Lee Sin’s Bizzare Adventure Chapter 315: The loser eats the dust


The road builders Li Qing was looking for were, no, gangsters, indeed professional gangsters.

More than ten minutes have passed since Li Qing released the mission, and they have already formulated a feasible assassination plan for Kira Yoshikage:

“We will send one person to drive the garbage truck from the construction team to ambush near Guiyou Department Store.”

“Then pretend to be a customer and try to lure Kira Yoshikage out of Kameyo Department Store.”

“When the target walks out of the department store and stands on the roadside, our people will drive the garbage truck into the target and smash this Kira Yoshikage into pieces!”

The foreman explained his perfect murder plan with a confident face.

Li Qing has some objections:

“Why is it so complicated?”

“Can’t we just find someone to go in and stab him to death?”

“Of course you have to consider the aftermath of this murder.”

The foreman said with some embarrassment:

“This can turn the murder into a traffic accident and avoid police investigation.”

“If you kill someone, you won’t be in jail for a few years. If it works well, you’ll be released on the spot if you pay some money.”


Li Qing became even more speechless:

The behavior of this Japanese counterpart is indeed very different from that of the passion organization.

In Italy, the police system and prison system are both key control areas of the organization.

They always kill people directly in public places. When have they ever worried about the police and when have they ever worried about going to jail?

In Japan, underworld murders have to be carefully disguised as traffic accidents.

It seems that the life of the Japanese colleagues is indeed not going well

Thinking about it this way, the joke about building roads to supplement family income is not impossible.

Li Qing shook his head helplessly, and finally chose to agree:

“Then let’s do it!”

“But I have agreed in advance that I will go to the scene to participate in the operation.”

“Let me be responsible for seducing Yoshikage Kira. I know how to get him out of the company.”

Anyway, he just wanted to test what kind of trap would be triggered by asking someone to assassinate Kira Yoshikage.

Substituting a brutal direct attack with a well-designed truck collision might allow him to see more.

“No problem.”

The foreman bowed slightly to the big customer respectfully:

“The people and the car are ready, and we can set off now.”

April 6, 8:50.

Morio Town is not big at all.

The garbage truck driven by the underworld killer soon arrived near Guiyou Department Store.

As soon as Li Qing, who is responsible for luring Kira Yoshikage, sends an action signal, this murderous underworld killer will roar over in a truck full of garbage in an attitude of crossing the Akina Mountains.

At this moment, Li Qing, who also arrived at Guiyou Department Store, drove a car alone and stopped in the distance, hiding in the car and quietly observing.

To be cautious, he carefully turned on digitization as soon as he arrived at the scene.

Then, he took out two mobile phones from his arms and placed them separately on the driver’s seat of the car.

One phone is always on the phone. The other end of the phone is the Roman prison on the other side of the world. The person who answers the phone is a prisoner who is so nervous that he dare not speak out.

According to his number, he is Prisoner No. 2, which is the File Reader No. 2 prepared by Li Qing for himself.

After everything was arranged, he directly dialed Kira Yoshikage’s number from another mobile phone.

“Hello? I am Kira Yoshikage, a staff member of Kameyo Department Store.”

“What do you need from me?”

“Oh, it turns out you are here, Li Qing.”

The familiar voice soon came from the other end of the phone:

“Wait a minute.”

“Wait for me to move to a place convenient for talking.”

As expected, Kira Yoshikage took the initiative to walk out of the company without Li Qing opening his mouth.

Because Li Qing had already experienced this “the morning before”, he knew that Kira Yoshikage didn’t like to make personal calls in the company.

In this way, Kira Yoshikage walked out of Kameyou Department Store with his mobile phone.

Kameyo Department Store is located in the commercial center of Morio Town, with a bustling and broad avenue at its door.

Although there were relatively few pedestrians in the early morning, there was an endless stream of cars coming and going on the road.

Yoshikage Kira walked to the sidewalk by the side of the road.

He didn’t see Li Qing nearby, so he picked up his phone and chatted with Li Qing:

“Haha, Li Qing”

“The Loser’s Eating Dust should have been triggered, right?”

“How many times has it been triggered? Have you discovered the true power of Loser’s Dust now?”

Yoshikage Kira mocked into the phone with a leisurely expression.

While jokingly teasing Li Qing, he habitually held his cell phone and walked casually on the sidewalk.

The relaxed and casual pace made Kira Yoshikage even more confident:

“What do you want to say when you call me now?”

“If it is just some meaningless threats, then there is no need to waste your breath.”

“You bastard!”

Lee Sin roared angrily.

The dump truck from the Japanese counterpart will arrive soon, and he has to delay for a few more seconds.

However, this anger is not pretended, but hatred from the heart.

He just cursed Yoshikage Kira bitterly on the phone, and also said a lot of harsh words filled with resentment.

Kirara Yoshikage seems to be very satisfied with Li Sin’s incompetent and furious performance.

The more fierce and angry Li Qing scolded, the happier the smile on his face became:

“Criticize me, scold me, what else can you do?”

“I am invincible, protected by the dust of the defeated.”

“All your efforts will be a joke.”

Kira Yoshikage subconsciously walked along the roadside while teasing Li Qing on the other end of the phone in a comfortable mood.

At this moment, the swift and terrifying figure of the truck loaded with dirt finally appeared on the wide avenue.

The street killer hired by Li Qing is here!

The gangster killer drove the garbage truck carefully from the opposite direction.

As he drove quickly, he continued to accelerate quietly.

When he arrives at the entrance of Guiyou Department Store, he will pretend to lose control of the vehicle and swerve suddenly, hitting the target that has been locked on the roadside at maximum speed.

The dozens of tons of weight of the garbage truck coupled with the speed that will definitely get you a ticket are enough to crush all obstacles in the way.


Li Qing pushed his perception to the extreme:

What he was waiting for was now, the moment when he officially launched his attack on Kira Yoshikage.

He wanted to see what would happen if he attacked Kira Yoshikage directly.

So, in Li Qing’s nervous and expectant mood, the garbage truck finally approached the Turtle Friends Department Store.

The next step is to slam the steering wheel into Kira Yoshikage.

However, at this moment, when the killer driver was preparing to take the most critical and fatal last step

A heat wave instantly drowned it!

The explosion happened, right on the killer’s body.

He was blown to pieces in an instant, as if his entire existence had been wiped from the world.

The garbage truck suddenly became “unmanned”, and no one knew how its driver disappeared from the world.

Without the driver’s control, the steering wheel automatically shifted slightly.

The garbage truck failed to swerve as planned and killed Yoshikage Kira. Instead, it veered slightly and collided with a car coming from the opposite lane at high speed.

Heavy-duty trucks are the undefeated king on the road. Just a slight bump is enough to cause serious injury to a small car.

The left front body of the car instantly twisted and deformed, and the entire car crashed out of control into the Guiyou Department Store on the roadside.

But Kira Yoshikage did not encounter any danger.

The most deadly heavy truck collision did not happen at all, and the car that lost control due to a traffic accident even passed by a few meters away from him.

Kirara Yoshikage was unscathed, and at best it could only be said that he had suffered some accidental shock.

“Damn it, I actually have such ability”

“Before the attack was fully launched, the attacker instantly turned into a bomb and detonated!”

“Moreover, this explosion has not yet triggered time regression!”

After sensing all this, Li Qing’s face became extremely gloomy:

As long as the attack is carried out, it will be detonated instantly, and it will not trigger time regression

If this happened to him, wouldn’t he be killed directly?

This idea just came up

The unlucky killer’s residual heat hasn’t even had time to dissipate

A wave of heat suddenly burst out from Li Qing’s body.

“What, what!”

“Even my employer, who is hiding behind the scenes, can’t escape?”

Li Qing became increasingly horrified.

And that familiar heat wave exploded from within.

The horrific impact destroyed almost every cell in his body in an instant.

No matter how strong a flesh and blood body is, it will never be able to stop this kind of attack at the cellular level. Li Qing even thought that such an explosion could kill Giorno’s father instantly.

But fortunately, the digitized Li Qing is even more of a monster than Giorno’s father.

The car cabin suddenly became much hotter due to the explosion just now, but Li Qing only lost about 46% of his health and was not affected by anything else.

“Fortunately, if I hadn’t turned on digitalization, I would have died.”

“I can’t survive a few explosions of this magnitude.”

“If it happens twice more, I will”

Li Qing just had this thought in his mind.

Then he suddenly felt a familiar warmth brewing rapidly in his body

“Damn! Still coming?”

Li Qing’s face suddenly became extremely ugly:

This type of explosion targeting attackers is actually unlimited!

The loser eats the dust. This is to kill them all and completely obliterate those who attacked Kira Yoshikage!

“No. 2! No. 2!”

“If you hear it, please answer it! If you hear it, please answer it!”

Li Qing picked up the mobile phone that he had placed on the driver’s seat of the car.

“Hello? Sir, do you have any orders?”

The serious prisoner on the other end of the phone knew that he was now talking to the ruler of the underground world, so he responded extremely quickly.

“Listen to me”

The heat wave of the explosion engulfed Li Qing again.

He hurriedly recited the spell that could control time into the phone:

“Yoshikage Kira is a murderer!”

ps: Introduction to the loser’s ability to eat dust:

Turn Killer Queen herself into a bomb and possess it in an ordinary person. After that, as long as someone gets any information about Kira Yoshikage from the set person, the loser will be activated and will kill the person who gets the information. Exploded to death and set time back one hour.

The fate will not be changed. Things that were destroyed before (including the people who were killed) will still be destroyed when the time comes, unless Kira removes his ability midway.

After time goes back, neither Kira nor anyone else will retain the memory before the time goes back. Only the person who is set can remember the memory before the time goes back.

Changes and additions to this book:

If Li Qing (the one who was set) and those who come because of Li Qing make an “attack” against Kira Yoshikage, Killer Queen’s first bomb will be directly triggered.

The explosion of the first bomb will continue to occur on the attacker until the attacker dies.

:. :


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