Lee Sin’s Bizzare Adventure Chapter 52: Play against each other


Bucciarati was in doubt.

Because just when he and his companions drove into the city of Naples and were about to track down Li Qing, Li Qing showed up on his own initiative.

He appeared in a very high-profile manner at a high-end restaurant that was protected by a passion organization. He made a fuss out of nowhere and even yelled at the restaurant manager to call out all the people behind them to practice.

“What do you think?”

“Why would Li Qing show up at this time?”

Bucciarati frowned tightly and turned his head from the passenger seat to ask his companions for their opinions.

“Um” Nalanja scratched his head and thought hard. He held it in for a long time but still couldn’t come up with any valuable ideas.

Apaki sat silently next to the unconscious Mista. He seemed to be thinking about something in a fuzzy state and failed to respond in time.

Fuge still gave a useful inference:

“This kind of self-reporting behavior is really unreasonable”

“I guess he probably knows so little about our passion organization that he has no way to fight back. That’s why he used such an exaggerated and dangerous way to attract members of our organization. Open a breakthrough for the counterattack organization.”

“It is a good thing that the other party has insufficient intelligence, but look at it from another perspective”

Fuge, a 14-year-old underage illegal driver, said seriously while driving:

“The guy who dares to do such a thing must be very confident in his own strength, right?”

“That’s right.”

Bucciarati nodded, his voice very serious:

“This must be a tough opponent.”

“And in order to help us complete the mission, the boss just asked Mr. Polbo to tell us about Li Qing’s stand-in ability, but”

“This makes me care even more.”

“This?” Fugo heard the implication in Bucciarati’s words.

His expression suddenly became extremely surprised:

“The urgent order to hunt down Li Qing was uncharacteristically issued by the boss himself. He even offered the ‘cadre throne’ as a reward in an unprecedented move.”

“And the boss himself knows Li Qing’s ability to stand in, which means”

“That Li Qing has probably fought against that adult, and is still alive today?!”

“In that case, doesn’t he have the love of the boss?”


“Don’t talk about things you shouldn’t know.”

Bugala promptly stopped Fugo’s vaguely dangerous words:

“We have been following each other’s traces all the way here. The restaurant is not far from here. If you drive faster, you can meet Li Qing in a few minutes.”

“So, I hope you can be mentally prepared”

He was doing ideological work for his companions in a serious tone, and at the same time, he was hardening his own heart:

“No matter who Li Qing is or what he has done, he is now our enemy and the target we must kill.”

“And Li Qing can survive until now after angering the boss. His strength is definitely not weak.”

“If everyone cannot fight with all their strength with the goal of ‘killing the opponent’, then we may be the ones who die!”

Bucciarati was a good man, but he also killed good men.

If he had been too soft-hearted to attack a good person, then he, who had been involved in the underworld since he was 12 years old, would have died in the “cleaning up” within the organization.


Nalan Jia and Fu Ge nodded in unison, indicating that they would never relent.

Apaji also nodded, but he quickly raised a small question.

“What should I do with this kid?” he asked, pointing to the unconscious Mista beside him.


Bucciarati thought for a moment.

He deliberately brought Mista into the car for his own selfish reasons

Mista’s character, quality, and stand-in abilities that he showed during his brave act of justice were all to his liking.

Although the two sides are now on opposite sides by mistake, Bucciarati still has the idea of ​​​​communicating well with Mista afterwards, absorbing Mista into the team, and training him as a companion.

After all, there are too few substitute messengers who have such integrity and can match his three views.

And if he wants to be the guardian of Naples in the future and realize his dream of “changing the gang within the gang,” he will need many like-minded and capable companions to rely on.

So, Bucciarati replied:

“Li Qing has already taken the initiative, we still have to seize the opportunity and put the mission first.”

“There happens to be no hospital nearby, so let’s put him in the car to rest. When the battle is over, I will have a good chat with him.”

Li Qing really made a fool of himself in the store.

He first rudely asked the restaurant manager to cut ten pounds of filet, and the restaurant manager reluctantly agreed.

Then he changed his mind and asked the restaurant manager to cut ten pounds of tang bones, and the restaurant manager reluctantly agreed.

In the end, when Li Qing forcibly changed his mind and asked the restaurant manager to cut ten kilograms of beef into blinds, the restaurant manager who had never seen beef blinds in his life finally couldn’t bear it and called the security guard.

As a result, the situation began to turn violent

Li Qing first beat the security guards who stepped forward to stop him until their noses were bruised and their faces were swollen. Then he unceremoniously grabbed the restaurant manager by the collar and forced him to call the Mafia for help.


The guests, chefs, waiters, and the unlucky restaurant manager, all the idle people in the store fled in panic under Li Qing’s deliberate drive.

This very stylish high-end restaurant was immediately left deserted and deserted by him.

In this way, Li Qing and Giorno completely occupied the restaurant.

Five minutes later, 15:48.

“Isn’t anyone here yet?” Li Qing sat at the dining table, bored and tasting the free wine he had searched for from the store, and it looked like it was worth a lot of money.

“The call has only been made for a few minutes, and the Mafia’s efficiency is not yet so high.”

“And even if someone comes, it may not be Bucciarati.”

Giorno replied casually.

As he said that, he lowered his head and concentrated on prying up the small safe in front of the counter. The store was smashed anyway, so it was nothing to get some pocket money by the way.

At this moment, there was a sudden sound of a car braking outside the door.

You can tell from the harsh friction sound that the car is driving very fast, coming in a hurry, and it is obviously coming here.

“Is it really here so soon?”

Giorno was slightly surprised. This was completely different from the mafia he knew before:

“How did it happen so quickly? Are those mafias nearby? No”

“Li Qing, be careful!”

He warned Li Qing seriously:

“The Mafia has never been so active in dealing with this kind of low-level smash-and-grab trouble.”

“If the other party comes so quickly, the most likely reason is that they are originally coming to hunt down your enemies!”


Li Qing nodded, and then carefully walked out of the door with Giorno, observing the high-profile uninvited guest:

That was a blond boy with a childish face.

He carefully parked the car in a safe area dozens of meters away, then got out of the car alone and walked slowly towards the door of the restaurant.

As they got closer, Li Qing and Giorno could see more clearly the bright, avant-garde and bold green fashion on the blond boy:

This dress is close-fitting and sexy. It not only has a bold deep V on the abdomen, but also has many large hollow holes on the sleeves, shoulders and trouser legs.

It displays the beautiful body of its wearer all the time.

Unfortunately, the person wearing it now is a man.

“Is it Bucciarati?” Giorno asked.

“No.” Li Qing shook his head.

Although I have never seen him in real life, Bucciarati’s appearance in the animation is still very recognizable.

“However, this guy is probably a substitute.”

Li Qing said with great certainty.

From the other party’s coquettish clothes, he smelled the unique fashion atmosphere of the substitute.

“Are you Li Qing?”

The blond boy stood firm and faced Li Qing and Giorno across the street.

“Yes.” Li Qing replied calmly: “You are?”

“The people who came to kill you,” the blond boy said with pretentiousness.

“You came alone?” Li Qing frowned.

“If I want to kill you, I alone will be enough.”

The blond boy replied so arrogantly.

Then, in front of Li Qing and Giorno, he shouted arrogantly:

“Come on, Aerosmith!”

ps: avatar panel

Alternate name “Aviation Smith”

Ontology Naranja Gilka

Destructive power: b

Speed: b

Range distance: b

Sustainability: c

Movement precision: e

Growthability: c

Ability: A stand-in in the form of a propeller aircraft, looking like a toy model airplane.

Weapons include two machine guns and bombs. Equipped with a carbon dioxide detection radar, when Naranga cannot find the enemy, it can use the radar to locate the source of any carbon dioxide (breathing of people and animals, burning of objects, etc.), but it cannot identify specific people, so Naranga needs to make its own judgment.


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