Lee Sin’s Bizzare Adventure Chapter 282: The power of crazy diamond


Diablo misjudged the situation.

He originally thought that the gentle young man from a small town in front of him would get angry and leave after being squeezed, but he did not expect that after getting angry, this guy would show a terrifying side that matched his tough appearance.

The previous enthusiasm for helping others has disappeared, and now there is only the burning anger in Higashikata Jousuke’s eyes.

He has a good temper, but this hairstyle has a very important meaning to him.

You can insult his person, but you can never insult his hairstyle.

But Diavolo accidentally angered him completely:

“Crazy Diamond!”

Higashikata Josuke let out an angry growl.

Without any hesitation or pause, Crazy Diamond was driven by the infinite anger and blasted out a fist shadow as sharp as a violent storm:

“Du la la la la la la la!”

The shadows of the fists, which were so fast that no one could see them clearly, merged into one mass, and finally poured towards Diavolo like a big river.

The shadow of the fist gallops and the strong wind rises.

Being hit by such a fist will lead to death or serious injury.

Asshole, that kid wants to kill someone!

Diablo’s heart skipped a beat.

And Higashikata Jousuke’s eyes were so angry that only the whites of his eyes were horrifying, making it unclear whether murderous intent or pure anger was surging inside.

But what Diavolo could tell was that the wave of punches coming towards him was absolutely fatal.

Is it necessary to fight to such an extent that I just laughed at my hair style?

This is too ridiculous and unbelievable.

I’m afraid there was some flaw in me that allowed this kid to see something was wrong.

Diablo never imagined that someone would be so angry that they would commit murder just because of a ridiculous hairstyle.

So he had to think of the worst and make the most decisive decision:

“The Crimson King!”

He didn’t want to expose his substitute in front of others, but he couldn’t do it now.

The terrifying fist of Crazy Diamond will crush him into flesh almost instantly, and Diavolo must fight back now.

But this was actually another misjudgment on his part:

Diavolo thought he would be beaten to death, but Higashikata Josuke would never kill anyone because of his hairstyle, not even hurting anyone.

Otherwise, with the level of ridicule of his strange hairstyle, if he was scolded once, he would take it seriously, and Morio Town would have been killed with corpses everywhere.

So, Josuke would actually just let Crazy Diamond beat the person who insulted his hairstyle half to death, and then use his stand-in ability to instantly cure him.

Diablo doesn’t know this.

Looking at the overwhelming punches coming towards him, he did not dare to risk his life on the opponent’s mood.

So, Diavolo decided to do nothing and go all out:

“Crimson King, make time leap!!”

Crazy Diamond’s fist was so fast that it forced Diavolo to escape into time in just a moment.

During the brief moment, he suppressed his frightened mood and repeated his old tricks to go around behind Higashikata Jousuke with the Crimson King.

The Crimson King raised his sword high and quietly erected a guillotine with cold light during the cutting time that no one could notice.

The target under that sword was Higashikata Jousuke’s unique hair and the big head with fluffy hair.

“Time cut, cancel!”

The hand knife fell heavily, and a cold light fell on the top of Josuke’s head.

The distance between the two is so close, and the speed of the knife is so fast, it only takes a moment to kill.

Most people have a brief moment of sluggishness after experiencing time loss, and this moment of sluggishness is enough for someone to lose their life.

Josuke was indeed in such a daze, so he didn’t even notice when the sword fell.

It wasn’t until the Crimson King’s sharp knife fell straight down in the strong wind, and was about to chop his sky-high cow dung hairstyle into pieces, that he reacted belatedly:

“Don’t touch my hair!!”

Josuke let out an angry shout.

Obviously his head was about to be damaged, but what he was worried about was still his hairstyle.

“Crazy Diamond!”

Between the lightning and flint, Crazy Diamond’s figure suddenly turned into a bolt of lightning.

It suddenly turned around and punched, meeting the Crimson King’s sharp sword with one punch.

The fist was as fast as lightning and as powerful as steel.

Diablo was shocked: “What…such speed and power!”

The time-cut sneak attack that he thought he was sure of was unexpectedly broken by Crazy Diamond, who suddenly burst out with even greater power, using the most primitive and violent method.

This is the power of Higashikata Josuke.

Under the rage, Crazy Diamond can even have a 50-50 fight with the invincible Platinum Star.

In comparison, the speed that the Crimson King has always been proud of is not enough.

It was obviously a sneak attack with an advantage, but its sword could only barely split open Josuke’s head of cow dung rising into the sky.

Before he even had time to touch his scalp, Crazy Diamond’s swift and powerful fist came towards him.


The extremely strong iron fist and the extremely sharp sword collided on Josuke’s head, causing a wave of air and a loud roar on the spot.

But in this fist and knife fight, the one who was defeated was the Crimson King, who had always been invincible.

It staggered back amid the violent earthquake, and even Diavolo, as his body, felt his blood boiling due to the aftermath of the collision.

“Damn, this kind of unexplainable pure violence…”

“Just like a monster!”

Diablo realized that he had gotten into a bigger trouble than he imagined.

What he didn’t realize yet was that this trouble became even more terrifying because of his sneak attack just now:

“Hair…my hair!”

Higashikata Josuke stood there upright, reaching out to touch his head in disbelief.

This touch will scare you:

Because of the sharp sword strike that the Crimson King just made, his perfectly groomed, seamless, flexible, fluffy and stylish hairstyle was actually cut in half!

It’s like accidentally riding a bicycle over cow dung…

The cow dung had a mark cut out in the middle, and it was no longer a complete piece of cow dung.

“You actually did this to my hairstyle…”

“You are absolutely unforgivable!!”

Josuke has completely fallen into anger.

His eyes were filled with raging anger, and nothing else could be seen.

“Du la la la la la!”

Crazy Diamond perfectly recreates the anger of its owner.

The thunderous fist shadows merged into a violent wind in mid-air, and a huge wave roared to drown Diavolo.

Faced with this tsunami-like wave of attacks, Diavolo was a little suffocated.

Although cutting can sometimes ensure his own safety, he can’t imagine how he can win with such an obvious power gap.

With the emergency protection speed shown by the opponent just now, even if it is just a super-level performance, it is enough to restrain his best time-cut sneak attack.

I didn’t expect that this small town boy named Higashikata Josuke would hide such a powerful power.

If you randomly encounter a substitute messenger on the street, he is such a troublesome thing that you can’t even kill him. Is it really God’s will to kill him?

Diablo couldn’t help but fell into confusion.

But Crazy Diamond’s fist was already coming, and he could only passively dodge it by turning sideways.

When the time cut ended, Diavolo appeared at the side, and Crazy Diamond quickly pursued him again, driven by his endless anger.

“Just like a mad dog!”

Diablo’s heart was very tired.

Crazy Diamond put so much pressure on him that he even had to turn to Kira Yoshikage for help:

“What are you doing standing still? Help!”

“I still have a secret here, have you forgotten?!”

As soon as these words came out, Kira Yoshikage’s handsome face was immediately turned into a piece of spoiled pig liver.

“If you continue to sit back and watch with ulterior motives like this, I’m going to show you what I’m doing!”

Diablo continued to urge maliciously.

Every word he said was just right to control the opponent.

Kira Yoshikage gritted his teeth with a livid face:

“Okay…I’ll help you.”

With that said, Kira Yoshikage walked forward side by side with Killer Queen.

In this way, he stood together with Diavolo, and stood together in front of Crazy Diamond’s fist.

It really looks like they share the same hatred.

Two men with opposing views stand together with one hand.

But, just for the next moment…

Diavolo suddenly turned his head and glared at Kira Yoshikage angrily and helplessly:

“I don’t have a long memory!”

“You want to kill me while I’m in trouble? You’re a little too young!”

“Huh?” Kira Yoshikage’s heart skipped a beat.

Like a prophet who predicts the future, Diavolo drove the car and dodge further away.

The Killer Queen’s quietly stretched out hand stopped awkwardly in mid-air before it could even touch the corner of Diavolo’s clothes.


ps: avatar panel

Stand-in name——”Crazy Diamond”

The main body – Higashikata Josuke

Destructive power: a

Speed: a

Range distance: d

Sustainability: b

Movement precision: b

Growthability: c

Restore a damaged object or creature to its original condition.

Can repair damaged items and heal wounds on others, but cannot heal himself.

You can also choose to use the avatar’s fist to destroy the opponent before activating the ability to change the shape of the object or fuse two objects together.

If you use the ability on some of the fragments of a destroyed object, the fragments will “rapidly fly towards the original object”; if you fix the fragments, you can “pull the original object towards the fragments”.


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