Lee Sin’s Bizzare Adventure Chapter 43: Live together


The combat plan was successful without any risk, but Li Qing discovered a somewhat embarrassing problem:

He, it seems, has to die here.

A large hole was opened from the top of the magma chamber buried deep in the ground by a piece of meat. Under the influence of this pressure, the massive magma stored in it quickly surged upward from the gap at the top.

It was like a volcanic eruption that was countless times less powerful.

The hot magma wave first engulfed the piece of meat, then flooded the vertical tunnel connecting the underground cavity and the magma chamber, and then poured upwards into the underground cavity like toilet water.

The underground cavity that was empty not long ago has now turned into a magma lake filled with lava and heat waves.

But it’s not over yet.

The “water level” of the magma lake continued to rise, and the rising lava quickly filled the underground cavity with limited space, and began to flow upward toward the tunnel connecting the underground cavity and the ground.

This tunnel soon turned into a magma well with rising water levels.

And Li Qing is here now.

“It seems that my luck is not that good yet”

While he was working hard to climb along the nearly vertical tunnel to the ground, he helplessly looked at the magma water surface approaching him under his feet:

“I am not a supercomputer with accurate data. I cannot accurately predict the rising speed of this magma.”

“And what’s worse”

“The rising magma is getting closer and closer to me, but I can’t use my skills to escape!”

According to Li Qing’s original idea, he would start climbing up the moment Meatloaf started digging into the magma chamber, and then climb out of Meatloaf’s sensing range before the magma poured back up.

However, the speed of the magma spewing was not what Li Qing could have predicted in advance.

He can only gamble.

Unfortunately, the “gamble” that Li Qing never thought of before was unintentionally planted, but now the “handicap” that he was thinking about was deliberately planted.

The speed of the magma rising was far beyond his imagination.

If Li Qing continues to climb up slowly with his hands and feet, Li Qing will soon be caught up by the lava that arrives first, and will be washed to the ground by the thousands of degrees of lava.

The only way is to use the two high-speed displacement skills of “Golden Bell” or “Echo Strike” to escape directly to the ground before you are swallowed by the magma.

However, this skill cannot be used.

Because the magma surged up so fast, Li Qing was almost swallowed up by the rising “water level” of the magma well at his feet before he had time to climb out of Meatloaf’s perception range.

“I am now about 80 meters directly above the piece of meat, and I am still 20 meters away from completely escaping from its sensing range.”

“If I use displacement skills to escape now, it will definitely chase after me and rush to the ground with me at a speed that far exceeds the magma wave!”

“In this case”

“All the efforts Giorno and I have made before are in vain!”

Li Qing clenched his fists and felt a firm determination in his heart:

“You can’t use skills, you can only climb up slowly.”

“After climbing out of these last twenty meters, I can get rid of that piece of meat forever!”

Lava rises and a heat wave hits.

This vertical tunnel that had just been carved out by Meatloaf’s body had now transformed into a fully powered alchemy furnace.

Li Qing is now the “grand monkey” who was thrown into the alchemy furnace, but he does not have the invulnerable and indestructible body of the Monkey King. He has already begun to lose blood.

Even if the upwelling lava has not directly touched his body, he cannot bear the endless heat wave that rushes straight up from his feet.

It is not necessary to grill the mutton skewers directly on the charcoal, just put it on the charcoal.

The terrifying heat that rushes straight up from the magma will naturally heat the air to the point of distortion, turning it into a powerful invisible oven.


Li Qing could feel that the air around him must be at least hundreds of degrees Celsius.

Bathing in such hot air is actually more painful than touching the soldering iron directly with your skin.

Although Li Qing was able to block the pain that was enough to drive people crazy, he couldn’t ignore the huge damage caused to him by the scorching air.

“Steady, steady!”

“Only the last 10 meters left!”

Li Qing forced himself not to look at the rapidly declining health bar and climbed up with all his heart.

10 meters 9 meters 8 meters 7 meters

It seems that he will be able to escape from the perception range of the piece of meat immediately and gain a new life.

However, the distance between life and death is often only so short.

When Li Qingli was only six meters out of the meat’s sensing range, his health was burned by the high-temperature air to only 12%.

This amount of blood is not enough for him to survive for two seconds.

At this moment, he has only two choices

First, directly target Giorno and use Sky Sound Wave or Golden Bell to return to the ground. In this way, the piece of meat will follow him back.

Two, stay and wait for death, and sleep forever in this underground purgatory together with the piece of meat.

What to choose?


“If you choose the second option, you will be directly gameover. Normal people will definitely choose the first option, right?”

“When a person dies, there is nothing, and what he says is useless after he dies.”

In this flash of lightning, countless thoughts flashed through Li Qing’s mind.

He has even planned the life-saving measures he should take after returning to the ground:

“Even if the piece of meat is brought back to the ground, I’m afraid it will be difficult to survive with the little blood volume I have left, but”

“But there is also Giorno Giovanna, isn’t there?”

“That idiot will definitely save me subconsciously. As long as I am ruthless and use him as bait, I can still survive with my remaining health.”

“The first road is such an easy and easy way to survive!”


Li Qing’s upward movement suddenly stopped: “I refuse!”

It may be because of impulse, or it may be because his sanity is offline, but after all, Li Qing was unknowingly infected by the too real environment of this game, so much so that he learned from the 13-year-old kid named Giorno. To something that will kill you.

He gave up his escape and chose to stay.

“Since you claim to be an advanced player, you shouldn’t let your teammates bear the responsibility for the mistakes you made!”

“Just one life”

“It’s just a game anyway, haha, maybe you will be resurrected even if you die, right?”

A complicated smile appeared on the corner of Li Qing’s mouth.

He slowly let go of his hand clinging to the rock wall, preparing to plunge himself into the endless lava:

“Although the game time is only half a day, I have to say”

“This is really a wonderful game (goodgame)!”


“Climb up, here I come!”

The moment Li Qing smiled and hit gg, a slightly urgent voice suddenly called his consciousness back from this purgatory.

This is Giorno’s voice.


Li Qing’s expression froze and he couldn’t help being shocked:

He had just been paying attention to the “water level” of the magma under him and the location of the meat, but he didn’t notice that Giorno had climbed down from the ground at some point!

“What are you doing here? You are going to die!”

Perceiving Giorno who was now less than five meters above him, Li Qing was so angry that his tone changed.

“I saw your badly damaged health bar.”

“You need help, don’t you?”

Giorno’s slightly rough voice came from above his head. Apparently, he had felt the burning heat of the air in the lava well.

And Li Qing could still tell from the voice that Giorno was getting closer and closer to him.

“Don’t go any further, the air below is even hotter!”

“Even my digital body can’t hold it up. If you continue to climb down, you will die!”

Li Qing cursed angrily.

But Giorno still came down.

The lava is rising, but Giorno and his golden experience are climbing down:

“Li Qing, you are already my recognized companion.”

“I, Giorno Giovanna, will never give up on my friends!”

“Wood big wood big wood big wood big!”

The golden shadow of the fist blooms in this lava well, and its light can even outshine the magma that contains infinite light and heat.

This fist was hit on the rock wall.

The golden experience first violently punched the soil on the rock wall, and then like a naughty child playing with his companions, it poured the soft soil that was beaten into mud onto Li Qing.

“What are you doing?”

Li Qing was stunned for a while.

Then, he immediately discovered that the mud splashed on him by the golden experience seemed to come alive:

They continue to grow, deform, and connect with each other to form one. In just one breath, Li Qing’s entire body was covered with a layer of strange “armor.”

At this time, Li Qing noticed

The outlines of Giorno and Golden Experience are slightly different from usual. They seem to be wearing the same “armor” as themselves.

“This is stony coral.”

Giorno, who is just a mortal, his voice trembling in this scorching furnace:

“This kind of coral has a natural foam structure, and its body contains a large number of small cavities. Even if they die in high temperatures, the calcium carbonate body of this foam structure will be preserved permanently.”

“Then there’s the simple principle of foam insulation:”

“The thermal conductivity of air is very low when it is not flowing, so it can temporarily help us prevent the burning of high-temperature air.”

“Although I can’t last more than a few seconds, it’s enough.”

“Let’s go”

Giorno extended his hand to Lee Sin:

“Let’s live together!”


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