Lee Sin’s Bizzare Adventure Chapter 237: Meet the invincible again


Kiaqiu tensed his muscles and bowed slightly, and the ice crystal blades under his feet suddenly slid on the hoarfrost-covered floor.

This kind of precise and sharp starting posture like a professional short track speed skater gives him a shocking speed.

Jiaqiu came swiftly through the ice, snow and hoarfrost, and the fists covered in solid ice armor roared in with the terrifying cold air.

Before the fist came close, the cold wind was already blowing in my face.

But in just a short moment, Fuge felt that his exposed skin was suddenly covered with a layer of crystal frost that was difficult to distinguish with the naked eye, and even the water vapor exhaled from his mouth and nose was instantly frozen into powder.

And in the bar window behind him, the neatly arranged wine bottles were also covered with frost.

Low-alcohol liquor freezes into ice in an instant, while spirits such as vodka barely manage to remain unfrozen due to their high alcohol content.

But despite this, as Gachu approached, the high-concentration wine that remained clear began to gradually form white crystals.

“Just being blown by the cold wind can make the temperature drop to this point”

“The enemy’s freezing ability is so terrifying!”

Fuge took a breath.

The cool air entered his mouth, freezing his tongue and gums instantly.

“Damn it”

Fuge opened his mouth and nervously jumped out of the bar to dodge into the distance:

“Na, Nalanjia, get out of the way!”

“You must not let that guy get close!”

Just touching the cold air can freeze your entire body to frost. If you were actually touched by that fist, you might be instantly frozen into an ice sculpture.

Seeing that Nagacho was about to rush towards him like a wild bull carrying the biting cold air, Fuge and Nalanjia immediately dodged sideways along the bar.

“Purple smoke!”

“Aviation Smith!”

The strength shown by the enemy did not make Fugo and Nalanja forget the battle.

While trying their best to dodge and run to the side, they each drove their avatars to launch a counterattack against the enemy.

The first round of confrontation is often not very effective, but this is the most important mutual testing stage in the stand-in battle.

They need to take the initiative to attack in order to obtain more intelligence from the enemy, and this intelligence will eventually become the key to the situation.

However, the results of this trial are somewhat disappointing

The man named Kacho seems to have no weaknesses at all.

The first to take action was Aviation Smith.

This delicate little plane hovered nimbly under the high ceiling, unaffected by the cold air below for the time being.

It accurately locked onto the seemingly fragile transparent mask on Gacho’s face, quickly adjusted the fuselage and pressed down on the nose, and aimed the black muzzle at Gacho’s pupils hidden behind the transparent mask. .

Fires bloomed, and tiny but deadly bullets rained down from the sky.

It looks very powerful, but in the end it has no effect.

The way the bullets hit the transparent ice crystal mask was like a Guinness World Record challenger hitting domestic tempered glass.

There was no crack or bullet mark on the transparent ice crystal, not even a tremor.

Those bullets that Nalanja had high hopes for were so useless that they were easily bounced away like rubber **** with no power.

“It’s useless, my Aerosmith is useless at all!”

“That frost armor is so strong that it is impossible for my bullets to penetrate it.”

Nalan Jia said with a solemn expression.

Fuge fought and retreated, his face equally ugly.

Because compared to Aviation Smith, his purple smoke performed even worse in front of the enemy.

As a melee stand, Zi Yan was froze by the terrible cold air as soon as he tried to get close. Even Fuge, as the main body, was trembling with cold due to the feedback chill.

It’s just that the melee ability cannot be used. The worst thing is that Ziyan’s special skill, the virus, has completely lost its effect.

It just tried to break open a virus capsule and tried to release poisonous mist on Jia Qiu, but the result

Before the purple smoke had time to spread in the air, it mixed with the water vapor in the air and was frozen into a purple ice crystal powder in an instant.

The terrible low temperature caused the virus to fall into dormancy instantly, and the purple ice crystals that sealed the virus then fell to the ground under the influence of gravity.

The virus cannot be thawed or spread at all, let alone being infected by a guy wearing a “full-body protective suit.”

“Completely restrained”

Fuge’s voice was extremely solemn.

He and Nalanja had already escaped from the bar in embarrassment, and were chased all the way to the wall near the back kitchen.


Kiaqiu had a cruel smile on his face.

He stared closely at the ice cubes that Fuge and Nalanja had been holding in their arms, and there was a bit of uncontrollable irritability in his eyes:

“Why don’t you let go of the ice cube? Idiot!”

“With me here, the only place you can take ice cubes to is heaven.”

There was a hint of mockery in Jia Qiu’s words.

But Fuge and Nalanjia didn’t even have the heart to talk back.

Because the enemy has not been harmed so far, their bodies have been frozen stiff in the short chase, and they even gradually showed signs of losing consciousness.

“The cold and warm air that freezes everything plus the indestructible armor”

“That guy named Kacho is simply invincible!”

Although he was a little frustrated, Fugo couldn’t help but tell the ugly truth.


Nalan Jia repeated this helpless word.

He subconsciously wanted to make a thoughtful expression, but the muscles on his face were already frozen by a layer of ice and were unable to function.

This was originally the sweat he shed from running all the way, but now it was all frozen by the cold air and turned into a frost demon that deprived his body of a large amount of heat.

“Invincible and Invincible”

Nalanja’s body gradually stiffened in the terrifying low temperature.

But his brain was running rapidly in this desperate situation:

“A substitute may be invincible, but a human being is definitely not.”

“Everyone needs to breathe to stay alive, and that Kacho’s breathing seems to be very smooth.”

“In this case, the enemy’s ice crystal armor that cannot even be penetrated by bullets cannot be completely sealed”

“A fully enclosed armor cannot store much oxygen at all. There must be a hidden ventilation hole in the armor that allows him to breathe fresh air from the outside world at any time!”

Electricity flashed in Nalanja’s mind, and he soon caught a faint glimmer of hope in the despairing hoarfrost:

“That ventilation hole is the enemy’s weakness!”

“As long as I can put the bullet through that ventilation hole, I can actually hit his body!”

Gachu is already approaching rapidly.

The frost is spreading overwhelmingly.

Nalanja concentrated on controlling the avatar, but this time it was not for attack.

He instantly activated Aviation Smith’s carbon dioxide radar, allowing all the carbon dioxide distribution and concentration in the surrounding air to be displayed on the virtual screen in front of him.

Soon, with no effort at all

“Found it!”

“The carbon dioxide concentration at the back of the enemy’s armor is obviously higher than other places.”

“That unprotected ventilation hole, that only weak point, is on the back of the opponent’s neck!”

Thinking of this, Nalanja’s heart couldn’t help but beat faster in nervousness and excitement:

“Aviation Smith”

“Attack him on the back of the neck!”

Aviation Smith, always hovering in the sky, rapidly changes its flying posture like a nimble swallow.

It quickly drew several beautiful arcs in the cold air, and soon circled behind Gaqiu with the slight roar of the propeller.


The cannon was aimed at the back of Gaqiu’s neck, and the fire roared in the smoke.

Nalan Jia waited nervously, hoping that his attack would be effective.

But what he was waiting for was a burst of playful laughter from Jia Qiu:

“Did you discover my weakness so quickly?”

“I think it depends on the carbon dioxide radar mentioned in the intelligence”

The bullet was about to penetrate the back of his neck, but his voice was as calm as a piece of lake ice:

“Unlike your immature appearance, you are quite skilled at using a substitute.”

“But, it’s a pity”

At this moment, the cold air lingering around Jia Qiu suddenly became more than ten times stronger:

“I’ve been waiting for this move from you for a long time”

“White Album·Silent Crying!”


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