Lee Sin’s Bizzare Adventure Chapter 54: The second easter egg


Zi Yan’s fist finally came to nothing.

The lavender poisonous mist lingering on the fist gradually spread uncontrollably in the air, and quickly lost its activity and color under the sunlight, and finally disappeared completely into nothingness.

At this time, Li Sin had moved to Giorno’s side unscathed.

The battle returned to the situation when the two sides faced off across the street at the beginning, except that Li Qing’s side had already obtained what they wanted.

“How was it?”

“Do you have anything to say about that blond kid?”

As soon as Li Qing stood firm, he went straight to communicate with Giorno about the situation of the battle.

Although his perception is so keen that he can even sense the poisonous fog in the air through the small changes that occur when sound waves pass through different media, a blind man with superpowers is still blind after all. No matter how good his hearing is, it cannot completely compensate for his vision. Missing shortcomings.

Fortunately, he now has reliable teammates to help him:


Giorno replied without hesitation:

“You said that the outlines you can perceive are very blurry, so you shouldn’t be able to detect such fine changes.”

“The poisonous smoke emitted by the substitute is colored, and centered on the substitute, which is the source of the poisonous gas, the color of the poisonous gas becomes lighter and lighter from the inside to the outside until it completely disappears.”

“That is to say”

He sorted out his thoughts a little:

“The poison gas released by that substitute will probably lose its activity within a few seconds after leaving the storage device.”

“So, this means that the poisonous gas can only linger around the stand-in. At a maximum distance of about two meters, they have no time to spread further and will quickly disappear in the air.”

“Got it.”

Li Qing understood what Giorno meant:

“As long as we don’t get within two meters of the stand-in, we should be safe.”

“Then, let me tell you a little discovery”

He immediately took the time to reveal the information he had:

“I have already sensed with my hearing that the kid who was playing with the airplane hiding behind his back is now in a small alley dozens of meters away.”

“From that position, it is absolutely impossible to see this side with the naked eye.”

“But just now, his airplane stand-in accurately locked our position and launched a highly precise fixed-point strafing attack.”

“That is to say”

“That airplane stand-in has some special detection method and can lock on to the target without visual observation.”

“Sound wave tracking, thermal tracking, gas tracking, and even more mysterious tracking methods are all possible. The specific answer requires careful observation to determine.”

Giorno and Li Qing quickly exchanged information, and Fugo’s expression turned ugly:

“Damn one round”

“Obviously they only fought for one round, but the two of them actually understood the abilities of Nalanja and me!”

“The throne of the leading cadre in Naples is really hard to get.”

Fuge sighed deeply, his eyes a little solemn.

After Li Qing and Giorno figured out the enemy’s stand ability, they looked at each other in perfect understanding:

“Then, let’s get started!”

No need to spend more words, just by observing the composition of the combat power of both sides, they can judge the tactics to be adopted next.

Giorno summoned the golden experience and concentrated on guarding against Fugo’s movements.

Li Qing, on the other hand, relied on his hearing to firmly locate Nalanja lurking in the alley in the distance, and was ready to kill this unprotected, crispy ADC the moment the group started.

“Tian Yin Bo!”

Li Qing turned around, and bright white light bloomed from between the bones of his fists.

The dazzling light group drew a simple and splendid straight line in the air, and flew toward Naranja hiding in the corner with lightning speed.

At this moment, he has a 99% chance of winning:

“The kid playing with airplanes”

“Through these walls, you can’t see what I’m doing now, can you?”

“By the time you see the Tianyin wave coming out of the wall, it will be too late to avoid it.”

“You hide in the dark and plot against me, but in the end you end up harming yourself!”

The facts were just as Li Qing expected.

Due to the obstruction of many walls, Nalanja, who was hiding in the alley and secretly controlling the avatar, could not see the white light ball flying straight towards him at all.

The flying speed of Tianyin Wave is very fast. Even if the distance is tens of meters, if the other party cannot detect its existence at the first time, ordinary human beings will not have time to avoid it.

So by this time, the outcome was no longer in suspense.


Tian Yin Wave successfully hit the target, and Li Qing’s system interface immediately responded: “Echo Strike!”

He used the assault ability of the second echo attack without hesitation and flew quickly towards the position locked by Tianyin Wave.

Echo attack is Li Qing’s most powerful attack method. As long as he can hit the enemy’s stand-in with all his strength, there is a high probability that the battle will be ended directly.

The balance of victory tilted further towards Li Qing.


Li Qing, who had already entered the high-speed charging state of Echo Strike and was flying towards Nalanja, suddenly realized something was wrong:

“Something’s wrong!”

“Why didn’t that blond kid scream loudly to warn you!”

Li Qing, who quickly connected with Echo Strike because of his eagerness to win, suddenly broke into a cold sweat after realizing it:

“The ‘little plane’ can’t see my Tianyin wave, but that blond kid can.”

“Although it’s too late to warn him aloud to avoid my Tianyin Wave, normal people will give a warning no matter what when they see their companions being attacked, right?”

“Is it because I punched too fast and the blond kid didn’t react?”

“Let’s talk”

Li Qing already had a very bad premonition.

However, the cooling time of the golden bell cover is a full twelve seconds. His W skill is still cooling down and he is in the state of high-speed echo attack. It is too late to take any remedial measures.

He could only fly towards the target targeted by Tianyinbo with the utmost vigilance.

That’s it

Li Qing’s “nothing” body quickly passed through the barriers of cars, trees and houses, and came out of the wall in the alley where Nalanja was hiding.

With only three meters to go, his fist can hit the opponent.

At this time, Li Qing could already clearly see the enemy he casually called the “small plane”, Naranja, whom he had never met before:

The muscles under the tight-fitting vest are slightly bulging, and the slightly green face is full of perseverance. The most important thing is, facing Li Qing who came from the wall, Nalanja’s clear and bright eyes There is not a trace of fear in it.

“You are finally here.”

A calm and firm voice sounded slowly.

But this was not Naranja’s voice. Naranja’s mouth didn’t move at all.

However, there was no one else in this alley except Nalanja.


“The sound didn’t come from his mouth, but from his body?!”

Li Qing’s face froze, and he suddenly discovered something even more ominous:


“What my Tianyin wave hit was not the ‘little plane’ at all, but”


A powerful shout suddenly came from Nalanja’s belly.

It was then that Li Qing discovered:

Tianyinbo’s positioning mark was not imprinted on Nalanjia’s body at all, but was imprinted on a blue fist, a blue fist that stretched out from Nalanjia’s belly in a very strange manner. .

The next moment


With a clear zipper sliding sound, Nalanja’s body was like a potato chip bag that had been suddenly torn open, and suddenly “split” from the neck to the abdomen from top to bottom.

This is a zipper, a zipper installed on Naranja’s body.

Behind the opened zipper, Bucciarati and his stand-in “Steel Chain Fingers” emerged alive from the belly of Naranja’s “host” like mature alien larvae.

“It is not easy for a man to anger the boss and still survive to this day. I have long expected that Fugo’s little tricks will not fool you.”

“But this little trick can make you relax your guard.”

“Just like the audience who will think the movie is over and leave early after watching one post-credits Easter egg, after seeing through the first layer of the plot, you will definitely subconsciously not consider the existence of the second ‘Easter egg’!”


The Steel Chain Hand commanded its fierce and powerful fist, facing Li Qing head-on without fear:

“You fell into the trap, Lee Sin!”

ps: avatar panel

Stand-in name “Steel Chain Finger”

Ontology Bruno Bucciarati

Destructive power: a

Speed: a

Range distance: e

Sustainability: d

Movement precision: c

Growthability: d

Ability: When the avatar hits an object, a “zipper” will appear. The zipper can be used to open and close spaces without damaging the surface of the object. It can be used for storage, sneaking, and even joining objects and wounds. It can also use the friction of the zipper to open and close spaces. Slowing down can also turn the opened object into a soft cloth for defense. Opening the zipper can even accelerate and slide away on the ground.


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