Lee Sin’s Bizzare Adventure Chapter 257: Polnareff’s substitute ability


“Your substitute ability?”

Hearing this, Iluso was subconsciously surprised.

He was shocked by the sharp aura of Polnareff. He thought for a moment that the enemy had come up with some way to break through the mirror space, and then quietly brought his stand in.

However, the reality clearly told Iluso:

The avatar named Silver Chariot still stood blankly in the real world, and it did not appear next to Polnareff at all.

Polnareff’s condition is no different from before, except that he has an ordinary crutch in his hand.

Can a cane make you so swollen?

Who gave you the courage?

“Heh, bluff.”

“Your substitute is still blocked outside, where do you get the substitute ability?!”

Iluso spat bitterly.

But even he himself didn’t notice that his voice quietly lost its disdain, but instead had a hint of solemnity.

Because he couldn’t understand where Polnareff’s confidence came from.

The unknown is the biggest threat, and Iluso’s heart can’t help but be cast into a haze.

“The Man in the Mirror”

“Get rid of him quickly!”

After thinking about it, Ilusus couldn’t see anything strange.

He could only bite the bullet and let the man in the mirror attack directly, using heavy and strong fists to test Polnareff’s trump card.

Then, at the moment when the man in the mirror takes action

Polnareff’s eyes were firmly locked on the fist of the man in the mirror, and every subtle movement of the enemy’s attack was deeply imprinted in his mind.

Although nothing supernatural actually happened, at this moment, the actions of the man in the mirror seemed to slow down infinitely in his eyes.

“Saw the flaw!”

Polnareff’s wrist moved slightly.

The crutch standing on his chest suddenly danced like a phantom.

In a trance, this ordinary crutch seemed to have become a sharp sword.

The sword blade suddenly traced a gorgeous trajectory in mid-air, and soon pointed straight ahead with a precise and powerful gesture.

A sword thrust out, the blade pointed directly at the throat.

Inch longer and stronger, before the man in the mirror’s fist could get close, Polnareff missed its arm with his sword and stabbed it straight in the throat.

Although there is a saying that “only a substitute can defeat a substitute”, no matter what, the substitute will always have a definite entity when it performs physical attacks.

Since the avatar can actually break the bricks, the bricks can obviously also come into contact with the avatar.

So even a mundane object like a crutch can still cause harm to the avatar as long as the user uses it properly.

Just like now, the man in the mirror was stabbed firmly in the throat by a cane.

It’s body trembled and immediately froze in place.

And the damage was reflected back to Iluso, causing him to suddenly feel the heavy blow that pierced his throat.

“How could this happen?”

Iluso held his throat with difficulty, his whole face turning red from the pain.

But he instinctively thought that this accident was just a miss, so he immediately withstood the pain and ordered the man in the mirror to continue attacking Polnareff.

However, what happened next took a turn for the worse.

I saw that the man in the mirror had just raised his fist, and Polnareff over there waved his cane like a prophet.

He first used a clever force to lift the arm of the man in the mirror to resolve the attack, and then stabbed three swords forward with lightning speed, each sword stabbing the man in the mirror accurately. The chest vitals.

The brute force of the man in the mirror had no effect at all.

It is like a clumsy elephant with no strength, being played wantonly by the agile and cruel lion.

Under Polnareff’s three sword stabs in succession, its body immediately began to tremble uncontrollably.


Iluso just covered his throat, and now he covers his chest.

He only felt a surge of energy and blood in his chest, and the pain in the area where he was directly stabbed was excruciating.

And this is because Polnareff did not use a real weapon in his hand. If he had used a real sword, Iluso would have died countless times in just a few seconds.

“Damn it, don’t tell me”

At this moment, Iluso’s doubts were answered.

He finally experienced in a very unpleasant way what Polnareff meant by the “substitute ability”:

“Swordsmanship, that kind of swordsmanship”

“Did this guy develop his own abilities?”

Iluso roared in disbelief.

Although Polnareff has never revealed his substitute ability, Iruso can also see from the various performances of the silver chariot that this substitute’s ability is probably the unpredictable swordsmanship.

After all, in the absence of any signs of other abilities, this miraculous swordsmanship can barely be regarded as a substitute ability.

But Iluso never expected it

The only swordsmanship on the silver chariot that has anything to do with the word “ability” was actually developed by Polnareff himself over time.

The one who knows the swordsmanship is not a substitute at all, but a substitute user.

Substitute ability, substitute ability, the word has even changed its meaning here. Silver Chariot is a substitute, and Polnareff has the ability.

Looking back, just look at the silver chariot itself

“Isn’t this just a blank slate with no ability?”

Iluso couldn’t help but express his shock.

“What a rude statement”

“The Silver Chariot is not a blank slate, it is the companion I have relied on since childhood.”

“If it weren’t for the sake of letting it fully display its abilities, I wouldn’t have developed such a superb swordsmanship as I do now.”

Polnareff held the “sword” tightly in his hand.

He couldn’t help but recall the surprise and joy when he accidentally awakened his avatar as a child, as well as the beauty and tranquility of practicing swordsmanship with Silver Chariot for countless days and months.

Those memories, those past, eventually made me the powerful person I am today:

“Yes, the sword skills that Silver Chariot and I have honed in countless battles”

“That’s my ‘substitute ability’!”

Polnareff suddenly stood up and drew his sword.

He turned from passive to active, and launched an attack on the person in the mirror with an agile and swift attitude.

Although the man in the mirror was far superior in terms of strength, at this moment, facing the bruised Polnareff and an ordinary crutch, Iluso felt a lingering feeling in his heart. Go to the fear.

“The man in the mirror, stop him!”

Such a cry is meaningless.

With the sword in his hand, Polnareff looked like a completely different person.

Although his strength has not become stronger or his speed has not become faster, his movements have become flexible, clever, and unpredictable.

The crutch seemed to be an extension of his limbs at this moment, pouring his relatively weak power into the enemy’s weakest point in the most perfect and precise way.

Just like that, Polnareff stabbed the knee joint of the man in the mirror with his sword, raised his hand and slapped his shoulder and arm away with his sword.

Every movement of the person in the mirror will be interrupted by the snake-like sword blade.

As if entering an uninhabited land, Polnareff easily broke through the defense line of the man in the mirror, and pointed his sword directly at Iluso’s body standing not far away

Iluso finally realized clearly that his fate was over.

Relying on his comparatively clumsy and clumsy fighting skills, as well as the extremely limited power of the man in the mirror, it is impossible for him to fight head-on with Polnareff, who has transformed into a master swordsman.

Now he could only stand there helplessly, watching as Polnareff easily broke through the barrier of the man in the mirror with his crutch, and then attacked him with murderous intent. The body has lower armor and is easier to kill.

“There is no other way”

Iluso’s eyes sparkled.

Facing Polnareff who was approaching with his sword, he raised the car rearview mirror in his hand without hesitation.

He turned the rearview mirror to face himself, and then stretched out his arms directly towards the mirror.

At this moment, the mirror in front of Iluso seemed to turn into liquid, and a strange, wonderful, visible ripple began to appear on the originally flat mirror surface.

For Polnareff, this mirror can only be regarded as a “display screen” that can see the outside world, but for Iluso, the owner of the mirror world, the mirror is a portal that can pass freely.

As long as he wants, he can return to the real world at any time through the mirror in his hand.

Just like now, Iluso’s body quickly disappeared from the mirror, and he was about to escape to the real world on the other side.


Polnareff’s heart skipped a beat.

Because Iluso decisively adopted the response method he was most worried about:

He is indeed very powerful in swordsmanship mode, but what he holds in his hand is a cane and not a real sword after all.

But reality is not a martial arts novel. A gun without a tip cannot kill anyone.

The lethality of the crutch is extremely limited. No matter how strong his swordsmanship is, he cannot kill his opponent instantly with a wooden stick. Not to mention killing people, he couldn’t even destroy the enemy’s ability to move in a short period of time.

But Iluso is the master of this mirror world.

As long as he looks in the mirror, he can escape to another world at any time through the mirror.

Iluso won’t even have to do anything more then.

As long as he waits honestly in the real world, Polnareff, who is locked in the mirror world, will starve to death within a few days.

Polnareff was most worried about this situation, so he rushed directly to Iluso’s body desperately.

But Iluso’s reaction was faster than he worried.

Polnareff had just raised his sword and charged forward, and half of Iluso’s body had already escaped.


“Don’t even think about escaping!”

Polnareff instinctively wanted to grab the remaining half of his body and try his best to prevent Iluso from escaping.

Then, at the moment when he reached out his hand in a hurry

A hand suddenly stretched out from the rearview mirror of the car.

Iluso, who had not completely escaped to the real world, actually took the initiative to get back into the mirror world.

He turned around and grabbed Polnareff’s hand that was reaching out to grab him. A sneer appeared on the solemn face before:

“Run away, do you think I am running away?”

“Idiot, I’m just luring you closer to this open ‘channel’.”

Iluso grabbed Polnareff’s arm tightly and tried his best to pull him towards the mirror that turned into a space channel.

Caught off guard, Polnareff felt that his body was falling uncontrollably into another world.

He didn’t know why Iluso did this.

But he instinctively felt an unprecedented danger.

So Polnareff immediately picked up his crutch and stabbed Iluso straight at him, trying to force him to let go with his powerful sword strike.

But Iluso held on without hesitation, gritting his teeth and not letting go even though he was beaten to a **** head.


“You can’t kill me yet!”

“As long as I don’t die, I will never let go.”

Iluso bit his lips stained red with blood and laughed wildly and firmly:

“So, Broomstick, you should really want to return to the real world, right?”

“Don’t worry, I’ll let you out now!”


“You only have ‘half’ left!”


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