Lee Sin’s Bizzare Adventure Chapter 186: The usual way to borrow a car


Li Qing was the last one to jump out of the plane.

Unlike his companions, he did not have time to put on an escape parachute bag as he stayed in the driver’s seat until the last moment.

Of course, he doesn’t need a parachute.

Li Qing jumped directly from a height of hundreds of meters without any protection, and fell to the ground like a meteor with the fire blooming behind him.

This is an extremely dangerous move. Falling objects from a height is a very uncivilized behavior. It can easily hit flowers and plants on the ground, as well as some unlucky citizens passing by.

Fortunately, Li Qing landed in an empty construction site this time.

It happens to be night now.

Workers in developed countries believe in the life creed of getting off work on time, and never work an extra minute or second when the time is up.

The lights on the construction site were not turned off in a wasteful way, and the steel bars on the tower crane were still hanging in the air. The drivers and workers had already fled early.

So, Li Qing’s simple and crude landing method did not hurt any innocent citizens, but only made a deep human-shaped depression on the ground.

He stood up from the big hole he made like a carp, with a slightly solemn expression:

“Damn it, the current situation is really not good.”

“I don’t know how far Diavolo is from the Colosseum now, and whether we have time to catch up.”

Of course Li Qing could not have imagined that Diavolo, who he was worried about sneaking away first, was currently entangled with the police for speeding and running red lights.

In his heart, Diavolo must be moving towards the finish line unimpeded now.

But he lost the carefully prepared means of transportation and was forced to get separated from his companions in this crisis-ridden night:

There is no other way. Others don’t have Li Qing’s ability to fall freely without injury. They can only drive their parachutes and drift in the wind, and they don’t know where they are now.

“By the way, there’s Thomas”

“He might be able to help.”

Li Qing suddenly thought that he should call Thomas, who was in charge of logistics intelligence in the rear area.

If the information was not leaked from Thomas and Thomas was still one of our own, then he might still be able to help a lot:

For example, call up road surveillance to find out the location of separated companions.

For example, contact the mysterious man directly through anti-invasion means and remind him to leave the Colosseum as soon as possible.

However, just as Li Qing had this idea, his cell phone rang first.

This call was from the Thomas he was looking for:

“Hey, boss? Something bad is going on!”

“You don’t need to remind me of this”

“I just took a missile shot at an altitude of 400 meters.”

Li Qing patted the dirt on his body with a helpless voice.

“No, I’m not talking about your side.”

“It’s the technology team, something happened to the technology team”

Thomas’s tone was no less relaxed than that of Li Qing, who had just suffered a plane crash:

“The supervisor seemed to have done something to the server of our technology team before he died.”

“Just two minutes ago, the virus suddenly broke out and all network equipment in the technology team was paralyzed.”

“I can’t even connect to the Internet now, so I can only call you on my mobile phone”

“The network is paralyzed? In other words” After hearing such a report, Li Qing’s face became increasingly ugly: “You can’t do anything now?”

“That’s right”

“It may take a lot of time to get these devices back to work.”

“During this period, I am unable to provide surveillance information in the city, help you mobilize the organization’s resources, and cannot help you contact that mysterious person.”

“I’m sorry you can only rely on yourself now.”

After telling Li Qing such bad news, Thomas, who was helpless about the current situation, hung up the phone.

“The only one you can rely on is yourself”

Li Qing read this sentence helplessly.

Just when they needed technical support, Thomas also had a problem. It all happened by coincidence.

Obviously, this is a pre-designed part of Diavolo’s plan.

The purpose is to eliminate the possibility of him actively contacting the mysterious man, thereby ensuring that he can reach the Colosseum before everyone else and find the mysterious man who holds a heavy treasure.

“There is no other way”

Thinking of this, Li Qing even gave up the idea of ​​contacting his companions first.

What Bucciarati said on the plane was right. Time is life now, and every minute and every second is precious.

And Diavolo has been running away for so long in advance. If he wastes more time on rendezvous with his companions, he may never have the chance to win this racing competition.

“Let’s go first!”

“At least find a means of transportation first, and then find a way to contact other people when you get to the car.”

Li Qing put away his phone and prepared to walk out of the construction site.

This is not a remote suburb. There is a busy road outside the construction site, and there is still a constant flow of traffic even at night.

With so many cars passing by the door, it was much easier for Li Qing to borrow a car.

He stood directly on the side of the road with his hand outstretched, trying to trick some hapless taxi driver into stopping him.

However, before the taxi was hailed, a private car slowly stopped in front of Li Qing:

“Want a ride?”

The car window rolled down, revealing a smiling face.

The face is slightly green and immature, making the car owner look like a progressive young man who is enthusiastic about helping others.


“Thank you for showing up, this is very timely.”

Li Qing took out his pistol and pointed the black muzzle at the young man’s warm and kind face.

“So, let me ask you a question”

“Do you want to die?”

He said to the young man in such a “friendly” manner.

The young man’s expression changed instantly.

His smile froze at the corner of his mouth for an instant, and his facial muscles immediately became stiff. He looked as nervous as any ordinary citizen who was suddenly pointed at a gun.

However, in the next second, his seemingly clear and harmless eyes suddenly surged with a strong murderous intent, and the instinctive horror on his face turned into a calm scene:

“He is worthy of being targeted by the boss.”

“With just one look, you can tell who I really am.”

The young man raised his head without fear and looked straight at Li Qing:

“Get to know:”

“I am Sandro Doni, a member of the Guards.”

“Your helicopter was blown up by me. The boss has ordered that you must die tonight.”

The muzzle of Li Qing’s gun pointed tightly at his head did not make him feel intimidated. Instead, his eyes showed a hint of appreciation and a hint of meaning:

“You reacted quickly and drew your gun quickly.”

“Unfortunately, it’s too late for me.”

“Well this”

Seeing the young man’s sudden change in temperament, Li Qing was slightly startled at first, and then his expression became a little awkward:

“Actually, I”

“I usually like to pay bills with a gun. That was just my usual way of borrowing a car”

“I haven’t seen anything yet, but you exposed your identity yourself.”

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere suddenly became a little awkward.

The lips of the young man who called himself Sandro trembled slightly, and the unpredictable posture he had just assumed collapsed instantly.

Li Qing then pointed the gun further at Sandro’s head, and quickly pressed the trigger tightly with his loosened finger:

“However, since you took the initiative to protect your family, it saved me a lot of trouble.”

“At least I don’t have to work hard to pretend to be a bad guy and say harsh words, and I don’t have to spend time and energy to scare car owners away”

Li Qing shrugged and pressed his finger tightly on the trigger:

“Just kill the person and the car will be mine.”


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