Lee Sin’s Bizzare Adventure Chapter 338: Indescribable signs of death


Today, March 26th.

On this afternoon, 15:11.

Naples, in a dark alley.

Diablo had just suffered an unexpected attack, and what struck him was a round stone.

The owner of this stone told him that the name of this stone is: “Rolling Stone”

“Rolling Stone?”

Diablo pressed the sculpture artist named Scolibi, also known as “Rolling Stone”, firmly to the wall of the alley:

“After all, this is still the substitute you released!”

He already regarded Scoliby as an assassin who deliberately murdered him.

And that weird stone is that guy’s stand-in, a deadly weapon.

But Scoliby hurriedly denied:

“No, no, no…”

“Michelangelo, who was so brilliant during the Renaissance, once said:”

“I didn’t have any idea in my mind when I was carving marble, and I never thought about what kind of shape I wanted to carve the stone into… because the stone itself already showed the shape of how it should be carved, and what I did was just It’s just taking that shape out of its momentum…”


Diablo was silent for a while.

The Crimson King suddenly grabbed the opponent’s neck:

“Speak humanly!”


Scolibie was pinched and coughed:

“I mean…”

“I can’t command “Rolling Stone” at all. It acts completely according to its own will. ”

“It is the Stone of Destiny!”

“It will sense the fate of the dying person, and will carve itself into the ‘shape of fate’ of the dying person – that is, the shape of his death.”


He carefully described Ichiban’s abilities.

It turns out that this so-called rolling stone is actually a death bird, a prediction machine, and it also comes with special services of early euthanasia.

Diablo fell silent again.

This time, what is brewing in the silence is endless anger:


“You reckless guy, what you just said…”

“I, the invincible Diavolo, the dark emperor who controls the entire purpose, am going to die soon?!”


Scolibie’s voice was very calm:

“Since “Rolling Stone” is looking for you, it means that you will die soon. ”

“This is fate…”


Diablo roared angrily:

“Already destined?”

“A carved form of death?”

“That useless stone substitute of yours has been completely destroyed by me a long time ago!”

“It didn’t carve anything at all, I smashed it into powder and scattered in the air!”

“Where is the carving? Where is the destiny!”


Hearing Diavolo’s somewhat rude roar, Scully’s expression suddenly changed:

“You, you just said…”

“After the “rolling stone” found you, it didn’t carve anything out, but it was already shattered into powder? ”

“That’s right!” Diavolo said bitterly: “What kind of future death…what kind of destined fate…I don’t believe it!”

Faced with Diavolo’s faintly crazy roar, Scribe’s tone actually showed a bit of pity:

“Sorry. I have never seen this situation before.”

“But…since “Rolling Stone” is looking for you, it means that you will definitely die in the near future. ”

“And it was completely destroyed without carving your death shape. I’m afraid that’s because…”

Scolibie swallowed his saliva, his tone was shocking:

“The state of your death is too miserable to be expressed by the art of ‘carving’.”


About two hours after the “Rolling Stone” appeared.

In the port warehouse by the sea, Diavolo finally knew what fate was.

He has never understood what “the appearance of death cannot be described by sculptures”. Could it be that it turned into ashes and shattered into powder?

And now, Diavolo knows:

The way he died was that he was completely erased from this world by the power of time.

Because he violated the rules of time and became a system vulnerability that must be repaired.

Diablo is now disappearing under the influence of some indescribable great force, just like an online article describing the area below the chest.

Not even a speck of ash will remain, as if this man named Diavolo had never existed.

Sculpture naturally cannot depict a corpse that does not exist at all.


Diablo roared in fear.

In fact, this process of disappearing is not painful, it is similar to his previous experience of the virtualization process before traveling through time and space.

The process of traveling through Ouroboros is this:

First it disappears under the transformation of the power of time and space, then enters the long river of time in some indescribable form, and finally returns to the past through the long river of time, and re-condenses the human body in the past.

But now, Diavolo can feel it inexplicably:

I am simply disappearing.

There was some irresistible force dragging him into the long river of time.

This time, he will not travel to the past and will never come back.


“Don’t come near me!!”

Diablo howled crazily at the indescribable power.

But the rules of time cannot be violated, and his ethereal and transparent body eventually gradually returned to nothingness.

Like a photo with the transparency adjusted to 100%, Diavolo completely disappeared from this world.

The next moment…

The next moment…

Li Qing waited cautiously for a few seconds, but Diavolo did not reappear as he had before.

This time he did not travel to the past by the power of time and space, but was taken away forever by the power of time and space.

In the past, we got on the bus, took the bus, got off the bus, and then took the bus back.

Now the door is welded shut when you get in the car, and you can never get out again.

“Diablo is dead.”

Li Qing let out a long sigh of relief.

Actually, what he said is somewhat inaccurate:

Diablo was completely transformed into a form that could exist in the latitude of time, and was imprisoned in the long river of time forever.

He may live for a long time, maybe forever.

After all, there may be no concept of time in the latitude of time.

In a sense, Diavolo gained immortality in that prison of time.

But for Li Qing, for this world:

Diablo is indeed dead.

His existence has been completely erased from the world.

Maybe he is still living in the latitude of time, but how can humans understand the appearance of the latitude of time.

Time is a long river. Is time really a long river? It is just a description that humans use their poor imagination to describe.

Being trapped forever in a time latitude that cannot be understood, described, or observed…

There is no doubt that Diavolo is dead.

He died indescribably.

Because no one can describe existence in a time dimension.

“It’s all over.”

“Farewell, Diavolo.”

Li Qing became the final winner.

He took one last look at the place where Diavolo disappeared, and there was no trace of his presence there.

Then, Li Qing carefully hid deep in the warehouse.

Outside the warehouse, Li Qing and Diavolo were dealing with the hungry and thirsty Roshan.

Li Qing carefully hid in the warehouse, waiting for all the turmoil to end.


In the past, Li Qing led Roshan towards the sea.

He will meet Colt here, and Colt will contact the spw consortium, eventually leading Jotaro to rush to Rome in person.

Diablo from the past also took the opportunity to leave quietly.

He will temporarily hide in the dark to recuperate, and after the destruction of the technology group, he will go to Rome to launch his last attempt as the boss of the organization.

The story is over.

And the story begins again.

Li Qing watched the two good and evil protagonists from the past go away, and then finally carefully walked out of the warehouse.

He temporarily has no goal to move forward, and bids farewell to the danger that never ceases.

So Li Qing directly canceled the digitalization.

He walked aimlessly towards the coast, looking at the blue sea in front of him.

At this time, a grand scene that is even more Hollywood than Hollywood is taking place on the sea:

The huge mountain of flesh raced rapidly on the sea, causing huge waves.

Countless artillery shells and missiles are attacking it, like meteors falling from the sky.

Beyond the gray-black sky and above the blue sea, there are dots of flames and lights everywhere.

“What a big scene.”

Li Qing couldn’t help but sigh at the extremely gorgeous scene in front of him.

Such a beautiful and spectacular scene is a perfect ending to the story.

At this moment, a crisp ringtone came from the mobile phone in Li Qing’s arms.

The call was quickly connected:

“Hello? Were you calling me just now?”

“It’s so late, what do you want from me?”

Kishibe Rohan’s familiar voice came from the speaker.

There was a hint of displeasure in his tone.

After all, it was past 1 a.m. there, and no one would like a guy who bombarded him with phone calls in the middle of the night.

Even if Kishibe Rohan had not slept but was concentrating on composing comics, Li Qing’s rather rude behavior was enough to trigger his plan.

But the revulsion was only temporary.

Because Li Qing’s words quickly aroused his interest:

“Low companion on the shore.”

“I have an interesting story to tell you.”


Kishibe Rohan did not regard Li Qing as crazy because of his strange behavior of calling and telling stories in the middle of the night.

He just picked up the pen and paper from the desk, and then said calmly:

“Please tell me, I hope you are not here to cause trouble.”

“Hahaha… don’t worry.”

Li Qing laughed meaningfully:

“This story will never disappoint you.”


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