Lee Sin’s Bizzare Adventure Chapter 314: Hire a murderer


Kira Yoshikage turned and left calmly.

He didn’t take Li Qing’s threat seriously at all.

As Kira Yoshikage left, Li Qing’s expression also cooled from anger to coldness, with a hint of depth in the coldness.

Now that his most proud power has no use, all he can rely on is his purest mind and wisdom.

So Li Qing forced himself to suppress his hatred and use rational thinking to solve this unsolvable problem:

“His heartbeat and breathing have remained stable from the beginning.”

“That bastard’s calmness was not an act. He was not afraid of our appearance from beginning to end.”

“That is to say…he has the confidence to resist this kind of attack directly aimed at his body, whether it is me or the helper I invited.”

An unspeakable feeling of suffocation quietly surged into my heart.

The purpose of Li Qing leading the team this time is actually more to test-

He wants to test two loopholes that Loser Eats Dust has not yet shown, or two possibilities of cracking:

1. Without revealing Kira’s identity, he directly launches the attack as the carrier.

2. Without revealing Kira’s identity, ask helpers to attack his body.

But Kira Yoshikage told Li Qing with his indifferent and almost indifferent reaction that neither of these two methods seemed feasible.

Otherwise, he would have been shaken the first time he saw Li Qing and others, or at least there would have been slight signs of heartbeat fluctuations.

“Is this really so…”

“No, there must be a loophole in this.”

“If no one can attack Kira Yoshikage, this ability is really unsolvable!”

Li Qing gradually grasped a vague direction in confusion:

“You still have to try.”

“Even if the attack fails, I still have to try to study the way the loser eats dust to protect himself from attacks.”

“Only by understanding its triggering principle and mode of action can I possibly find the key to cracking the loser’s dust.”

He quickly made up his mind.

But Li Qing didn’t just rush into Guiyou Department Store and kill everyone.

Don’t say that he may not be able to kill Yoshikage Kira. Even if he can do it, he doesn’t dare to kill him now——

If Yoshikage Kira died now, Li Qing himself would be able to win, but his dead companion would never come back.

“You have to ‘read the file’ and start over.”

“And I have to do more than that:”

“Since the “destiny” of the object being destroyed will continue to happen after time goes back, then Giorno and the others will definitely be wiped out when 9:00 comes. ”

“That is to say, the time for me to finally crack the loser’s dust must be before 9:00!”

“Only in this way can I truly save my companions!”

Li Qing clearly understood the difficulty of this task.

After his thoughts were sorted out, he couldn’t wait to read the file and start over.

The prerequisite for reading the file is to reveal the identity of Kira Yoshikage, which means deliberately letting the loser eat dust and blow up someone.

Li Qing resisted the urge to grab an unlucky guy from the roadside and stopped to think about it carefully.

Then he dialed his younger brother’s number with ease:

“Hello, Thomas?”

“Listen to me telling you something.”


April 6, 8:08.

Time goes back again.

This is already the third 8 o’clock that Li Qing has spent on the 6th.

The first time he woke up, he directly repeated what he had done before loading the file and called Thomas, the current director of the Science and Technology Intelligence Group.

“Boss, do you want me to make a list of the felon numbers in Italy’s Daili Prison within three minutes?”

“You also want to ensure that you can contact them by phone at any time?”

Thomas simply couldn’t understand Li Qing’s unreasonable order.

“That’s right.” Li Qing replied without hesitation: “Just automatically sort by first letter and give me a list.”

“This…” Thomas hesitated:

The passion organization controls the entire Italian prison system, such as former cadre Polpo, who simply lived in the heavy-duty prison as his villa when he was alive.

The fate of prisoners is completely controlled by the organization. The organization does have the ability to contact any criminal in prison at any time.

What Li Qing wanted to name were serious prisoners who had committed murder, **** and other vicious crimes.

They are all scum who have committed heinous crimes. Some of them were directly sentenced to death, and those who were not sentenced to death basically had to spend the rest of their lives in prison.

These scum may be extremely vicious or unruly, but they are all obedient and good children in front of the passion organization.

Because the most serious crime is the death penalty.

But if you offend the organization…it will be difficult to die.

“Boss, what on earth do you want to do?”

Thomas asked nervously:

With such a group of desperadoes suddenly organized, is the boss going to rebel?

This is too scary.

He anxiously speculated about Li Qing’s intentions.

But Li Qing just gave him an incredible answer:

“I just want them to answer my phone.”

“Anything they need to do is waiting for my call.”

“After the call is connected, keep the call on and wait patiently. You are not allowed to speak, and you are not allowed to hang up on me.”

“Huh?” Thomas was stunned for a while.

Li Qing, however, added the incomprehensible content unhurriedly:

“After sorting the list, just cross out number 1.”

“That number 1 has already been used, this time I use number 2.”

“It’s easier for me to keep track of the times by lining up one by one.”

Thomas was confused, but Li Qing gave the order methodically like an indifferent machine:

“By the way, help me contact the local forces in Japan from the dark web.”

“I need to issue an assassination mission in Morio Town. The target of the assassination is Kira Yoshikage. The location is Kameyu Department Store in Morio Town. The time limit for completing the task is before 9 o’clock today.”


This order is even more embarrassing.

Even though he was not very familiar with the underground world on the other side of the earth, Thomas still said helplessly based on his own situation:

“Boss, don’t you stop joking…”

“Complete the assassination mission before 9 o’clock? That’s not even an hour!”

“The gangster killer is not a cop, so he cannot be found casually in a small town.”

“Such a short amount of time may not be enough for the assassin to take the mission and arrive at Morio Town, let alone successfully assassinate the target.”

“Stop talking nonsense!”

Li Qing’s attitude is extremely determined:

“Just help me place the order and pay the bill.”

“I asked, and they happen to have someone in Morio Town.”


April 6, 8:22.

The reason why Thomas was asked to help hire a gangster killer was because Li Qing wanted to formally test Kira Yoshikage’s defense mechanism.

Li Qing is not willing to do this kind of dangerous thing alone.

If Giorno and the others were to help, they were worried that an accident would worsen the situation.

So, with the mentality of trying, Li Qing asked Thomas to help contact his Japanese underworld colleagues.

What is surprising is that the Japanese colleagues accepted this almost impossible nine-point assassination mission without thinking.

Because they happened to have a lot of manpower deployed in Morio Town.

After suddenly receiving this extremely lucrative urgent order, the Japanese colleagues immediately decided to let this group of people temporarily put aside their tasks and give priority to helping Li Qing solve the problem.

After placing the order, paying the huge sum of money, and making a special request that he must go offline with the killer…

Li Qing soon got his wish and met the gangster killers hiding in Duwang Town.

And these Japanese mafia killers who perform secret missions incognito…

At this moment, we are actually near Dongfang’s house…

On the avenue that Li Qing smashed yesterday…

Wearing a safety helmet to build roads.

“You…are really gangsters?”

“Am I in the wrong place?”

The corners of Li Qing’s mouth twitched slightly:

He clearly saw a group of disgraced road construction workers standing in front of him.

The leader, who calls himself the gang leader, looks like the foreman of these workers.

In fact, Li Qing just passed by here “last morning” and even said hello to these road construction workers.

And now, in the blink of an eye, this road construction team has turned into a gangster killer who he bought with a huge sum of money?

“Are you kidding me…”

Li Qing repeatedly confirmed the joint password:

“Are you really the killers who took my order?”

“Of course, no doubt about it.”

Boss, no, the foreman replied seriously:

“Don’t look at us like this now.”

“Many of our brothers are good at seeing blood.”

“Mr. Li Qing, we will definitely complete the commission you issued.”

“Is that so…” Li Qing still felt that something was wrong: Then why did you come here to build roads while leaving the underworld alone? ”

“This…” There was a look of embarrassment on the foreman’s face.

Li Qing is a VIP customer who paid a huge sum of money. It is said that he is also a gangster from Europe. Of course, he does not dare to offend easily.

After holding it for a few seconds, the foreman said with an embarrassed look:

“The Japanese underworld is not easy to get along with.”

“It just so happens that on the surface our organization operates a construction company.”

“So when there are no tasks, everyone just takes over construction projects and subsidizes the family income.”

Li Qing’s expression suddenly became extremely rich:

Is the life of our Japanese colleagues so difficult?

To be so poor that you have to move bricks and build roads to survive, this gangster life is a bit frustrating.

“No…” Li Qing was not that easily fooled after all.

After sighing, he suddenly noticed that the foreman’s heartbeat accelerated slightly.

This guy is obviously hiding something. The truth is not simply building roads to supplement family income as he said.

However, this is their business after all.

Time is running out now, and Li Qing is not interested in exploring what secret mission these strangers are performing here.

He quickly put his doubts behind him and said straight to the point:

“Since you are the ones taking the mission, let’s get started now.”

“Before nine o’clock, Kameyo Department Store, kill that guy named Kira Yoshikage.”

“No problem.”

“Just a department store employee…”

The foreman wiped his plastered hands and shook hands with Li Qing politely:

“The task must be completed before nine o’clock.”


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