Marvel’s Princess Chapter 285: Coma


What’s going on? Bella is proficient in ten foreign languages. Counting the languages ​​she can speak but is not proficient in, there are at least fifteen. But this is the first time she has heard humans speak this language.

Have humans deciphered the language of the fish-men? Or is it only the female doctor who can say it? ……

Things were a bit abnormal. Although she stood next to the female doctor, she still carefully kept a distance of about one meter, and at the same time gestured to Sadako to come to her.

“I am a human being, from beginning to end, please believe me.” The female doctor said in a voice that only she could hear.

Did I say you are not human? Why do you say that? Bella was confused.

However, her arrival still put the two fishmen into an unfavorable situation. Without saying a word, they turned around and jumped into the sea.

Bella was a little hesitant, so she did not pursue the pursuit. The storm outside was too strong, and she was worried that this was some kind of plan to lure the enemy deeper. Plus, there was a somewhat mysterious female doctor beside her…

She had doubts in her heart and did not hide them.

Looking at the female doctor with inquiring eyes, hoping that the other party will give him an answer.

“They came for me, I’m human…but…my father was one of them, my mother…maybe a few too.. …. Bloodline, my parents met in a laboratory in 1963, when my father was captured by the government and my mother was a cleaner in the laboratory…”

Bella suddenly realized that she had heard this story told by Hei Lu Dan: “You are the mute girl Alyssa…”

Calculating time, counting from 1963, the female doctors are really about the same age: “Are you Alyssa’s daughter?”

The female doctor showed a smile that was a mixture of sadness, pain and embarrassment: “There are very few people who know my mother’s name. Student Swan, it seems that your identity is not simple…”

“I only told Professor Serinori about this matter. I tell you today that our world is not peaceful. There are huge horrors hidden under the water. Only Professor Serinori can solve these mysteries. For me, for my sake Parents…”

Sadako looked at Bella cautiously, meaning I won’t be silenced, right?

“Get away!” She opened her mouth as if to say something, but Bella suddenly jumped up and threw her to the ground.

The next moment, several murlocs were seen leaving and returning. They reached out and tore open a gelatinous scroll that looked like mucous membrane. Then, a scroll with a diameter of more than three meters, grayish brown, and more than 20 meters high was spread all over the place. Tentacles with huge suckers suddenly jumped out from the sea.

The tentacles easily wrapped around the ferry, like grasping some toy, tightening it little by little, as if they were going to strangle the entire boat in two.

“Bella! Here you go!” At the critical moment, Sadako was still very reliable. She ran into the cabin and took out the Immortal Slash to ‘open the door’.

Received the Immortal Slash and unsheathed the sword. Before Bella came to Izu Oshima, she had divined the need to use the Immortal Slash, and deliberately stored a part of Sakuraryu’s power in her body. Now she has no problem using this sword.

At this time, the ship’s hull was on the verge of destruction. Many steel plates and iron sheets were deformed and broken under the huge squeeze of the tentacles. The captain’s cabin was turned into powder as soon as it was squeezed. The captain and sailors hiding in it were directly killed. .

It was too late to cast the spell, and Bella didn’t know what spell to use now. She rushed forward with a lunge, and a burst of dark light appeared on the blade, and she slashed at the huge tentacle with the sword.

The Immortal Slash is very sharp, she uses it with sufficient strength, and her technique is flawless.

What about the tentacles? This thing appeared out of thin air. It was at most an image-type spell or a spell-like ability. The body of the tentacle was not here, so an image couldn’t stop her.

Bella’s blade kept slashing at the front, sides and suction cup of the tentacle.

The four murlocs also worked hard to maintain the effect of this spell. They used their own vitality to drive the tentacles. However, Bella’s attack speed was extremely fast. Every time she slashed, the murlocs had to use the same amount of vitality to carry out the attack. Displacement.

The first fish-man didn’t even hum. His life force was instantly emptied, and he tilted his head and sank to the bottom of the sea.

The second follows closely behind.

The remaining two fishmen supplied energy to the tentacles, and the attack power of the tentacles increased a lot out of thin air.

A single blow from the tentacle shattered the deck of the ferry. The huge force made the hull top-heavy and tilted forward.

“Damn it!” Bella shouted at the female doctor and Sadako: “Go into the water! Abandon the ship!”

She also risked her life. The worst she could do was summon the Flying Dutchman, and she had to kill these fishmen today.

She no longer struggled with the tentacles, jumped off the deck, and killed the two fishmen.

I can’t defeat this broken tentacle, so I can’t defeat you?

There was a loud “click”, and the next second after Sadako and the female doctor jumped into the sea, the giant tentacles contracted rapidly, twisting the hull into two pieces.

Sadako has lived on Izu Oshima since she was a child and has good swimming skills.

The female doctor seems to have little fighting ability, but relying on the blood of her parents, she can swim underwater as fast and steady as flying. At this time, she can also pull Sadako to swim far away before the whirlpool that sinks the ship is born. at.

“Death!” Bella blessed herself with water walking. She ran at high speed on the water, raised her arms, and slashed her head with a knife. The headless body of the third fishman also sank to the bottom of the sea.

Just when she was about to kill the last enemy, an unexpected change occurred. A huge tentacle spanned a distance of tens of meters and suddenly appeared in front of her.

Before Bella could raise the knife to fight, she saw the center of the tentacle suddenly swelled, and the next moment the energy gathered to the maximum. The head of the tentacle slowly opened like an alien egg, and a woman’s face vaguely emerged from it. !

Calypso? ! Or some other monster?

Bella didn’t have time to take a closer look. She took the starting position of Ashina Iai, sheathed the sword, and then suddenly drew the sword. This sword brought together her physical strength and spiritual power, and the blood-red sword glow was like cutting tofu. Likewise, it cut off one-third of the tentacle’s head, and then flew back for more than a hundred meters.

The tentacle was on the verge of collapse, but a faint blue ray still shot out from the huge petal-like mouth.

Bella didn’t have any intention of carrying it hard. This thing looked very powerful, so she turned around and ran away.

When she goes to the left, the ray goes to the left. When she goes to the right, the ray also goes to the right.

A spell with tracking capabilities? She wasn’t sure if it was a spell.

She ran very fast, but the ray tracing speed was even faster. At the critical moment, she canceled walking on water and dived into the sea.

The ray rushed into the sea and hit her back after she swam fifty meters away.

The finger-thick ray is like a giant hammer, with extremely pure energy. The huge impact hits the back of the heart, and is also mixed with many mental erosions.

The last thing Bella saw was a monster whose upper body was a woman and whose lower body was a giant octopus, sneering at her. Then her vision went dark and she fainted.


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