Lee Sin’s Bizzare Adventure Chapter 251: Man in the Mirror


As a stand-in messenger with the ability to shrink, Formaggio finally felt the power from insignificance.

The six Bullet Knights, who were far smaller than ordinary stand-ins, were now writhing in his chest without restraint.

Even without bullets, they are still knights who can bring victory and glory to their masters.

And this glory will eventually bring pain and death to the enemy.


Formaggio immediately let out an inarticulate groan.

His breathing stopped at this moment, and an indescribable pain surged in his chest.

He could feel his fragile lung walls being torn apart crazily by six villains. The flesh and blood tissue that maintained his life was torn apart as easily as paper.

The flesh and blood in his lungs were quickly torn open several times, but the six small “drills” kept drilling inside his body.

And their drilling is purposeful and directional.


Formaggio tried hard to do something.

But the six villains had already planned to tear open his lungs, and in the blink of an eye they reached the atrium between the left and right lungs.

Although the Sex Pistols’ destructive power is extremely low, the heart is not the kind of place that can easily withstand damage.

This is the center of human blood circulation and the source of power for the human life system.

So, the moment those six little guys started to touch the heart, Formaggio immediately developed symptoms similar to acute myocardial infarction:

Severe heart cramps and blood pressure dropped sharply.

My hands and feet are numb and out of control, and my consciousness tends to be blurred.

Formaggio was seriously injured and had been losing blood for a long time. His limbs were cold and numb, and his blood pressure was very bad.

Now that he was hit hard in the heart, he completely lost control of his body under this blow.

He went into shock.

No, it’s more serious than shock, it’s sudden death.

Without even time to speak, Formaggio’s fire of life was like a light bulb that had its plug unplugged, instantly dimming.

He fell heavily in front of Mista and fell into the filthy sewer.

It may be because the death is too sudden, or it may be because the heart damage or shock is too painful…

His eyes remained the same as they were in life, staring at his enemy until he died.

“Finally…it’s over.”

Looking at the dead eyes of Formaggio, Mista breathed a long sigh of relief.

There is no doubt that he is the winner.

It’s a pity that this victory came too tragically.

Mista is now lying next to Formaggio’s body.

Although his body is very strong and resistant to beatings, this nearly severed injury is absolutely unbearable for him.

If he could not receive treatment in time, he would really die together with Formaggio in the sewers as he had said when he deceived his enemies.

Thinking of this, Mista immediately exerted his last bit of strength and took out his mobile phone from his jacket pocket:

“Li Qing is right…”

“Don’t wear too flashy clothes.”

It seems that he is taking pleasure in suffering, or in order to maintain himself, Mista is talking to himself with difficulty:

“Fortunately, I’m wearing the ordinary shirt I wore all the way from Naples three days ago, and I still have a jacket pocket to hold things.”

“If I really changed into a sleazy tights like those gangsters, I would be dead today.”

Mista, who had only her upper body intact, sighed.

Fortunately, his cell phone survived along with his jacket pocket, otherwise he might not even be able to call for help.

Now he can call for help from his teammates in time through his mobile phone, and since the train station is not far from this point, he naturally has a great chance of surviving.


“Instead of helping Li Qing, he became a wounded person in need of help.”

Mista struggled to dial the number while looking at the unwilling face of Formaggio next to him.

The eyes on that face were still round and staring.

Vaguely, as if saying to him:

“Just walking down the street looking for ice…seems like…”

“It’s not so easy…”

Mista sighed lightly.

…………………………………………. ……….

Move forward slightly in time.

Near Venice Railway Station, another direction different from Fugo and Mista.

A breakfast restaurant has just opened, and an uninvited guest came to the store:

“Hey, put all the ice cubes you have here in bags for me!”

“Don’t be stunned! Didn’t you hear clearly?”

“Show me the speed of taking off your pants when you need to pee, and move without stopping!”

Polnareff, who may be close to 2 meters tall with his hair on his head, showed off his majestic muscles without any conscious thought, standing abruptly across those restaurants like a five-fingered mountain falling from the sky. in front of employees.

Polnareff is also a member of the ice-hunting team. He is responsible for the exploration in one direction alone.

He took the initiative to obtain this task.

Because Polnareff has been in too much pain these years.

Before last night, he had been trapped in that small wheelchair, hiding in one inconspicuous corner after another.

The once nimble and agile swordsman master had to ask for help even going up and down the stairs during such a long period of time.

This is not only sad, but despairing.

After experiencing such pain, Polnareff, who regained his health, hated nothing more than staying still.

He has been sitting in a wheelchair for too long, and now he just wants to run.

So Polnareff volunteered to take on the task of going out to find ice.

He just moved his reborn body freely, running freely through the ancient streets of Venice.

Soon, Polnareff found a breakfast restaurant that had just opened nearby.

There is indeed a reserve of ice in the restaurant, and the staff in the restaurant are extremely cooperative.

There is no way not to cooperate.

Polnareff already has a burly figure and impressive aura, coupled with his fashionable and avant-garde hairstyle, scars on his face, and exposed muscles on his body, he is very difficult to mess with at first glance.

If this vicious guy is not sent away quickly, it is estimated that few customers will dare to enter the restaurant for dinner.

So, the store clerks quickly packed a large bag of ice cubes for Polnareff, and then brought it up tremblingly and carefully:

“Sir…the ice cubes you want.”

They were as nervous as hostages communicating with their kidnappers.

But the “kidnapper”‘s response was surprisingly friendly:

“Okay, thank you.”

Polnareff took the ice and said thank you very gentlemanly.

That alone is not enough…

He even habitually took out a wallet from his pocket, and then took out several large-denomination bills:

“You keep the money, I bought the ice cubes.”

“Just think of it as a tip from me.”

Yes, he paid.

As a well-educated French gentleman, although Polnareff looks a bit fierce and scary, he is actually an excellent man who is very well-behaved and polite.

He will try his best to avoid taking things without paying for them, and he will cause less trouble if he can avoid it.

This is a certain principle of his. Of course, it may also be a habit he has developed cautiously over the years.

But in any case, unlike those underworld knights who are bohemian, maverick, stay away from the smell of money, and do not conform to the world, Polnareff does have a wallet on him.

And there is quite a lot of money in this wallet——

As a disabled person who was once unable to take care of himself, Polnareff understands better than anyone else the importance of carrying enough money with him.

So now, Polnareff casually pulls out a few high-denomination bills from it, which is enough to make those restaurant employees instantly forget the trauma their fragile hearts have suffered.

“Guest, please walk slowly!”

“Welcome again!”

When Polnareff walked out of the door, the store clerks all called him different names.

Money indeed has as much magical power as a substitute.

It was just a few pieces of paper with numbers on it. The restaurant employees who originally wanted to send Polnareff out quickly, but in the blink of an eye, there was a scene of seeing each other off at the entrance of the store.

Just like that, Polnareff’s tall figure quickly disappeared amidst the affectionate looks of all the clerks.

He held the bag of ice cubes in his arms, clutched his wallet in his hand, and ran as hard as he could in the direction of the station.

Soon, Polnareff ran to a long bridge.

Venice is a water city with rivers crisscrossing the island, and you can see boats and bridges wherever you go.

These bridges may be large or small. The small ones may be just a few meters for pedestrians to cross. They are so exquisite that they can be called works of art.

The bridge is as long as the one at Polnareff’s feet and spans both sides of the river. It is tens of meters long from front to back and has a wide bridge deck for cars to cross the river.

It is still early in the morning, so there are not many cars on the bridge. There are only a few residents and tourists walking across the river.

“After crossing this bridge, the train station is not far ahead.”

Looking at the train station that had clearly appeared in front of him, Polnareff couldn’t help but quicken his pace.

He ran onto the bridge along the route he came from, but he faintly heard the roar of a car engine behind him:

“A car came from behind me, and it was going very fast.”

“Are I a passenger going to the train station? Or…are there enemies chasing me?”

Although it was just an ordinary car, and there was a high probability that it was just a passing passenger, Polnareff still subconsciously increased his vigilance.

He has experienced too many battles, and with such rich combat experience, he has almost developed a sixth sense of intuition.

This may be just him being overly cautious, but you will never suffer if you are careful:

“Silver Chariot!”

Polnareff immediately summoned his substitute.

The silver armored swordsman stood beside him with a sword. At the same time, Polnareff decisively stopped on the bridge and turned back to look at the car from a distance.

He wanted to watch the car pass him before continuing forward, instead of handing his back to a stranger whose identity was difficult to determine.

Unfortunately, or luckily, Polnareff’s bad premonition seemed to be correct – the other party seemed to be an enemy.

The car chasing after me kept driving very fast, as if it was chasing something in a hurry.

However, after seeing Polnareff stop on the bridge, the driver immediately stepped on the brakes.

The car drove all the way up the bridge, then made a graceful flick and stopped suddenly, and finally stopped menacingly in front of Polnareff.

“You are really coming for me!”

Polnareff’s eyes instantly became dark.

The relaxed and gentle temperament disappeared from his eyes in an instant, replaced by a cautiousness honed in endless darkness.

He did not rush forward to attack, but stepped forward step by step under the protection of the silver chariot, carefully peering at the enemy in the carriage.

But it doesn’t matter if you don’t look at it, the situation becomes weird when you look at it:

“Where are the people?”

“Where is the driver who was sitting in the driver’s seat…how did he disappear?!”

Polnareff was surprised to find that the driver’s seat was empty.

The driver whose outline could be seen clearly disappeared inexplicably after the car stopped in front of him.

“Is it a cover-up, or does it have some kind of spatial ability?”

Polnareff became increasingly wary.

The silver chariot protects his side and helps him monitor the space behind and beside him.

And he was staring at the empty car parked in front of him, trying hard to find some clues from the strange scene in front of him.

Then… Polnareff succeeded.

But it was not Polnareff who found it, but the enemy himself:

“Are you looking for me?”

“No need to look for it, I’m right here——”

“Right in front of you, in this mirror.”

The figure of a strange man quietly appeared on the mirror-like car glass.

This is not someone’s reflection in the mirror.

It’s just that there is an extra man in the mirror.

Now Polnareff saw not only his own reflection in the mirror, but the man standing opposite him.

Beside Polnareff, in the real world, there was no trace of that man.

The man seemed to be completely living in the world of mirrors. He was standing in the mirror with a leisurely expression, looking at Polnareff in front of him with bright eyes.

“There’s someone in the mirror?!”

Polnareff’s eyes widened in surprise.

A strange sense of familiarity suddenly emerged from the bottom of my heart.


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