Lee Sin’s Bizzare Adventure Chapter 261: Chaptery face


When Li Qing and his party hurried out of the station gate, they didn’t even notice the two hidden glances projected from a distance.

But that doesn’t mean they aren’t aware of the danger.

Because the call for help from Mista and others is enough to explain the situation:

There are obviously enemies lurking outside the station.

The quantity is unknown, the ability is unknown, and the location is unknown.

These enemies may rise up at any time, in unpredictable ways, at unpredictable times – like a group of poisonous snakes lurking in dark corners.

This bright morning suddenly no longer seemed bright, and the entire world outside the station seemed to be shrouded in fog.

No one knows what else is hidden in the fog, or how much is hidden.

However, in this crisis-ridden situation, Li Qing took the initiative to give up the team-building tactic that could best ensure his own safety.

He proposed to split up in a very serious tone:

“Let’s divide into three groups.”

“Now Mista and the others are scattered in different directions. Only by acting separately can they reach all their companions in the shortest time.”

“A few of us are in good health and can handle even if we encounter an ambush.”

“But if we don’t join Mista and the others as soon as possible, and these wounded soldiers who have completely lost their combat effectiveness are allowed to encounter the enemy again… the consequences will be disastrous.”

The reason is simple.

The wounded were scattered in three different directions, and unknown enemies were very likely lurking nearby.

They did not have the time to hold up a group and rescue them one by one, so they had to divide into three groups again to carry out rescue operations at the same time.

“Okay, let’s do it.”

Giorno immediately agreed with Li Qing’s judgment:

“Then I will be responsible for Mista’s direction.”

“Mista’s injury is the most serious, I must get there as soon as possible.”


Bucciarati participated in the division of labor neatly:

“I act with Apache.”

“You go rescue Mista first, and we will bring Fugo and Nalanja over for treatment as soon as possible.”

“Then Giorno and I will go together.”

Li Qing volunteered to be Giorno’s bodyguard:

“Now everyone’s lives depend on Giorno, he can’t have any more accidents.”

“As long as I follow you, you will have someone to take care of you on the way.”

In this way, two groups in three directions were quickly determined.

The last remaining direction is the direction where Polnareff disappeared, and the only person responsible for this direction is Jotaro.

Walking alone will definitely bear greater pressure and risks.

But when Li Qing and others parted ways, they had no intention of considering Jotaro’s safety.

Because they had unknowingly, in less than half a day, regarded Jotaro as a monster stronger than Dio——

After all, dio still has a weakness of being afraid of light, which can be solved if everyone thinks of a way.

And if the current Li Qing were to fight Jotaro, he would really scratch his head and not be able to figure out how to solve it.

So, everyone instinctively believed that safety would be guaranteed even if Jotaro was allowed to go alone.

And Jotaro will naturally not be dissatisfied with his “isolation”.

“I’m going to find Polnareff.”

Jotaro agreed without hesitation.

Then he adjusted the brim of his hat gently as a habit, turned around, and took long steps with an indifferent expression.

“Wait, Mr. Jotaro.”

Li Qing stopped this guy with invincibility written all over his face from behind:

“He who can do the hard work, I have to trouble you if I have something to do.”

As he spoke, Li Qing took out a blood-stained stainless steel box from his arms.

That was an important “prop” that he had saved with his life.

This small box contains the dreams shared by everyone except Li Qing himself.

“The enemy is here for the boss’s legacy. We must find the most reliable person to keep this legacy.”

“I’ll keep this box with you first.”

After seeing the unreasonable power of Star Platinum, Li Qing frankly admitted that Jotaro was a stronger and more reliable existence than him.

If Jotaro was asked to keep this box personally, Li Qing couldn’t even imagine what methods the enemy would use to get it.

“No problem.”

Jotaro readily agreed.

He took the box from Li Qing and put it into his pocket very solemnly.


“The box, it’s that box!”

“Prosit reported to us before the war that the boss’s inheritance is contained in that stainless steel box!”

Meloni observed Li Qing and others at the station entrance from a distance, her voice distorted with excitement:

“Boss Lisute, look…”

“The box was handed over to the muscular man whose hair was as long as the hat.”

“And looking at it like this, it seems that the muscular man wants to break away from the large army and act alone!”

This is naturally great and unexpected news.

The number of enemies suddenly changed from five to one.

As long as the box can be snatched from that person’s hand, the assassination team’s ambition can be realized, and the sacrifices of Prosit and Bessie will not be in vain.

So, Meloni, who was already grieving for the sudden turn of events, became uncontrollably excited.

But Lisut’s reaction was extremely dull.

Because when Meloni was stunned by the good news, Risot always maintained his most basic qualities as a leader, rationality and sobriety.

“Calm down!”

“Do you think this is good news?”

“Would your enemy not be able to think about things that your enemy can think of?”

“Or do you think these enemies who defeated the boss and defeated Proshut are fools?”

Risutte frowned slightly, with a hint of dissatisfaction in his calm tone:

“That tall man is not in our intelligence at all. Everything about him is unknown now.”

“But since the enemy was so confident that he handed the box to him for safekeeping…”

“If this is not a trap, it only means that… this man has enough power to make people absolutely reassured.”

“No matter which option you choose, the ending will not be good.”

As he spoke, Lisut sighed in a rare way:


“I advise you once again, retreat.”

Lisut has seen through the situation of this war:

Prosiut, who had the best chance of success, is dead, and there is no news yet about the three Gachus sent to the encirclement point for reinforcements.

There are at least five enemies with full combat effectiveness, and among them there is a mysterious character with unknown intelligence and suspected to be extremely powerful.

The winning rate is already very slim.

Thinking of this, Lisut was unwilling to continue this almost failed war.

If we retreat now… we can at least save the lives of our remaining subordinates as much as possible.

“No…I won’t withdraw!”

Melonie still stubbornly wants to fight this last time:

“I knew the situation could be dangerous.”

“So Boss Lisute, you don’t need to take risks, just let my baby face take action!”

“This way, even if Babyface fails, we won’t suffer any loss.”

He repeated his seemingly flawless logic.

With that said, without waiting for Risot to say anything else, Meloni stubbornly released his substitute:

“Baby Face——”

“Hurry up, it’s your turn!”

Different from other scenes in which a substitute was summoned from the void, this substitute named Baby Face climbed over from the back seat of the car.

Because it is a physical, flesh-and-blood, special avatar that even ordinary people can see.

Baby Face’s body is actually an “incubation and prenatal education device” that looks similar to a laptop.

It can use the blood of any man and match it with the body of a woman of appropriate age to give birth to a special “baby” in just three minutes.

This “child” will grow rapidly after birth, learn quickly, and eventually become a powerful remote automatic stand-in with self-awareness.

To put it bluntly, Meloni’s stand-in ability is… giving birth to children.

The child born is actually a disposable tool. It can be regenerated after it is used up, and it will not feel bad if it dies.

At this moment, the child named “Baby Face” climbed over from the back seat at Meloni’s call.

It looks really hard to describe: a head of spikes, a mouth full of fangs, a short body with strong muscles, and it looks as ferocious and weird as a small Sarru.

However, when this scary-looking little monster showed up and spoke, he was not domineering at all, but seemed a little cowardly:


It timidly called Meloni daddy.

Because Meloni is indeed its biological father.

There is no way, the process of making the baby face become combat effective is very cumbersome.

Leaving aside the time it takes to find the mother’s body, the forced birth plus “early education and learning” alone takes up to ten minutes.

Such a long preparation time meant that Meloni could not wait until the battlefield to pair up and give birth to a baby on the line.

He must give birth to the “child” in advance, and then complete the education and training of the baby face before arriving on the battlefield.

But this time things happened so suddenly, and time was so tight on the road that Meloni didn’t even have time to find a suitable father and mother.

He had no choice but to use his own blood to provide the father’s DNA, and then he used his time to stop for gas at the highway service area to randomly grab a woman who seemed to be of the right age and in good health in the service area to serve as the mother’s body.

In the end, this freak was born in such a confused way.

“Don’t call me daddy!”

Meloni is obviously very dissatisfied with this child who was born during the battle.

It’s not because he doesn’t want to be a father, it’s mainly because there’s something wrong with Babyface’s education this time:

“Baby-faced” babies instinctively learn their mother’s behaviors after birth.

Unfortunately, although the woman who was temporarily captured to serve as the mother was in good physical condition and had a high genetic match with Meloni, the “child” she gave birth to was also quite powerful…

But her character was too timid and cowardly, which had a very bad influence on Babyface.

“Lift your head when you speak!!”

Melonie angrily taught her “son” a lesson.

If it weren’t for the difficulty in finding a well-matched mother, he would have long since wanted to abandon this timid baby-faced account and start training again.

There was no way, time was too tight, and thinking that at least the baby she gave birth to this time was at least very capable, Meloni endured it all the way:

“What did I teach you along the way?”

“You are a killing machine, understand? Killing machines don’t need to be afraid!”

“You were born to crush everything in front of you like a steamroller. No one can resist your butcher knife!”

“Yes…I understand!”

The cautious expression on the baby-faced face suddenly disappeared.

Instead, there is a ferocity like a beast.

This is due to Meloni’s later forced ideological education——

Instilled by his crazy three views, this baby face turned into a contradictory complex of being timid and cowardly by nature, but violent and murderous.

“Good..that’s it.”

“Believe in yourself – you are very capable and can kill anyone.”

Seeing that the effect of her education was enough to reverse the influence of that stinky woman on Baby Face, Meloni finally calmed down a little.

He gave Baby Face a few words of encouragement.

Immediately afterwards, Meloni pointed to the train station square in the distance.

At this time, Jotaro, Li Qing and others were not completely separated, but Jotaro’s tall and burly figure could still be easily recognized:

“Did you see it?”

“That big tall guy is your prey!”

“Go quickly, tear him into pieces like a pizza, and then bring back what I want from his body!”

Melonie gave Babyface orders in this murderous voice.


Baby Face replied viciously in a voice that was still childish.

Melonie’s education was indeed so effective that this little monster, who had been endowed with a timid nature by his mother, actually burst out with a strong murderous aura like a ferocious tiger and a mad lion.

It is a predator, born to eat meat and drink blood.

The self-aware baby face thought so irritably——

Its fangs are already hungry and thirsty.

“Wait, Dad…”

“I’m going to kill that **** right now!”

Baby Face jumped out of the car and turned into a phantom in the blink of an eye.


ps: avatar panel

Stand-in name—”Babyface”


Destructive power: a

Speed: b

Range distance: a

Sustainability: a

Movement precision:? (depending on education level)

Growth:? (depending on education level)

(Computer) A keyboard computer, the body of a baby face. A “child” can be created using a man’s blood and a woman’s body. After birth, the child begins to learn the mother’s actions and Meloni’s instructions.

(Child) Remotely automated entity stand-in. It can break down people and objects into extremely small cubes and reassemble them into another object with a different shape. This ability can be used to disguise oneself as another object.


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