Lee Sin’s Bizzare Adventure Chapter 278: Caught off guard


In just a few seconds, Diavolo had completely seen through the reality of the father and son in front of him:

Kira Yoshikage’s Stand ability seems to turn anything touched by the Stand into a bomb.

This ability is not weak at all, but this kind of pure, instantaneous physical attack that can be easily avoided with a 0.5 second short-term attack happens to be the type that the Crimson King is least afraid of.

And Kira Yoshihiro’s stand-in ability currently seems to be a bit of a threat – at least, Diavolo doesn’t know how to deal with an old ghost hiding in the photo yet.

Unfortunately, this old ghost exposed his hopeless “loving father” attribute.

He regards taking care of his son as the whole meaning of life. His son is his obsession and everything to him.

This is Kira Yoshihiro’s biggest weakness.

And Diavolo has been in charge of the underworld for more than ten years, and he knows deeply:

Family, love, friendship, and some messy feelings, these bonds are a person’s greatest weakness.

This kind of human weakness is far more fatal than the weakness in the substitute’s ability.

Diavolo has no doubt that as long as he takes down Yoshikage Kira as soon as possible, and then uses his rich experience to show off his hands on Yoshikage Kira——

In order to let his son die happily, the loving old father would do anything.

And that is exactly the case now.

Even though Diavolo coldly rejected the proposal, the grumpy old man was still begging pitifully in order to find a way out for his son:

“Yes, I’m sorry, we were wrong before.”

“Please take the arrow and go directly -“

“Think about it… You also hold our secrets in your hands, how dare we expose your whereabouts casually?”

“Believe me, no matter who comes to investigate later, we, father and son, will not talk too much.”

“That’s enough…Father.”

But it was Kira Yoshikage who stopped his father’s plea.

He sees the situation more clearly than his dead ghost father:

“That guy is right, ants are not qualified to negotiate terms with others.”

“He has already made up his mind to kill.”

“Then, that son can run away quickly!” Kira Yoshihiro said in a panic: “I will send you out of the room, and let me break up the relationship here.”

As he spoke, he also controlled the photo he was parasitizing to fly slowly to his son.

With the tragic feeling of wanting to live and die with his son, he just floated in front of his son in the photo, as if he wanted to say goodbye to his son with affectionate eyes.

But Yoshikage Kira has no intention of bidding a fond farewell to his dead father.


He lowered his head and fell into deathly silence.

In order to avoid the Crimson King’s deadly pursuit, he had been forced from the door to the center of the room.

Although it was only a few meters away from the exit, in the face of the enemy’s powerful and unpredictable ability, Kira Yoshikage really had no confidence that he could walk those few meters safely.

Speaking of which, he does have a trump card called the withering and heart-piercing attack, but if the enemy can be completely immune to damage and can move without warning, this so-called trump card may not be able to play a role in his escape. .

After all, it is just an automatic bomb truck – even the father of Atomic Heart’s sure-hit attack can be avoided by Diavolo, and this simple explosion attack is probably even more powerless.


No matter how he thought about it, Kira Yoshikage could not find a way to ensure safety.

If you really want to be absolutely safe, you can only kill Diabo.

But how easy is it?

When he thought that his ordinary life would end in blood and death, Kira Yoshikage couldn’t help but bite his nails in despair.

And Diavolo no longer intends to give them any more time to say goodbye to father and son.

He slowly approached with the Crimson King, and did not use his substitute ability. He just acted provocatively and forced Kira and his son to take action passively.

The injured Killer Queen was also completely defeated on the frontal battlefield, so Kira and his son naturally had to stop her.

“Don’t come here! Don’t come near my son!”

In the photo, Yoshihiro Kira stabs Diavolo in the heart crazily with a kitchen knife.

The kitchen knife in reality also flew up.

But this is just a repeat of what just happened.

Diavolo turned on the time cut in a familiar manner, making Kira Yoshihiro’s attack ineffective, and finally used the same trick to move behind Kira Yoshihiro’s shadow.

After being stunned and injured, Kira Yoshikage reacted much faster this time.

He manipulated Killer Queen to dodge with all his strength, but in the end he only narrowly escaped from minor injuries.

The injury was far from fatal, but the result was worse.

Kira Yoshikage’s figure became more broken and weaker. He didn’t know how long he could survive in front of the monster and how many times he could block the incomprehensible attacks.

Seeing his son being beaten so miserably, Yoshihiro Kira was already in tears.

There was only despair in his head.

But just then…

Kira Yoshikage, as if he had thought of some way to defeat the enemy, his expression suddenly became firm:

“Don’t stop!”

“Continue to attack, don’t stop for a second-“

“His ability to ignore attacks must be consumed. As long as we can persist until he is exhausted and needs to rest, we will still have a chance!”

“Yes, really?”

Kira Yoshihiro’s eyes began to light up.

He believed his son 100%, and his son’s words certainly brought him hope.

So Yoshihiro Kira began to stab Diavolo in the photo crazily.

Looking at his impassioned demeanor and gushing expression, it seemed as if he wanted to be equipped with an attack speed weapon and be able to hit five swords per second.

But in fact, this old ghost’s movements are very slow, and his stabbing speed is also ridiculously slow.

Diavolo sneered at the reaction of Kira and his son:

“You want to consume me to the point where I can no longer activate Time Cut. Can you hold on until then?”

Without saying a word, he turned on the time cutting again.

It was another short-term attack with no technical content to dodge the flying knife, then he moved closer behind him, and finally slashed out the dull and deadly hand knife in a precise manner.

This time, Kira Yoshikage was even more seriously injured.

It was so serious that it looked like it was crumbling.

“Son, son?”

Kira Yoshihiro couldn’t help but have huge doubts about the plan his son had just proposed.

He would never question his son’s decision, but this time it was about Kira Yoshikage’s life, and he had to think more:

“Does this really work?”

“Your injuries are so serious, how can you hold on until you can wear down the opponent to the point where he can no longer activate his abilities?!”


“This is our only way, continue!”

Kira Yoshikage was like a rebellious teenager, and he directly responded to his father’s questions in such a cold and stern tone.

Yoshihiro Kira is a little confused:

It was obvious that the tactics adopted by the son were not working.

His injuries are already serious and he won’t be able to hold on for long.

Besides, who knows how many times the enemy will use his abilities before he is exhausted.

It is impossible for them to win if they continue to fight like this.

So, what do Yoshikage Kira think?

Has he lost all hope and decided to make a heroic move, or is he hiding some real killer move?

Kira Yoshikage manipulated the photo to float next to his dear child, looking at Kira Yoshikage with worry.

And at this moment….

Killer Queen moved, in a way that Yoshihiro Kira never expected.

With a tiny gesture that was difficult for Diavolo to notice, it carefully pretended to protect its body while quietly, quietly…

He reached out to the photo of Kira Yoshihiro.


At this moment, time seems to have frozen.

Yoshihiro Kira is not a fool, but he is often confused because he is too worried about his son.

But now, at this moment, he felt that his brain, which had turned into a spirit body, became extremely awake.

He was even able to see through the problem that he didn’t want to see through in an instant in this almost still time –

What does Killer Queen want when she reaches for the photo?

The answer is of course not that Yoshikage Kira wants his substitute to be intimate with his father.

The answer is actually very simple:

1. Killer Queen can instantly detonate anything she touches, and the explosion speed is so fast that people cannot react at all.

2. As long as the photo is destroyed, everyone in the photo will disappear with the photo – whether it is Kira Yoshihiro or Diavolo.

“I’m sorry, Dad.”

Kira Yoshikage said nothing.

But Yoshihiro Kira was able to read what his son wanted to say from his cold, yet complicated eyes:

“You’re right, I can’t survive by relying on stupid methods.”

“The so-called tactics are just what I use to make the enemy relax their vigilance.”

“There is only one breaking point -“

“The enemy’s invincibility must be actively displayed.”

“Then, as long as my attack is so unexpected that people cannot react, I can hope to seize that moment of opportunity to blow up the enemy.”

In the final analysis, he just wants to catch the enemy off guard and catch him by surprise.

But Killer Queen’s ability has an obvious “forward movement”.

The kind of contact mine that explodes on contact needs to be thrown, and the action is extremely obvious.

The kind of ignition mine that detonates actively has the “accidental” property of a landmine, but Killer Queen must perform the unnecessary action of pressing the second joint of her right index finger when detonating, which will give the enemy time to react.

But directly detonating the photo is different…

It only takes an instant to explode the photo in his hand, and it only takes an instant for Diavolo to turn into ashes.

And Diavolo now knows very little about the abilities of the Father of Atomic Heart. He probably doesn’t even know that destroying the photo will kill all the people in the photo.

Even if he could know…

Can he imagine that Kira Yoshikage would even blow up his own father?

There is no trick more surprising than sacrificing your biological father.

By the time Diavolo truly reacts, he may not have the chance to activate his so-called “invincible” ability.

This is all Yoshikage Kira’s idea, a cruel, but extremely effective tactic:

“I’m sorry, Dad.”

“If we don’t we will all die.”

Kira Yoshikage bid farewell to his father with his cold eyes:

“You can go with peace of mind…”

“I will live well and live happier than everyone else!”


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