Lee Sin’s Bizzare Adventure Chapter 254: A moment of hope


Polnareff looked stunned.

But Iluso’s voice was even more joking:

“Don’t you understand yet?”

“All objects in this mirror world are just ‘images’ of objects in reality.”

“Of course people can’t affect a virtual shadow, so you can’t pick it up, move it away, or destroy anything in this mirror world.”

These words are somewhat depressing.

Polnareff suddenly realized where the opponent’s confidence to win came from:

Because Iluso can use items at will in this world, and has a substitute to accompany him in the battle.

The only thing Polnareff can use is a pair of physical fists that he brought from the outside world, and other than that, he cannot get any help.

This is simply an asymmetrical battle.

No matter how weak the man in the mirror is, he cannot be defeated by a bare-handed human being.

“Damn it, if that’s the case…”

“Didn’t I lose the moment I was dragged into this mirror world?”

Polnareff said to himself helplessly.

Iluso quickly turned cold and continued his unfinished battle, or execution.

“The man in the mirror, kill him!”

Iluso himself stood carefully next to the car a few meters away.

In order to prevent the car from overturning, he had no intention of letting Polnareff get close to his body.

The humanoid avatar named the Man in the Mirror used its ample shooting range to protect its master from a distance and pounced at Polnareff again.

The fist was swift and powerful. Although it was far from being too fast to be seen clearly, it was extremely difficult to dodge.

Polnareff has been in a wheelchair for many years, and it was only last night that he finally regained his health.

He has been without fighting power for too long. Even if his body recovers, his skills will still not be as good as the sword master who was in his prime when he was young.

What’s more, he doesn’t have a sword in his hand yet.

Facing the oncoming iron fist of the man in the mirror, Polnareff could only raise his arms in embarrassment to resist.

The powerful and heavy fist hit hard between his arms, and the huge force instantly shook the two arms out of the way, and poured straight into the scarred face.

Polnareff’s head was knocked sideways by a punch.

He couldn’t help spitting out a mouthful of blood, and then fell sideways swaying.

And the fist of the man in the mirror immediately seemed like a nightmare that couldn’t be shaken off, chasing his embarrassed and fallen body and chasing him up tightly.


“I will definitely lose if this continues.”

If you can’t beat someone, you can’t beat them. It’s impossible for people to suddenly burst into power by shouting slogans or remembering to kill.

In the case of being completely unable to defeat, the weaker the enemy is, the worse the situation becomes–

Because that will only make the weak die slower and be tortured more miserably.

Polarnareff, who is now being beaten like a chicken and a dog by the man in the mirror, is facing such a bad situation.

“I have to find a way to attack him…otherwise I can only sit back and wait for death.”

“So, in this mirror world, is there any way that I can hurt him?”

Polnareff is thinking hard.

No matter how hard he was punched, it did not affect the functioning of his brain.

Finally, a vague idea emerged in his mind:

“Since the objects in this mirror world are just ‘images’ of objects in reality…”

“Then as long as I can make the objects in reality change, the objects in the mirror world should be able to change accordingly, right?”

Polnareff thought so, and his eyes immediately noticed Iluso, who was standing far next to the car at the moment.

The car behind Iluso, and the large window glass on the car, can now become a “display screen” for him to see the outside world, that is, the real world.

“I saw…my silver chariot standing next to the cars outside.”

“If you let it turn its body to the 3 o’clock direction and then draw the sword towards the car…”

Polnareff’s thoughts became increasingly clear:

“Maybe it can break the car’s fuel tank!”

Thinking of this, he immediately gave an order in his mind to the substitute he left in another world.

The silver knight who appeared in the mirror immediately turned around and slashed out a sword light with lightning speed.

The sword light tore through the iron sheet of the car body in an instant and pierced the car’s fuel tank.

As the sword danced, the gasoline in the fuel tank spurted out along with the silver sword blade, spraying out a colorful spray of oil in mid-air.

“What…is this sound?!”

Iluso in the mirror world was shocked.

Because at the moment when the fuel tank ruptured and oil sprayed out in the real world, the car’s fuel tank also ruptured in the mirror world.

The oil suddenly spurted out in the mirror world, spraying Iluso with gasoline unexpectedly.

Fortunately, his reaction was timely and alert enough.

The moment he heard the sound of the sword tearing through the iron sheet behind him, Iluso began to subconsciously roll to the side to dodge.

Even though he was inevitably doused with gasoline, he still stayed away from the car with a damaged fuel tank as soon as possible.

The distance of several meters ensured his safety.

“What a danger…you actually want to use the characteristics of the mirror world to directly attack my body.”

“If he had just taken one step slower, that guy’s substitute would have already lit the gasoline on fire, right?”

Iluso wiped the gasoline stained on his face, thinking in shock.

At the same time, his gaze at Polnareff became more cautious:

“You figured out a way to fight back so quickly.”

“It really makes people dare not relax at all, this uncle.”

“In that case, the man in the mirror——”

Iluso gritted his teeth and ordered:

“Don’t give him the chance to see the mirror!”

Polnareff was able to control the silver chariot to do such dangerous things just now, entirely because he saw the situation in the real world through the mirror and mastered the specific position of the silver chariot.

As long as he is not allowed to see the mirror, he will naturally be unable to use the silver chariot blocked in the outside world to do any small tricks.

So, the frightened Iluso immediately launched a more violent and cautious attack.

On the one hand, he quietly retreated more than ten meters away, keeping an absolutely safe distance between the main body and the dangerous oil-leak car, as well as Polnareff, who might have some hidden cards.

On the other hand, taking advantage of the man in the mirror’s abundant shooting range in the mirror world, Iluso began to remotely control the avatar to launch attacks.

The man in the mirror rushed forward again.

This time it was no longer a simple attack, but a very purposeful push of Polnareff in one direction.

That’s the direction the front of the car is facing.

Because the windshield is blocked by the hood, the only mirror left in this direction is the narrow metal strip embedded in the front of the car.

This is still the “mirror blind spot” that Polnareff created before to escape, but now it has become an excellent battlefield for Iluso to cut off his contact with the outside world.

“Kill him right there!”

Iluso shouted from a distance.

Anyway, the range of the man in the mirror is far enough, so he simply doesn’t get close at all.

All he had to do was stand carefully more than ten meters away and watch the person in the mirror help him complete the execution.

In this way, the man in the mirror dragged Polnareff to the front of the car and started a new round of more brutal beatings.

The fist hit the chest and abdomen, the most vulnerable part of the human body, without any scruples, and the huge force like a torrent struck Polnareff’s internal organs again and again.

Polnareff’s defense became increasingly difficult and unsustainable.

But there was nothing he could do.

Because Iluso has already taken precautions, this guy is standing more than ten meters away. Even if the silver chariot can really detonate the car, it will not be able to blow him up.

What’s worse is that Polnareff can’t see the outside world or the specific location of the silver chariot. He can only vaguely remember that the silver chariot is still standing on the side of the car. .

“No…it can’t go on like this.”

“I can’t do anything in the mirror world. If I want to win, I have to start from the outside world.”

“Although I don’t know how to make a comeback now, and I don’t see any hope at all, but…”

“I at least have to see the outside and see the situation outside-“

“Otherwise, I wouldn’t even have the chance to discover that possibility.”

Polnareff gritted his teeth and thought so decisively.

Perhaps the human body can really unleash its potential. At this moment, he completely gave up on defense and faced the fist of the man in the mirror with all his strength…

He squatted down.

This squat is certainly not about bowing to the enemy and admitting defeat.

He just wanted to let his sight bypass the obstruction from the crotch of the person in the mirror and see the narrow metal strip embedded in the front of the car.

This metal bar is really narrow, and it is several meters away from the current Polnareff.

Looking at it from such a distance, can you really see anything?

It’s just a fleeting image.

In this short blurry image, no one can guarantee that he will really see any useful clues.

For this short moment, this chance that was too small to be too small, Polnareff gave up his defense and completely exposed his vitals to the enemy’s fist.

The man in the mirror just punched Polnareff **** the head.

This punch severely injured his head.

Pain and dizziness spread from his brain throughout his body, making his whole body tremble.

But Polnareff’s originally anxious and confused eyes lit up instead:

“That moment…”

“I… saw it!”

It’s like the Egyptian sunshine that shined into the dark room more than ten years ago.

In the darkness, he grasped hope.


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