Lee Sin’s Bizzare Adventure Chapter 205: Throw yourself into a trap


w! t! f? ”

Kino couldn’t help but cursed a Hollywood-style curse word:

Kill everyone?

You don’t have to look hard to find it?

What the **** is this solution

Well, this is indeed a very practical and simple method.

But how can you use this trick?

This is too untechnical!

Aren’t your Bucciarati team friends of the citizens of Naples? How can you imitate a scum like Chocorat?

He kills dozens of people and buries them with him at every turn. Not many of us in the Guards are so disdainful!

Kino’s face suddenly turned extremely pale.

However, he quickly tried to calm down his emotions:

“No, calm down, don’t be scared.”

“Everyone in the organization knows that the Bucciarati Team is a group of bad guys, and they will not do such unscrupulous things.”

“This must be a bluff, just to scare me out of the crowd!”

Kino thought so in his mind, and tried hard to adjust his breathing and calm his expression.

Soon, he pretended to be confused and frightened like everyone else.

Although the flashy and eye-catching golden suit still betrayed his unique temperament, the substitute messenger never relied on clothes to identify people, and Chino finally blended in with the crowd without any flaws.


As if he really has some mind-reading ability, Fugo once again exposed Kino’s thoughts to the point:

“Don’t get it wrong.”

“Bucciarati is a good man, but I am not.”

“I don’t kill people indiscriminately, just because Bucciarati doesn’t allow it, it doesn’t mean I won’t do it.”

“But now, Bucciarati is not here. And, the most important thing is that you injured Naranja!”

“If I don’t get rid of you, the spying trash, as soon as possible, I won’t even be able to save Naranja.”

Fugo’s eyes were filled with angry fire, and the blazing flames shocked everyone present:

“Not in front of my companions, but in front of my family”

“The lives of so-called innocent people are as meaningless as a napkin used to wipe one’s mouth!”

He roared like this.

At the same time, Zi Yan slowly raised her hand and gradually clenched her fist.

The virus capsule on his fist appeared in front of Chino’s eyes without reservation, and it seemed that it would burst in the next second.

“It’s not impossible.”

Kino was already retreating.

It was only then that he remembered that unlike the “gentle” and “kind” captain Bucciarati, the intelligence described Fugo’s personality as “irritable”, “irritable” and “violent” .

Although he did not commit any more crimes while following Bucciarati for more than a year, the reason why Fugo became a gangster before was because he smashed the professor’s head with a dictionary “for no reason”.

If he is such a mentally unstable guy, it is indeed possible to pull off the cruel tricks that only Chocolat can do.

When he thought of this, Chino began to panic unconsciously.

He couldn’t help but want to escape, then he got on his motorcycle parked at the door and ran as far away from this madman as possible.

But in the end, Kino still tried hard to maintain the same look and appearance as everyone else:

“Yes, don’t be afraid.”

“The killing range of the purple smoke virus is only a few meters. Even if it is released, I will have time to hide.”

Kino comforted himself with such pale words, trying to stay calm.

However, Fugo once again broke the illusion in his heart with words:

“Don’t think about running away.”

“Although my killer virus will lose activity within a few seconds after being exposed to air, don’t forget, that’s only if there is no ‘carrier’.”

“And now, the space of this supermarket is limited, and there are so many living people inside.”


Fuge laughed coldly:

“As long as I release the virus, these deadly little guys will immediately multiply and spread through the flesh and blood of these living people, and remain active and spread through the blood and droplets spit out by the host.”

“Although it is still unable to spread very far, it is enough for the virus to sweep through this confined space containing many ‘carriers’!”

“Just like yesterday”

“The same thing happened in Naples.”

At this moment, his voice was as terrifying as a demon.

Time freezes momentarily.

Layers of cold sweat broke out on Chino’s forehead:

What to do? Is he serious?

If it is true, then if he doesn’t run for his life now, it will be too late when Zi Yan actually releases the virus.

But if it is false and he is running away in a panic now, isn’t that exposing his identity?

This is undoubtedly a dilemma and a fatal gamble.

But he had to face such terrible psychological pressure and make a decision in just one second.

Kino’s spirit became tense and his breathing became stagnant.

But at this moment the situation changed drastically!

“Disease, virus?”

“Hey, what are you doing? No, it can’t be a terrorist!”

Before Chino jumped out, several passers-by panicked:

“That’s right”

“This guy also mentioned what happened in Naples yesterday.”

“There was a biological attack in Naples just yesterday. It is said that everyone within a few kilometers of the city center was killed!”

The customers in the supermarket said such words in panic.

Fugo’s appearance, covered in blood and with murderous intent on his face, is terrifying. In addition, the keywords “virus”, “host”, “kill all” and “what happened in Naples” burst out of his mouth. Risk


“There are terrorists!!”

All the customers in the supermarket changed their expressions.

They didn’t dare to hesitate at all, and immediately ran out the door like crazy.

Someone didn’t have time to grab the passage at the door, and even picked up a hard object on the spot, smashed the floor-to-ceiling glass facing the street and jumped out.


Kino was stunned for a moment, then reacted in an instant:

“Hahahaha! This is great!”

He never thought that these ordinary people with ordinary backgrounds would be the key to breaking the situation.

This is probably a miscalculation by Fuge:

After yesterday’s attack in Naples shocked the world, the Italian people became frightened.

Rather than following human instinct to stay and watch the excitement, they are now more inclined to run away directly when facing suspicious people.

In this way, the situation will be greatly convenient for Chino:

As long as he blends in with the crowd and runs away together, he can avoid exposing his identity as a substitute and can justifiably escape from Fugo, a dangerous person.

Of course, the farther away you are from this guy who can release viruses, the better.

“Help, help!”

Thinking of this, Kino immediately screamed in panic like those ordinary guests.

He jumped out of the glass gap created by his “predecessors” and jumped out of the supermarket where a biochemical crisis might break out at any time.

In order to prevent Fuge from noticing him in the crowd, he did not even dare to look back and pay attention to Fuge’s movements.

Chino ran out as hard as he could, then jumped onto his motorcycle parked outside the supermarket.

And then

“Oh, it’s you.”

A cold voice sounded from behind.

Before Chino had time to take out his motorcycle keys, Fugo’s cold face appeared in front of him like a ghost.

At the same time, Zi Yan looked at him eagerly.

The distance between the two is very close, so close that if a virus is released over there, the other side will die immediately.


Kino was caught off guard by such a sudden change.

He pursed his lips tightly and said with a pale face:

“What am I? I don’t know you at all.”

“You’ve got the wrong person. I’m just someone who comes to the supermarket to buy things.”

“Stop pretending!”

Fuge drank coldly, and Zi Yan approached again.

At this moment, Kino could even clearly see the disgusting saliva overflowing from the corner of the mouth of the terrifying humanoid stand-in.

“I know it’s you.”

Fugo’s gaze is like a blade, cold and sharp:

“From parachuting to landing to being attacked, it only takes two minutes.”

“In such a short time, unless you can predict that Nalanja and I will land here and wait here in advance, otherwise”

“You must have come here urgently with some kind of transportation!”

“For example”

Fugo knocked on the front windshield of the motorcycle, and the sound was as frightening as the death knell of hell:

“This motorcycle.”


Kino still refuses to give up, he is still pretending to be stupid:

“Motorcycle, what happened to the motorcycle?”

“I just ride a motorcycle out to buy things and I really don’t know you!”


Fuge curled his lips in disdain:

“The battle lasted only one minute, which means you only arrived at the scene more than a minute ago.”

“In other words, this motorcycle just stalled a minute ago.”

“Compared with a motor vehicle that has just been turned off and a vehicle that has been parked for a long time, the concentration of carbon dioxide remaining in the exhaust pipe is completely different!”

“Unfortunately, after being detected by Nalanja:”

“Among the many vehicles parked nearby, only this motorcycle has just turned off and stopped!”

His eyes became extremely cold, and even the anger was gone:

“Idiot, do you think I just found a random store and walked in to scare people?”

“I knew that a cowardly gutter rat like you who dare not show his head would not dare to fight head-on and would definitely hide his escape vehicle as close as possible to himself!”

“Just walk up to me and give me a little scare, and you’ll jump out on your own!”


Hearing this, Chino’s face turned extremely pale.

It turns out that Fugo was not targeting people from the beginning, but the motorcycle.

He is not trying to wipe them all out, nor is he bluffing, but he is waiting for the rabbit and luring the snake out of its hole.

“It’s over, it’s over”

Kino fell into despair.

He knew that after being approached by a powerful melee substitute, there was absolutely no way he could resist and win.

As long as the main body is exposed and approached, this battle is already coming to an end.

“I actually don’t like fighting.”

Under Kino’s distracted gaze, Zi Yan slowly raised her palm.

“In addition to not liking it, there is another very important reason:”

The purple-striped, knotted arms stretched straight out and grabbed Kino’s throat. ‘

“The death of people killed by purple smoke is really ugly.”

Zi Yan’s hand became stronger and stronger.

“The broken limbs with rotting flesh and bones should not be the last thing a human being leaves to the world.”

“Even I can’t bear to see such a disgusting tragedy.”


A crisp sound that was so subtle that it was almost inaudible.

“But, for those sneaky villains who hurt my companions”

The virus capsule burst instantly.

Purple mist filled the air.

“This is the most appropriate way to die.”

Fuge calmly withdrew his gaze.

He turned and left without looking back.

Behind him, a mass of flesh was rotting and festering.

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