Lee Sin’s Bizzare Adventure Chapter 253: The rules of the mirror world


Under the drag of Iluso and his stand-in “The Man in the Mirror”, Polnareff’s body gradually disappeared from the real world.

He began to struggle violently, trying hard to break away from this mysterious and strange force.

The ice pack in Polnareff’s arms and the wallet in his pocket all fell to the ground in such a violent struggle.

But no matter how hard he struggled, he was now like a desperate man trapped in a quagmire, inevitably sinking deeper and deeper into the unknown space.

Soon, Polnareff disappeared from the real world.

There was no one next to the car. Only a bag of ice cubes, a wallet scattered on the ground, and the silver chariot that had lost its owner and stood blankly could prove Polnareff’s past existence.

“Where have I been dragged?”

Polnareff was in a trance.

Because he found that after he was pulled to an “unknown space” by an inexplicable force, the scenery in this “unknown space” turned out to be the same as the outside world.

The same blue sky, the same bridge deck, the same waves, the same sea breeze.

At first glance, it looked like he was still standing in front of the car.

But Polnareff quickly realized the strangeness of this world:

First, he saw Iluso in front of him.

In this world, Iluso and the man in the mirror are no longer shadows appearing in the mirror, but real people standing in front of them.

Secondly, he found that the world was “empty”:

All objects in the real world have mirror images here, but no people exist.

In reality, there were still two or three pedestrians passing by on the bridge, but there were no traces of passers-by on the bridge here. It seemed that there were only two living people in the world, Iluso and Polnareff.

Finally, Polnareff also discovered…

The objects in this world are actually different from reality.

Although they look the same, the left and right sides are reversed – it’s like looking in a mirror.

The most intuitive thing is the car’s license plate, with the letters on it completely upside down.

“Could it be…this, this is really…”

Polnareff’s long silver hair stood up and trembled in excitement.

He hadn’t been so shocked in a long time.

But this time, he truly entered another world, a world beyond his knowledge:

“The mirror world?!”

“Does the mirror world really exist?”

Polnareff’s sigh came out.


Iluso cannot understand the excitement of this strange uncle:

“What’s so strange about this!”

“There are even substitutes in this world. Isn’t it normal for a world with mirrors?”

He subconsciously said the words Polnareff and Kakyoin used when they argued.

“This… turns out to be true.”

Polnareff couldn’t help but recall the irrefutable determination of his best friend when he reflected scientific knowledge to him through the popular science mirror.

Now that I think about it… he seems to have been tricked…

Polnareff thought so emotionally, but Iluso was already a little impatient:


“What do you mean by your attitude like a primary school student visiting a planetarium? Are you looking down on me?”

“Recognize your situation carefully——”

“Look, where is your current substitute?!”

“Huh? Stand-in…”

Polnareff’s heart skipped a beat: “Where is my silver chariot?”

After the shock of discovering the existence of the mirror world subsided, he immediately realized the seriousness of the situation:

The mental connection between him and the Silver Chariot still exists, and he can feel that the Silver Chariot is still standing somewhere intact.

He can even give orders to his substitute without any hindrance.

But the scary thing is that the silver chariot is not beside him.

Polnareff didn’t know where the silver chariot was now, and he couldn’t see the scene on the other side of the silver chariot.

The Silver Chariot is now like a computer with a broken monitor. Even if the player still holds the keyboard and mouse, he doesn’t know how to continue the game.

“Your double is still in the outside world!”

Iluso sneered and gave the answer.

He reached out and pointed at the car body glass on the side. What the large mirror-like glass reflected was not the reflection of an object, but the situation in the real world.

The mirrors in the mirror world are no longer ordinary mirrors, but passages connecting the two worlds.

Although only Iluso himself can open these channels at will, others can also see the outside world, that is, the real world, through these mirror channels.

At this moment, Polnareff can clearly see:

In the real world on the other side of the mirror, his double Silver Chariot was standing blankly.

Seeing this, he immediately controlled his avatar to reach out and touch the mirror, trying to see if he could get the silver chariot to follow him through the mirror channel and into the mirror world.

But unfortunately, such an attempt is pointless.

In the real world, the silver chariot only touches the mirror. In the mirror world, Polnareff reaches out and touches only the cold glass.

They stood in front of each other across a mirror, but they could not penetrate the thin mirror barrier.

“That’s it…”

“Am I trapped in this mirror world?”

Polnareff further understood his situation.

“That’s right!”

Iluso opened his hands exaggeratedly, as if he wanted to embrace the whole world:

“This mirror world is my own world!”

“The first rule of this world is——”

“Nothing, not life, nor a substitute, can enter here without my permission!”

His tone was very arrogant.

But with this entire grand and magical mirror world as his background, such arrogance seems somewhat justified.

“Uncle Broomhead…”

“Do you see clearly? It is impossible for you to resist me without a substitute.”

“Now you are a prisoner of this mirror world.”

Iluso had a cold smile on his face, and he slowly approached with the humanoid double named “The Man in the Mirror”:

“So, can you please cooperate and tell me something?”

“After all, I heard that there was another tall man, but it was all accidental factors that were not recorded in the intelligence.”

“Who are you? Why are you with Li Qing?”

“What kind of substitute abilities do you and your mysterious friend have?”

“I’m really curious…Uncle, you didn’t show any ability to stand in when you were attacked just now – could it be that the humanoid stand that looks like a swordsman was really just a trick?” Just a sword?”

He asked casually, with a hint of murderous intent in his joking voice.

But Polnareff did not accept this trick at all:

“Are you trying to pry some information out of me?”

“I’m so sorry… Do you think I would be such a naive guy?”

“Although I am suspected of showing off the past, I still have to say… When I was fighting to save the world, you were probably still receiving compulsory education in primary school!”

His voice was extremely firm, even though the current situation was very critical.

He has witnessed too many deaths along the way, from enemies and companions, and this kind of thing still doesn’t scare him.

“Sure enough, he is not a simple guy…”

Iluso also gradually restrained his relaxed and complacent manner.

Because he could rely on his assassin’s intuition to sense that the unknown and mysterious uncle in front of him had the temperament of a warrior.

This is a temperament that needs to go through countless battles, countless hardships, and countless lives and deaths before it can be finally tempered.

This silver-haired man is no ordinary person.

Li Qing’s team suddenly has two mysterious helpers with unknown origins and extraordinary demeanor, so their combat effectiveness and threat level may have to be re-estimated.

“A man with eyes like this will never betray information.”

“Let’s settle things here quickly…”

“Also…by the time Proshut is picked up at the station, I’m afraid I have to remind everyone to be more careful about the other tall man.”

Iluso thought solemnly.

He no longer acted sloppily, and immediately gave his substitute an order with a cold look:

“The man in the mirror, kill him!”

As soon as he finished speaking, the substitute named the man in the mirror jumped out like a tiger emerging from a stream.

The figure of this humanoid double can hardly be called burly, but the concave and convex muscles can be described as “strong”.

Although this punch did not have that otherworldly effect, it was still calm, powerful, and difficult to parry.

Polnareff was immediately punched in the chest.

He stumbled backwards with a muffled groan, clutching his chest and took several steps back until he hit the iron guardrail of the bridge and barely stopped.

But Polnareff looked relaxed:

“It turns out that your substitute only has this level of power…”

“It’s not much better than ordinary people.”

He wiped the light blood that spilled from the corner of his mouth and smiled with relief.

“You really can laugh.”

“The man in the mirror is indeed ‘weak’ in strength, but he is more than enough to deal with you!”

Iruso was not at all excited by Polnareff’s sarcasm:

There is a saying that the power of the person in the mirror is at most the limit of human beings. In terms of fighting, it is really just a bit stronger than ordinary people.

But just such a dangerous “front line” is enough to make countless enemies hate-

Because as long as you are pulled into the mirror world, the enemies will be ordinary people who cannot use the ability to stand in.

This is what Polnareff is like now.

But he just didn’t have the slightest sense of crisis to recognize the situation:

“The power of light is indeed much stronger than mine…”

“But I am also very experienced in fighting.”

Polnareff’s voice was calm and confident.

As he spoke, he slowly leaned down and reached out to grab an iron pipe in the guardrail.

This iron fence obviously has a long history. There are obvious signs of looseness in the welding joint of the iron pipe. It should be easy to break it off and use it as a weapon.


Polnareff pulled hard…

The iron pipe didn’t move at all, but he almost fell to the ground.

“This…I can’t break an iron pipe?”

Polnareff was a little disbelieving.

The muscles on his body are not in vain, those big chest muscles and abdominal muscles are full of strength.

So he immediately tensed up his muscles that were comparable to those of a Terminator, took on the posture of Lu Zhishen pulling up a weeping willow, and tried his best to pull at the rusty iron fence.


He succeeded in knocking the **** out of himself.

The iron fence that seemed to be broken when pulled was still not loose at all.


Looking at such a funny performance, Iluso couldn’t help laughing out loud:

“Very good, Uncle Broomhead.”

“It seems you have discovered the second rule of this mirror world:”

“The mirror world is my world——”

“Only I can handle the objects inside!”


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