Lee Sin’s Bizzare Adventure Chapter 223: The real clue


Li Qing entered the waiting hall alone.

Like Prosit who arrived a step earlier, he also failed to discover where the so-called “clue” was.

With my ears, I could only hear the noise of countless people whispering to each other, and the roar of the rolling rails as the train entered the platform area next door.

Unlocking the digitization and looking around, in addition to the staff and passengers coming and going, there are only ordinary seating arrangements.

As for the clues to the treasure mentioned in the last words

“I don’t even know what the clue is, how should I find it?”

Li Qing couldn’t help but feel a little dizzy.

He originally ran in with the determination to break into the dragon pond and step into the tiger’s den, but he couldn’t help but not discover the enemies and traps he imagined, and he became a headless fly who couldn’t find his direction.

Did Diavolo not lay out any clues here at all?

Is this just a simple prank?


Li Qing quickly rejected this too relaxed idea in his mind.

He started to activate his brain and think from his perspective:

“Diavolo’s purpose is to drive away tigers and devour wolves and provoke large-scale rebellion within the organization.”

“It’s just like Bucciarati said. In order for those careerists to believe the authenticity of the last words, Diavolo must have arranged some evidence here to confirm his last words. ”

“For example, the bank account number that only the boss himself can get.”

“In this case, there is no need for him to hide the evidence. Instead, he should put the clues out in the open, the more conspicuous the better.”

After thinking about it, Li Qing had already faintly noticed that something was wrong.

At this time

Just when he was thinking about what the so-called clue was and where it was, the “clue” came to him:

“Mr. Li Qing?”

An old voice suddenly sounded in Li Qing’s ears.

The speaker was an old man, an old man who had been sitting nearby and looked like an ordinary traveler.

He is short in stature, with white beard and hair. There is a large black briefcase on the seat next to him, and he is also holding an inconspicuous stainless steel storage box in his hand.

This old man is too old. He is sitting there wearing a hat and has no presence. It is difficult to believe that he can be an enemy.

But now, as if he had been waiting for a long time, he called out Li Qing’s name calmly:

“Mr. Li Qing, I have been waiting for you for a long time.”


Li Qing turned around suddenly and looked back, turning the digitalization back on in an instant.

“Don’t be nervous.”

The old man waved his hand slowly:

“My name is Belicolo, a cadre of the organization. That little guy Bucciarati should have seen me.”

“Don’t worry, I’m just an ordinary person, not a substitute messenger.”

“Ordinary people?”

The vigilance in Li Qing’s eyes has not relaxed at all:

An ordinary person can actually become a high-level executive in a passion organization that is not allowed to enter except for the substitute messenger

That means that the other party either wants some unparalleled business ability, or else he must be a loyal and close minister who is deeply trusted by the boss.

“Are you from the boss?” Li Qing asked straight to the point.

“That’s right.”

The veteran cadre named Belikoro did not hide himself at all:

“I am the boss’s subordinate.”

“Now it should be his last subordinate.”

Pelicolo’s vicissitudes of life were full of sorrow.

From this tone, Li Qing could tell that the old man had an unshakable loyalty to Diavolo.

Even if Diavolo is such a mean, unkind, cold-blooded humanoid trash, there are still people who are willing to fight for him until the last moment, even when he is already “dead”.

Li Qing was really surprised by this.

He was still carefully guarding against Belicolo’s every move, and then asked tentatively:

“So, you are the clue arranged by the boss?”

“What about the so-called treasure? Does it exist?”

Diablo’s bank account is related to the financial lifeline of the Passion organization, and is also the biggest reason why Li Qing and others came all the way here.

In order to help Giorno become a gangster superstar and help Bucciarati transform the organization and save his hometown, even though Li Qing didn’t love money very much, he had to focus all his attention on the so-called treasure.

Now that he saw that the “treasure clue” turned out to be a real person, Li Qing had already realized that Diavolo’s inheritance might not be that easy to get.

However, Belicolo’s answer did not disappoint him at all.

In fact, his answer was surprisingly refreshing:

“Of course the treasure exists.”

“And right here.”

Bellicoiro directly opened the stainless steel storage box in his hand.

The small box was filled with a stack of paper documents.

Then, I don’t know who I want to show it to

Just like the host on a treasure appraisal show, Bellicolo carefully took out the documents from the box, spread them out, smoothed them out, and placed them generously in front of the blind man Li Qing. :

“This box contains account opening credentials, bank cards, and bank keys.”

“There are also fake IDs used by the boss to open accounts.”

“As long as you get this box, you can inherit the boss’s legacy and get the cash surplus accumulated by the Passion organization in the past ten years, a huge property of more than 500 billion lire.”

“And I”

Bellicoiro folded the documents and put them back into the storage box, then closed the lid tightly:

“He is the executor arranged by the boss before his death.”


“You actually carry the ‘treasure’ with you?”

Li Sin’s perception is firmly locked on Belikoro:

“What on earth is this old man playing?”

He didn’t believe that this old man, an ordinary person, would appear in front of him with such a heavy treasure without any precautions.

Will Diavolo hand over his inheritance so easily?

This must be a trap.

Perhaps when he was about to reach out to grab the box, Bailey Colo would immediately throw the box as a sign.

Based on the size and quality of this treasure, it would not be unusual for five hundred swordsmen to appear nearby.

Li Qing thought this in his heart, and his expression became increasingly wary.


While Li Qing was holding his breath and waiting for the war to begin

Bellicoro suddenly thrust the stainless steel storage box into his hand:

“Give it to you.”


Li Qing looked at the treasure that had been delivered to him in disbelief:

“You gave it to me directly?”

“What do you mean the documents in this box are fake? Or is there some poison painted on the box?”

The alarm bell sounded in his heart, and he even subconsciously wanted to throw away the treasure box in his hand that came too easily.

But Belikolo said calmly:

“Don’t be nervous, everything in the box is real.”

“This is the last order the boss entrusted to me: let me hand over his inheritance to you, Li Qing, the boss’s murderous enemy.”

“This is true”

A bad premonition suddenly arose in Li Qing’s heart:

“The treasure was handed over to me so easily.”

“What are the clues Diavolo arranged, and what is he going to use to provoke those ambitious people to come to me and cause trouble?”

“If the ‘clue’ is not this treasure, then”

Thinking of this, Li Qing’s expression changed drastically.

He suddenly realized what the so-called “clues” Diavolo used to verify the authenticity of his last words and incite a wave of rebellion

That clue is

“It’s you, Mr. Li Qing.”

Bellicoro looked at Li Qing with an unwavering gaze:

“You foolishly chose to fake your own death to get out of the wanted list, and the consequences of doing so are:”

“As long as people know that you are still alive, everyone will understand that the boss is dead.”

“They will know that those last words were true.”

“And you, the ‘new boss’ who has mastered the authority of the organization and the boss’s account, will become the enemy of all careerists.”

“In other words, the conflict between you and the careerist has been completely intensified. Those betrayers who are unwilling to be left alone will naturally avenge the dead boss.”

With a gentle sigh, Bellicero slowly stood up from his seat.

Then he opened the large briefcase that had been kept beside him:

“When I came to the train station, I destroyed the surveillance inside the station in order to do some small things quietly here:”

“This briefcase contains a laptop and a hidden camera.”

“The camera has just been facing you, and behind the camera, the audience who witnessed your ‘resurrection from the dead’ is”

“There are 19 local cadres in charge of 20 first-level administrative regions across the country, as well as all formal organization members who can be contacted in 110 provinces in the country.”

“Mr. Li Qing.”

Bellicoro bowed slightly to Li Qing:

“My mission is over.”

“The boss’s inheritance is entrusted to you if you can keep it.”

As he spoke, he took out a poison capsule that he had prepared long ago from his pocket and put it into his mouth with a calm expression.

After the poison entered his mouth, he slowly sat back in his seat, adjusted his cuffs, and finally closed his eyes quietly.

Quietly, Belicolo fell asleep.

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