Marvel’s Princess Chapter 262: Getting ready to leave


The king and heirs of the country went into battle in person, and the remaining ones with good martial arts skills were not idle either.

The wolf pulled out the wedge pill and joined the battle.

Masaka of the Oni Court Criminal Division, riding a tall horse and holding a cross-word gun, launched an attack on Shura at lightning speed.

The remaining generals and warriors drew their swords and joined the battle.

Bella cast seven or eight mind blasts in a row, but unfortunately the effect was not great. Shura is a collection of thoughts, and it is meaningless to simply stun hundreds or thousands of thoughts.

Sakura is by her side, and Bella has mastered all the martial arts in the Source Palace.

She also acquired what can be called the secret of the Palace of Origin, the swordsmanship of Shin Tomoe style.

Different from the secret arts that dogs can master in the Source Palace, the real Tomoe-ryu swordsmanship is much more profound. The Yukamei clan is originally composed of priests and witches, and their martial arts also have some elements of mysticism.

Bella didn’t learn their sacrificial rituals because they didn’t need them.

She has the spell of lightning sword. The level of this spell is too low and there is little room for development. Now she has combined it with the swordsmanship of Ba Zhiliu and improved it into a brand new version…

She attached lightning to the arrow and launched a long-range attack at Shura from a distance.

“Boom” “Boom” “Boom” Every time an arrow hits Shura’s body, the lightning attached to it will cause considerable damage to this behemoth.

Seeing that the effect of thunder and lightning was surprisingly good, Ashina Genichiro, who also knew Tomoe-ryu swordsmanship, also started to use thunder.

Bella shoots thunder arrows continuously. Ashina Genichiro’s Tomoe style swordsmanship has not gained the essence, but the thunder and lightning it attracts can also cause great damage to the enemy.

Everyone forms a group. You go up and chop twice, and I go up and stab you twice. If you have long-range capabilities, those who can’t shoot your own people will use long-range. If you don’t have long-range capabilities, use close combat.

Those who were attacking and those who were covering were all masters of swordsmanship, and they surrounded Shura with a wild bombardment.

“Give me a hand, I’m a little tired.” Yongzhen suddenly appeared next to Bella, and she subconsciously reached out and touched it.

The lightning arrow that was about to gather in his hand did not shoot out, but Ashina Genichiro’s Tomoe-ryu swordsmanship summoned a lightning bolt as thick as a bucket, which struck Shura’s head straight.

Lightning became the last straw that broke the camel’s back. The black mist-like resentment was resolved, and Ashina Genichiro killed Shura.

Many warriors cheered.

“Hehehehe.” Bella understood Nagama’s intention, which was to build momentum for Ashina Genichiro and let him take the final blow to pave the way for inheriting the country.

“Thank you.” Yongzhen pretended to be weak, as if the woman who slashed with the sword was someone else. Bella didn’t expose her either. The old swordsman was about to retire and it would be reasonable for someone to build momentum for his grandson. It was really inappropriate for him, an outsider, to kill Shura.

Shura’s resentment quickly precipitated, and after the smoke and dust cleared, Xiao’s majestic body emerged from the black mist again.

At this time, his beard and hair were all white, his eyes were blind, all his strong muscles were necrotic, and his life had come to an end.

Xiao was lying in the rubble of the ruined temple that had been torn into ruins by several people fighting, still murmuring in a low voice: “I… Ukon Susui… Zaemon… ..will definitely become famous all over the world…”

The owl is dead.

Die in your own ambition.

After all, they were old friends from back then. Ashina devoted himself to burying the Buddha carver, the old lady Huandie Madam and Xiao Xiao one by one. The three of them were members of the bandits during their lives, and they should be neighbors after their death.

The wolf stood in front of his adoptive father’s grave for a long time, then nodded heavily, turned and left.

No matter what Xiao Xiao has planned against him over the years, Xiao Xiao adopted Wolf when he was young and taught him martial arts. This feeling should never be forgotten in his life.

Kuro Hirata said that the power of Dragon Yin in his body suddenly disappeared out of thin air, and the wolf also lost its immortality. The two of them did not feel that it was a pity. The wolf was willing to spend the rest of his life guarding Kurō Hirata.

This is the task assigned to him by his adoptive father Xiao. Although this task is full of calculations, he is ready to continue.

Bella and the others are leaving too. The total number of survivors in Ashina’s country exceeds 150. Sakuraryu has extracted all the immortal power from their bodies due to drinking water, and the parasites have no choice. , go back and take laxatives, or have surgery to remove it.

After returning to the real world, their memories will be modified by Sakura Dragon. Ashina Country and Bella do not exist!

As for how those people who have been missing for two years should explain to the outside world, that has nothing to do with Yinglong. She is still a child, how can she think so carefully.

A group of survivors stood on the deck of the Flying Dutchman with different thoughts. This ship didn’t look like a Japanese ship. Where did it come from? Can you still bring everyone back to the real world?

They stared at Bella’s back, with various thoughts in their minds. Can they also obtain this kind of power? Use coercion or beg?

Bella didn’t care what they thought. They couldn’t imagine the weirdness of the extraordinary power. Let them have **** for a while first.

She said goodbye to several members of the Wei Ming family at the mouth of Longquan River.

“Master Yixin, don’t you really want to see the real world?” she asked.

The old swordsman took off his armor of a samurai daimyo and resumed his shabby clothes, bare feet, and dressing like a tramp.

“Japan is indeed small, and the world is indeed big, but…are there still people studying swordsmanship over there?” the old man asked.

Bella smiled and said nothing.

How can anyone study swordsmanship in the real world? Aren’t pistols good?

The old sword master has no interest in the shogunate or the emperor. According to his words, those people have nothing to do with him. Swordsmanship is the most important, and he loves everyone else.

“You are already the best swordsman in your world, right? Since you are no match for me, can I learn anything there? On the contrary, this **** you mentioned is more in line with my interests. Traveling around this world and honing my martial arts is my path, Ashina Isshin!”

The old swordsman said with great interest.

The old man is preparing to travel in hell, and I have to say that he is a bit ambitious. He may die outside at some point, but dying in battle has always been his wish.

If you ask him to go to Japan now, it is indeed a developed country with extremely rich materials and is about to enter the Datong society. But facing a lot of Heisei dead houses, won’t the old sword master go crazy?

Bella nodded, without further persuasion, but looked to the other side: “Yongzhen, what about you? Don’t you want to see the real world too? Tokyo is very prosperous.”

Yongzhen no longer wore the doctor’s clothes today, but changed into the clothes of a female warrior.

When the barrier of Ashina Country disappears, she will travel with Ashina Isshin. She also has the heart of a warrior. She was previously restricted by her oath and could not take action against humans.

Hell is full of demons. Killing demons won’t break your oath, right?

Yongzhen smiled calmly: “I will continue to follow Master Yishin. Without me as a doctor by his side, there will be no one to treat his injuries.”


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