Lee Sin’s Bizzare Adventure Chapter 255: Tactics that do not require vision


Polnareff fought tooth and nail to gain that brief moment of opportunity to get a glimpse of the outside world.

He gritted his teeth and clenched his fists, fighting spirit burning in his heart and blood surging in his chest.

Then, he…

He was punched by the person in the mirror and fell to the ground.

The previous feat of “sacrifice the looking glass” did not seem to have changed anything. The man in the mirror still had the absolute upper hand, and Polnareff was still being beaten mercilessly.

He could do nothing but resist the fists of the man in the mirror.

At first, he could barely block it, but as his physical strength was exhausted and his injuries accumulated, Polnareff soon became a passive punching bag.

The heavy fist hit him again and again, making a frightening muffled sound every time.

The bones began to become dislocated and broken, and the flesh and blood became swollen and purple at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The internal organs in the body were gradually affected by such brutal beatings, and blood slowly seeped out in places invisible to the naked eye.

The corner of Polnareff’s mouth was like a leaky red pen tip. No matter how hard he wiped it, he could not erase the eye-catching red.

Inevitably, his strong body became weaker and weaker.

If this continues, Polnareff will probably be beaten to death by the man in the mirror soon.

But Iluso felt that something was wrong.

Obviously the “execution” was about to be completed successfully, the enemy did not show any abnormal movement, and Iluso himself was standing safely more than ten meters away…

But he had a bad premonition for no reason:

“Is it really that simple?”

“Why do I always feel like something is not quite right…”

Iluso stared closely at Polnareff, who was always being beaten passively:

He suddenly realized something was wrong——

It’s Polnareff’s behavior that has changed.

Although they were all beaten, the ways of being beaten were also different.

Although Polnareff was beaten badly before, he still fought hard to face the fist of the man in the mirror, trying hard to break through the obstacles and approach the car, approaching the people on the car who could see A mirror to the outside world.


I don’t know when he started, but he suddenly stopped working so hard.

Polnareff began to shrink back unconsciously, his movements more inclined to protect himself from the fist of the man in the mirror.

His mode of action changed from desperately approaching the mirror to snoop on external intelligence, and unknowingly changed to trying to delay time and reduce injuries so that he could live longer.

“Why is he no longer interested in getting close to the ‘mirror’?”

“You must know that in the mirror world, he is suppressed by the person in the mirror and can’t do anything.”

“If he wants to fight back and survive, he can only look for opportunities in the real world outside the mirror.”

Iluso understands Polnareff’s thoughts very well.

Thinking about it like this, he quickly discovered something was wrong:

“Since it is possible to find ‘opportunities’ only by seeing the outside world, why did he suddenly stop trying.”

“Did I find that I couldn’t break through the barrier of the person in the mirror and became discouraged, or…”

“He has already found the opportunity he wanted from the glance he just took?!”

Although the probability of discovering an opportunity at a glance is extremely low, Iluso has no reason to believe that the probability of someone like Polnareff giving up is even smaller.

“That’s right…he must have secretly used an outside substitute to do something!”

Iluso’s brows furrowed deeply.

If you can’t see the mirror, you can’t see the outside world. Even if you can command the avatar, you don’t know where to tell it to go.

So, he scratched his head and couldn’t imagine what operations Polnareff could perform when “the screen was completely black”.

This unimaginability greatly increased Iluso’s uneasiness.

He wanted to walk to the car and take a good look at the outside world through the window glass.

But the silver chariot should be standing near the car now, and Iluso is covered in flammable gasoline-

It is true that the silver chariot cannot attack Iluso in the mirror world, but it can completely “cross the border” and ignite the gasoline on Iluso’s body.

Because the objects in the mirror world are images of objects in the real world.

This means that if the Silver Chariot ignites fire in the real world, sparks will also appear at the same location in the mirror world.

Therefore, Iluso will never get close to the location of the silver chariot, giving the enemy any opportunity to take advantage of it.

“Not bad…”

“There is a rearview mirror available here.”

Iluso looked left and right for a while, and soon locked his eyes on the car rearview mirror that had been cut off by the silver chariot.

This rearview mirror flew several meters away under the sword of the silver chariot. At this moment, it was completely in the safe zone in Iluso’s mind.

So he quickly ran forward and picked up the rearview mirror from the ground:

“Let me see…”

“What is the substitute outside doing?”

Iluso slightly adjusted the direction of the rearview mirror in his hand.

The silhouette of the silver chariot was soon reflected in the mirror.

It was still standing in the same position as when Polnareff “lost vision” before, not far from the car.

Obviously, under the condition of “all black screen”, Polnareff could not make the stand-in move freely through blind exercises.

When Iluso was watching with the mirror, the silver chariot stood there motionless, without any movement or sound. It looked like a machine that had stopped running.

“How could this happen…”

“Why doesn’t it move at all?”

Iluso couldn’t believe his eyes:

“Could it be that the broom-head uncle has asked his substitute to do everything that needs to be done, so that’s why it’s standing still like this?”

“But I should have reacted very quickly… It’s just such a little time, what is enough for it to do?”

The enemy’s idle attitude without any resistance or action aroused Iluso’s vigilance.

He couldn’t help but widen his eyes and carefully observed the environment around the silver chariot.

He believed that Silver Chariot must have done something just now, and that such an action would definitely cause some kind of change in the surrounding environment.

And because Polnareff couldn’t blindly move his avatar too far, this change must have happened next to Silver Chariot.

Iluso’s idea is not wrong.

He quickly found what he was looking for on the bridge at the foot of the silver chariot:

On the originally clean and flat bridge surface, dense “lines” appeared at some point.

It was obviously carved on the bridge…


Iluso was suddenly startled:

“That’s text…The substitute just used his sword blade to write a few lines of words on the ground in the real world?!”

“Damn…Is this what you are planning?”

“What exactly did you ask your substitute to write outside?”

Iluso cast his eyes at Polnareff in the distance in surprise.

“It’s really troublesome…”

“You discovered it so quickly.”

Polnareff, who had been beaten silently, finally spoke.

His cheeks were red, swollen and deformed by the heavy blows from the man in the mirror, but his voice still sounded so calm:

“Although I can’t see the outside world, I can’t control the avatar’s precise actions…”

“But if I just control the silver chariot to write a few lines, I can do it easily without using my eyes.”

“Also, you are so obsessed with taking my life that you may have forgotten why the two of us were here in the first place.”

Polnareff laughed so easily.

Iluso was slightly startled:

He and Polnareff will meet here, of course because he wants to prevent the other party from bringing the ice back to the station.

Polunareff himself was dragged into the mirror world earlier, and the ice cube he was holding fell onto the bridge in the real world.

After that, Iluso didn’t care about the ice anymore.

“But the ice cubes are indeed still in the real world!”

“And when I accidentally dropped the ice cube outside, I also dropped some ‘other things’.”

Polnareff spat out a mouthful of blood and stood up straight again:

“Although I no longer see any hope of escaping, my mission cannot end because of this inevitable death.”

“So, when I saw a passerby passing by the bridge at that moment…”

“I entrusted my ‘mission’ to him.”


Iluso is a little hard to understand:

Entrusting a mission to a passerby?

If that passerby, who is not a relative of you, doesn’t run away quickly when he sees a car leaking oil, will he come over to help you pick up ice cubes and deliver them to the station?

Why? Can you still pay him a salary?


Iluso suddenly thought of…

When he dragged Polnareff into the mirror space, something seemed to fall out of Polnareff’s pocket during the struggle.

That thing that fell outside with the ice cubes, could it be…a wallet?

Iluso immediately thought of the lines of words carved on the ground by the silver chariot.

He hurriedly took a few steps closer, and then stopped carefully until he could barely see the words clearly.

I saw clearly engraved on the bridge:

“Heavy reward:”

“Please deliver the ice cubes to the train station square ahead as soon as possible.”

“Note: Put the prepayment in the wallet next to you, and you can get double the reward after the ice cubes are delivered.”


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