of the goddess of the sea is entrenched deep in her heart, locked tightly by a silver-white iron prison.

The image of this goddess is very different from the traditional goddess. There is no dignity, no charm, but just full of evil. Her upper body looks like a normal female body, with hair like a sea snake, and hands. The elbows and shoulders were decorated with rather ornate patterns, but below the waist, they turned into a dark green octopus monster covered with tentacles.

Bella is now in a dilemma.

The enemy was imprisoned, but her consciousness did not dare to leave. She did not know the depth of Calypso. She was worried that as soon as her consciousness left, this guy would break out of the seal. When the time comes, Jiuzhan Que Nest, isn’t Bella dumbfounded?

“Little wizard, let go of your heart, and I will give you endless power.” Calypso’s voice seemed to have a coldness, as cold as the sea.

Bella sneered: “Endless power? Do you think I’m stupid? I’m afraid you are not a **** now, at best you are a sea monster, or your strength has declined significantly, and you have to merge with the monster under you. Siren, where do you have the confidence to brag against me?”

After being exposed, Calypso’s reaction was very strange. Her upper body remained motionless, showing no signs of joy, anger, sorrow, or joy, but the octopus tentacles on her lower body were extremely angry, and they kept tapping her mental cage.

Bella’s mental cage is not considered a spell, but is at most an application of extraordinary power. At this time, she needs to constantly mobilize spiritual energy for reinforcement. This is the main reason why her consciousness dare not leave.

Unfortunately, the original intention of the old bald man’s move was to block it and had no lethality. Bella had to figure out **** Calypso’s clone.

She talks about belittling the other party as worthless, but in fact the goddess of the sea is still very strong. The demon-free environment hurts the gods, and many gods can only hide in divine kingdoms like Asgard. , Calypso was limited by her priesthood and could not leave the sea, which made her suffer.

You can survive a day or two, a year or two, but you won’t be able to survive a hundred or two hundred years.

Being one with this sea monster now is a helpless choice.

Bella tried hard to recall the scene of Ogun transforming into a spirit body and attacking Sadako with the soul sword. It has to be said that this move is very powerful. It is simple and direct, but its use is very single. It seems that it can only be used in the spirit state. Use below.

The scene at that time was played over and over in her mind, not missing any detail, and the soul sword was slowly outlined in her mind.

But as soon as the sword was in hand, it shattered into powder.

“No, there is still some endoplasm left…”

The mirror image of Calypso sometimes threatens her family with the lives of her family, and sometimes uses her divinity and divinity to seduce her. Bella remains unmoved, while strengthening the mental cage and making a soul sword.

She seemed calm, but in fact she was extremely anxious. If she held on for too long, she would lose. She didn’t know how long she could hold on.


The Endurance is just an ordinary fishing boat. Now there are four disaster stars such as Bella, Laura, the female doctor and Sadako gathered on the boat. This leads to the gaze of Calypso, the prying eyes of Queen Yamatai, The hatred of the fish-man and the curse of little Sadako on the other side of the underworld merged together.

The young and handsome captain Lu Ren was horrified to find that his ship had a host of malfunctions such as bearing lockup, steering gear failure, and turbocharger damage in an instant.

The hull of the ship inexplicably began to tilt to the left. Before he could adjust the direction, the water in front of him suddenly dropped, and a thick reef more than five meters high and more than ten meters wide suddenly appeared in front of him.

The Endurance crashed into it.

Run a boat against a rock? The result is self-evident.

Just listen to a loud “bang”.

The female doctor was too thin and rolled out of the deck again. This time there was no Bella to rescue her, and she fell into the sea with a ‘pop’.

The hull was smashed into pieces, and Laura, Lu Ren and Sadako fell into the water one after another.

The unconscious Bella was thrown more than a hundred meters like a parabola.


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