Marvel’s Princess Chapter 283: Typhoon


Ogun had no time to hesitate. His spirit body was getting weaker and weaker. At this time, a violent typhoon also landed in the Japanese waters. Residents on Izu Island hid in the basement for temporary shelter. Large trees were blown down, and heavy rains Ogun, who shrouded the entire island and faced the roar of nature, had to make the most helpless choice.

Five minutes later, he slowly woke up in the old man Yashida’s body. This body was really in bad shape!

Being plotted against by his filial son, the dead energy in the old devil’s body was extremely strong. The death energy caused paralysis of his lower body and various organs were in a state of failure. Once he left the life-support device behind him, he would die in less than half a minute!

Ogun felt that his head was extremely heavy. This body had no qualifications for cultivation at all, and he was half-paralyzed. It was too difficult to cultivate his magic power again.

The body is the foundation of everything. Without the body as a support, a spiritual body composed of mental power is rootless water.

He didn’t know Orochimaru, but he was in a similar situation to Orochimaru. He had a lot of knowledge but no magic power. How could he survive? You can’t stay trapped in this body forever, right? Two more years and the body will be dead.

Ogun forced himself to calm down, and he quickly thought of a way to heal his body, Wolverine!

Wolverine was once his disciple and also knew the old Japanese Yashida. Now he can use the old Japanese’s skin to trick this man into coming to Japan.

He has not yet decided whether to treat this body or directly seize Wolverine’s body, and needs to do more planning.

An hour later, the Yashida family’s search and rescue team braved a huge typhoon to find the old Japanese in the center of the island and lifted him onto the helicopter. A day later, the old Japanese ignored Yashida Shingen’s objections and used his own The authority of the family head issued a mission to various channels in the family to find Wolverine!


Sadako Yamamura has very strong abilities, including healing, mind-killing, hypnosis, predicting the future, and creating cursed items.

The ability to kill people with thoughts and create cursed items has disappeared with the death of Xiao Sadako, and now only healing, hypnosis and precognition remain.

The latter two abilities are average in performance. Most people with mental powers can do hypnosis, and some hypnotists in modern society can also do it. Precognition can predict some relatively large events, such as predicting volcanic eruptions, It is possible to predict that there will be an earthquake somewhere, but this ability cannot predict what is about to happen to oneself, which is a bit useless.

Sadako’s healing skills are really strong.

In Midnight Bell 4: The Reveal of Truth, the healing ability shown by young Sadako is very overbearing. Ordinary treatment aside, she herself was beaten by a bunch of people, and everyone was beaten to death. In the car Lie down for a while, and you will be able to live again.

At first glance, it seems to be similar to the self-healing power of Wolverine and Deadpool, but there are actually some differences.

Self-healing power is passive and uncontrollable, while Sadako’s healing ability is active and controllable.

As long as she doesn’t want to die, it’s hard to kill. Her father finally used the smallpox virus to suppress her own healing ability, which finally killed Sadako.

The ability is very strong, but this kind of treatment also comes at a price. Bella discovered that after each treatment, Sadako’s halo representing her own vitality would dim. In other words, she was using her own health to treat others. .

Sadako Yamamura should be a mutant, and a very powerful mutant.

It can’t reach the Omega level, but the Alpha level is more than enough.

If she and Sadako become one again, maybe they can reach the Omega level.

Her healing ability is very much like the Omega-level mutant elixir. Life and death balance each other. Once the balance is broken, unpredictable consequences will occur.

Bella calculated that if Sadako is treated once every ten days, the lost vitality will slowly recover. In other words, the maximum treatment is three times a month. If it exceeds this limit, the body will become weak and the whole body will become weak. Painful, at this time, when she is eroded by external forces, she is particularly prone to the birth of a new negative personality.

“No matter what goals you have or where you want to go in the future, never tell outsiders that you have healing abilities, understand?” Bella said earnestly.

“Why?” Sadako was a little confused.

Maybe it’s due to her childhood environment, but she also has the kind of personality traits that require others to recognize her.

“There are too many bad people in this world. If your ability is exposed, those people will go crazy and I can’t protect you.”

Seeing Sadako’s frightened look, she added two more words: “Of course, friends can still help. You see, I am your friend, right? Then my friend is naturally yours too. Friends, they will never betray you…”

Bella’s core meaning is that you only need to heal me and the friends around me, and the rest of you can go to hell!

Their conversation ended quickly. They also encountered the huge typhoon that Ogun encountered.

The typhoon was really too fierce. Bella looked up at the sky. The breath of the wind and rain seemed to be wrong with her. It was a bit like the scene when Storm cast her spell, and also a bit like Sakura Dragon. Unfortunately, Sakura Dragon wanted to chase her. Watching a cartoon, she left her in the villa without taking her out…

The current location is too far from the center of the storm, and Bella cannot tell whether it is a natural typhoon or a typhoon triggered by some supernatural force.

“Typhoons have been common here since I was a child, and we are all used to it. The old man when I was a child said that the wind blew from the Dragon Triangle.” As a local, Sadako said with experience at this time.

Typhoons often happen? Dragon triangle? Bella looked carefully and saw that the wind and rain were getting stronger and stronger, seriously interfering with her perception, so she stopped looking. If this kind of weather often happens, there is really no need to make a fuss.

The two waited on the shore for a long time before a ferry bound for Tokyo arrived.

There are three crew members and five passengers on the boat. Counting them, there are ten people in total.

“Huh? Dr. Graham? Are you in Japan too?” After boarding the ship, Bella found that she had met an acquaintance from Stanford, and she didn’t know when the other person arrived at Izu Oshima.

Vivian Graham was stunned. This middle-aged female doctor was not familiar with Bella. They only talked a few times when they were working at Stanford.

Many of the projects that Bella was previously responsible for were supervised by this female doctor. I heard that she was the assistant of Professor Serinori.

She was a little curious about the other party’s purpose, and took a closer look. Behind the female doctor, there were two young men holding briefcases, without weapons.

“Doctor, are you here?” Bella asked.

Vivian Graham is a bit thin, not considered a beauty in the traditional European and American sense, and has never been married. Some people have spread rumors about her affair with Professor Serinori, but the two parties have never refuted it.


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