Lee Sin’s Bizzare Adventure Chapter 184: Air travel


If Lee Sin realized now that he had entered a racing game, he would be extremely confident.

Because Diavolo only drove a car, and the transportation Li Qing prepared for himself was a helicopter.

Yes, it’s a helicopter.

This is the first time Li Qing has used organizational resources to pay himself benefits after becoming the temporary boss of the passion organization.

He didn’t even use his identity as the boss, he just asked Thomas to make a call as the head of the technology group

The organization’s external logistics staff in Rome quickly arranged for a helicopter to deliver the goods to Li Qing’s doorstep according to Li Qing’s request, and parked on the roof of a building near where he settled.

After receiving the meeting notice from Polnareff, Li Qing and others quickly walked into the building and took the elevator directly to the apron on the roof.

“Isn’t this a bit exaggerated?”

“Using the organization’s resources to do this kind of thing may be noticed by the enemy.”

Apaki carefully observed every shadow on the roof of the tall building, using the observation skills he honed as a policeman to carefully search for possible traces of the enemy.

“It doesn’t matter, Thomas has given us a guarantee:”

“Now that we have complete control of the organization’s intelligence system, it is impossible for Diavolo to know.”

Li Qing didn’t seem so nervous.

He took the lead towards the helicopter and opened the helicopter door with great anticipation:

“Come on, let’s go.”

“With this helicopter here, we estimate that it will only take a few minutes to reach the Colosseum.”


Apaki is still a little confused.

Compared to making a grand appearance by helicopter, he prefers more cautious and low-key plans:

“Is it really necessary?”

“Although the distance is a bit far, a 30-minute drive from here to the Colosseum is definitely enough.”


Mista hurriedly agreed.

Unlike Apache, he prefers to refute Li Qing from a metaphysical perspective:

“I think it might not be safe to fly in a helicopter.”

“After all, you also know that since yesterday, basically all the means of transportation we have used have ended badly.”

Starting from the stolen motorcycle, in less than two days, Mista had lost count of how many vehicles had been killed in the battle.

Before, it was still on the ground. The transportation vehicles were destroyed, and at least it was easy for people to escape.

But now, Li Qing wants to take everyone to heaven.

If it blows up again, they will be like goldfish that have lost their fish tank and will not be able to survive anymore.

“You are wrong.”

Li Qing refuted Mista’s point of view seriously:

“The reason why I chose helicopters is because I think it is the safest means of transportation.”

“Think about it”

Not waiting for Mista to show his surprised expression, he explained to himself:

“Why were so many vehicles destroyed before?”

“It’s not because I was attacked by a substitute!”

“It’s because we thought we were on the ground and gave those stand-ins a chance to get close, that we fell into crisis again and again.”

Except for a small number of long-range automatic and range-attack avatars, most avatars, including the long-range attack Aerosmith, have a range within 50 meters.

Helicopters basically fly at an altitude of several hundred meters.

This means that the far distance produced by this flight height alone can make most stand-in users despair.

“We are flying in the sky, and it is difficult for the enemy to make a sneak attack.”

“Especially Diavolo, the range of his Crimson King is estimated to be only two meters.”

“And everyone knows that this trip to Rome is likely to be a trap:”

“The mysterious man never showed up. He may be Diavolo’s remnant, or he may even be Diavolo himself.”

“So, this helicopter is actually an insurance policy I arranged for everyone.”

As he spoke, Li Qing elaborated on his true purpose of using this helicopter:

The helicopter is actually a “safe house” he set up for his companions.

When the helicopter arrives at the Colosseum, he will set it to automatically hover at an altitude of more than 200 meters.

At the same time, he will imprint the positioning mark of Tianyin Wave on the small animal created by Giorno, and then jump off the plane alone to meet the mysterious man waiting in the Colosseum. .

If the other party is really a companion, then the result will naturally be that everyone talks happily and everyone is happy.

And if that was Diavolo’s plan to kill him

Then Li Qing will directly activate the second echo attack, and fly out of the trap unharmed under Diavolo’s helpless and furious eyes.

During this whole process, Giorno, Bucciarati and other mortal companions have been hiding at an altitude of more than 200 meters, out of the Crimson King’s reach. Their situation is absolutely safe.

“This is indeed a good idea”

Hearing Li Qing’s safety measures using the helicopter, Mista couldn’t help but change his stance:

“With this helicopter here, we can be invincible in the face of the enemy’s trap.”

“After you completely break free from the trap and find out the enemy’s trump card, your chances of winning the battle will be much greater.”

Thinking of this, everyone understood Li Qing’s good intentions.

They were no longer afraid of the crash, but simply followed Li Qing and boarded the helicopter.

“Let’s go!”

Li Qing sat in the driver’s seat with high spirits.

Then, he stared blankly at the cockpit for a while, mumbling:

“This is the steering column, this is the collective pitch pole and two pedals”

“Throttle adjustment ring trim tab”

While reciting professional terms like a nerd, he fumbled to start the helicopter’s engine.

The propeller began to rotate rapidly, causing waves of storm-like sound waves.

Li Qing, on the other hand, gracefully held two poles and pulled the helicopter up into the air from the roof of the building.


Feeling the abnormal tilt of the helicopter when taking off, Mista’s face turned green.

It is true that he has never flown in a helicopter before, but he is certain that a normal helicopter takeoff will never look like this

Like a drunken girl in a bar, she looked swaying and seemed about to fall to the ground at any time, putting herself in danger.


“Can you fly a helicopter, Li Qing?!”

Mista clutched the seat belt tightly and roared loudly.

“Of course I will.”

Li Qing was very confident in controlling the helicopter that was gradually taking off as it swayed this way and that:

“I have been waiting for so long in Rome today, and I have been reading helicopter driving textbooks during this time.”


“You just started learning today?!”

Hearing this, Mista even began to suspect that Li Qing was an undercover agent sent by Diavolo.

“Trust me.”

Li Qing gradually became familiar with the operation, and the helicopter’s flying posture gradually became more stable:

“I practiced on Chocolat’s plane yesterday, and it was fine even after flying for several kilometers.”

“If it hadn’t been hit by the American missile, it would never have fallen from the sky”

“I’m fine. It’s just that Joe Crater was a little broken and had some trouble throwing it into the trash can.”


There was an eerie silence.

The inexplicable uneasiness in Mista’s heart rose to the extreme.

“Don’t be afraid, I have learned yesterday’s lesson.”

“This helicopter is equipped with enough escape parachutes. Even if it does explode, everyone can escape safely.”

Li Qing still flew the plane calmly.

While he was flying the plane high into the sky with more and more steady movements, he also imitated the postures of professional pilots in movies to report the altitude:

“100 meters”

“Look, nothing happened?”

“200 meters”

“Believe in my skills, the helicopter will not fall down so easily,”

“300 meters”

“And there is no military base nearby, and it is impossible for Diavolo to know beforehand that we are going to heaven.”

“400 meters”

“I’m flying in the sky fine, can there be another missile flying in the sky?”

Li Qing confidently flew the helicopter to higher and farther places.

At this moment, Mista pointed out the window in surprise and shouted:

“Hey, what is that little bright spot flying towards us?”


Li Qing was slightly startled.

He let go of his senses and listened carefully, and heard the sharp whistling sound of a small metal object tearing through the air in the night sky.


Li Qing swallowed and looked a little embarrassed:

“The umbrella is packed under the seat, everyone can use it.”


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