Lee Sin’s Bizzare Adventure Chapter 277: Killer Queen


The footsteps outside the door stopped.


“It’s that bastard—Dad, I’ve trapped him for you!”

In a doting tone, Kira Yoshihiro excitedly said to his son who appeared outside the door.

His tone was so humble and overly flattering that it didn’t sound like a doting father, but rather like a licking dog who had seen a goddess.

And Kira Yoshikage seems to have become accustomed to his father’s excessive doting.

This almost overflowing fatherly love did not touch him at all.

He didn’t pay attention to his dead ghost father at all, and just cast his murderous eyes on the intruder in the room.

A closer look…

Kira Yoshikage, who had always had a calm temperament, could no longer suppress the violent twitching of his facial muscles:

“It’s you, you’re the **** in the convenience store!”

“Damn…you really came for me.”

After seeing the identity of the intruder clearly, Yoshikage Kira couldn’t help but break out in a cold sweat:

The other party tracked him from the convenience store to his home silently, but he was never aware of it.

What does this mean?

This means that 99% of the intimate interactions he just had with his “girlfriend”, the biggest secret in his life, have been discovered by the other party!

If such news were allowed to leak out…

His beautiful and ordinary daily life will soon be gone forever.

“Hey, I’m not here for you, a pervert.” Diablo spoke.


The doctors said he was normal, but this guy called himself a pervert.

Obviously, this guy really saw something he shouldn’t have seen.

Yoshikage Kira felt cold all over, but Diavolo’s expression remained as usual.

He has seen countless strong winds and waves, and of course he will not be overly nervous because of small waves like this:

“All I want is that arrow.”

“Give me that arrow obediently, and I will spare your life. How about that?”

Diablo gave a very reasonable condition.

He has been in the industry for more than ten years, but no one is qualified to get such conditions from him that can stop the killer.

But Yoshihiro Kira was not ungrateful at all. As soon as he heard this, he did not hesitate to spit excitedly in the photo:

“Wishful thinking!”

While activating his ability to allow his son to enter this isolated room to assist in the battle, he roared angrily:

“It’s this arrow, it’s the ‘happiness’ that this arrow has brought to my son.”

“It has the power to protect my son’s lifelong happiness, and I will never let you take it away!”

As a crazy old father who dotes on his son to the point of covering up murder and acting as an accomplice, Yoshihiro Kira has a special affection for this arrow.

Yoshikage Kira has been doing murder and beheading since he was 18 years old.

But at that time, he did not have Killer Queen’s stand-in ability, and his solid waste processing technology was relatively primitive.

The process is simple and the equipment is backward, resulting in most hazardous wastes being illegally transferred and secretly discharged into nature after simple manual treatment.

If the criminal investigation methods were not too backward fifteen years ago, the huge loophole of killing someone who could not clean his **** would be enough to directly expose Kira Yoshikage’s identity.

So, at that time, Kira Yoshikage lived in the fear and shadow of “possible imprisonment” almost every day.

This completely changed after Kira Yoshihiro brought back the arrow from Egypt.

This arrow inspired Yoshikage Kira’s Killer Queen’s stand-in ability. This stand can turn everything it touches into a bomb, blowing it up into ashes.

This stand-in ability is simply tailor-made for Kira Yoshikage. From then on, he no longer has any scruples in committing murders, and he no longer has to worry about leaving any traces that can be noticed by others.

Because of this arrow, Kira Yoshikage lived the ordinary life he wanted.

“I want to live a peaceful and comfortable life…I want to live happier than anyone else!”

“So…you must die, the dead can keep secrets.”

Yoshikage Kira made this declaration word for word.

He planned to do the same as he had done for more than ten years before, directly erasing those who knew his secret from the world.

“Son, let me put the arrow away for you!”

“When the time comes, I will be in the photo and you will be outside the photo, and we will launch a two-pronged attack!”

Yoshihiro Kira didn’t realize what he was facing at all, and he was even excited about this rare “parent-child activity”.

At the same time, the photo placed on the table began to behave strangely.

It suddenly levitated from the table without any wind, and quickly flew to the nearby long arrow that had been inserted into the table.

Then, this arrow actually “changed from three dimensions to two dimensions”. Under the guidance of Kira Yoshihiro, it entered the photo from reality and became an image in the photo.

Diablo did not stop the enemy from hiding arrows in the photo.

Because his previous experience had told him that he was not qualified to seize the arrow until he thought of a way to completely deal with the old man.

Moreover, Diavolo was not in a hurry to launch an attack.

He was waiting for Yoshikage Kira to also show his ability as a substitute.

Sure enough, facing the intimidation brought by the Crimson King’s ferocious appearance, Kira Yoshikage quickly summoned his own substitute.

It was also a burly humanoid stand-in in pink tones, but Killer Queen had two small cat ears on her head, and her facial features were quite regular. She looked much prettier than Diavolo’s pink octopus head.

But beauty cannot be eaten.

When Killer Queen officially took action, Diavolo knew that this was probably a sure thing:

“Killer Queen!”

Kira Yoshikage shouted softly, and Killer Queen quickly pulled a button from his suit and tentatively threw it towards Diavolo.

This button is no longer an ordinary button, but a bomb modified by Killer Queen.

At the same time, Yoshihiro Kira in the photo also launched an extremely vicious attack.

He took out a sharp kitchen knife from somewhere, and then stabbed the knife fiercely through the frozen image of Diavolo in the photo.

At this moment, what happened in the photo returned to reality:

A kitchen knife that was exactly the same as the one in the photo suddenly flew out of the cabinet in the corner. It flew straight towards Diavolo’s heart in a completely unstoppable manner.

There is a bomb in front and a sharp blade in the back.

But Diavolo still showed no signs of panic:

“The Crimson King——”

“Let time fly!”

The sharp blade passed through the chest without any success, and then fell weakly to the ground.

The button bomb also passed through Diavolo’s “void” body, and finally hit the wall behind him, triggering a powerful explosion.

But none of this had any effect on Diavolo.

He moved around in this small room in this independent time like a ghost, and almost in an instant he appeared behind Kira Yoshi with the Crimson King.

“Time cutting is over.”

The Crimson King raised his sword high behind Kira Yoshikage.

At this time, Kira Yoshikage was still immersed in the brief daze after experiencing the time cut.

It wasn’t until the sharp knife behind him stirred up a strong wind with murderous intent that he finally realized that death might come to him at any time.

“Wha, what?!”

Kirara Yoshikage was in a panic.

He has never experienced a serious stand-in battle, let alone such a weird and powerful stand-in ability.

This kind of cruel battle is far beyond the imagination of this ordinary citizen——

The father and son were obviously trying to launch an attack one second, but why were they about to die the next second?

Kirara Yoshikage can do nothing now. He can only instinctively let the Killer Queen beside him pull him hard:

This had a certain effect, at least it allowed him to tilt his body slightly, avoiding the fate of being injured on the spot and killed on the spot.

But the Crimson King’s sharp knife finally cut through half of Kira Yoshikage’s shoulder like a hot knife cutting through butter.


Yoshikage Kira let out a shrill scream.

While he covered his shoulder where blood was gushing and staggered back, he ordered Killer Queen to try her best to punch Diavolo to stop him.

But the result is even worse.

Diavolo doesn’t even have the ability to stand in, he just lets the Crimson King punch him head-on…

Killer Queen, who was already slightly inferior in strength and speed, and lost half of her shoulders due to injuries to her body, was immediately defeated.

The Killer Queen was defeated one after another, and Yoshikage Kira vomited blood.

And Yoshihiro Kira looked frightened and confused:

“I was stunned again… So wasn’t that my illusion just now?”

“But, but, my attack should definitely happen in reality!”

“Why doesn’t it work?”

Yoshihiro Kira, who is also a stand-in rookie and whose mentality is far worse than that of his son, has a bit of a mental breakdown.

“Humph.” Diavolo gave a joking answer that made people confused at all: “Your attack did happen, it’s just that I skipped the ‘process’ in the middle. .”

The battle situation changed unimaginably in an instant.

Both Kira and his son were shocked by the strange and inexplicable ability of the Crimson King.

Seeing Diavolo approaching step by step with the crimson demon again, Yoshihiro Kira, who had screamed for silence a few seconds ago, immediately panicked:

“Don’t, don’t kill my son!”

“I…do I agree to your terms?”

“Take this arrow…as long as you don’t kill my poor, well-behaved child!”

Seeing his father’s sudden change in attitude, Kira Yoshikage’s face became extremely gloomy.

From the bottom of his heart, he wanted to kill people and silence them, but now it seems… Not only can he not be able to cut the grass, but he will be cut off by others.

From this point of view, bowing down and compromising has become the best choice.

However, Diavolo’s answer was:

“I refuse.”

The expressions of Kira and his son suddenly froze.

“If you want to negotiate terms, you must be qualified to negotiate terms. You are not qualified now.”

“Besides, you also reminded me…”

Diavolo looked coldly at the seriously injured Yoshikage Kira:

“I haven’t figured out how to use arrows yet. What I need most is to keep a low profile before I can fully master the power of change.”

“If those **** find out what I’m doing too early, it will be troublesome.”


Diavolo returned Kira Yoshikage’s words with a smile:

“You must die, the dead can keep secrets.”

…………………………………………. ……..

ps: avatar panel

Stand-in name-“Killer Queen”

The main body——Yoshikage Kira

Destructive power: a

Speed: b

Range distance: d

Sustainability: b

Movement precision: b

Growth: a

It can turn anything touched by Killer Queen’s hand into a bomb and explode it. The result of the explosion can be divided into two situations: the bomb itself is intact or the bomb itself is destroyed.

The bomb can also be “partially destroyed and partially intact”.

Killer Queen’s bombs are divided into two types: contact bombs that automatically explode after contact with objects, and ignition bombs that explode after pressing the button on the second knuckle of Killer Queen’s right index finger.

Killer Queen can only create one bomb at a time, and cannot create the next one until the previous bomb detonates.


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