Lee Sin’s Bizzare Adventure Chapter 16: Giant Shark


Under Shi Yaluo’s mocking expression, Li Qing rolled on the ground with all his strength.

In just a few seconds, he had completely wiped out the water-filled ‘portals’ that allowed the ‘Impact’ to move instantly.

It could no longer use its uninterrupted teleportation to attack Li Qing. Instead, it was like a salted fish that had come ashore and was out of water, and could only flop around on land.

At this time, there was still a certain amount of water on the entire ship, and the only place left that could accommodate the “shock” was the glass of ice drink that Li Qing had taken two sips of earlier.


Li Qing listened to the tiny ripples coming from the glass and knew in his heart:

After all the accumulated water was wiped away by himself, the substitute had nowhere to go.

It could only teleport into that small drink cup and was forced to shrink into a harmless size.

“So did I win?”

“No, we can’t make a conclusion yet.”

“I have basically wiped away the “water” on the boat, but this is on the sea. ”

Although he currently has a certain advantage, Li Qing is even more nervous than when he was passively beaten at the beginning.

He stared intently at the glass containing the “impact”, carefully listened to the movements of the enemy substitute, and secretly prepared for the terrible guess in his heart.

Sure enough

When all the water on the ship was wiped away by Li Qing, there was no “coordinate” for “Impact” to move instantly

It disappeared silently from the glass as before.

Then, just as Li Qing guessed, the “impact” instantly appeared on the sea.

Its stand-in ability is to move instantly between water and water, and the ocean has endless sea water, so it can naturally become a medium for it to move instantly.

The most terrifying thing is that the size of “Impact” can automatically change according to the amount of water in the water area.

So, at the moment it emerged from the sea

What emerged from the sea was no longer a small shark tens of centimeters long, but an “ancient giant shark” that was twenty meters long!

Its size is so huge and majestic.

The small yacht Li Qing boarded was thirteen to fourteen meters long. Now placed in front of “Impact”, it was as compact as an exquisite high-level figure.

“Impact” just emerged from the water against the huge waves, slowly turned his head, and opened his terrifying abyss-like mouth towards Li Qing on the yacht.


“The situation that I least expected to see happened after all.”

Li Qing sighed deeply.

He has no doubt that with the enemy’s current size, he can completely suffocate him and his ship.

As soon as the “Impact” appeared, it set off a huge wave on the calm sea, so even Andrew on the side noticed something was wrong:

“What, what happened!”

“Well, why are there such waves and this boat? Is this boat tilted by something?”

The yacht had been tilted and capsized by the huge body of the “impact”, and Andrew had to hold on tightly to the guardrail on the deck to stabilize himself:

“Is there a sea monster?”

“But I obviously can’t see anything!”


Li Qing smiled heartlessly:

“Congratulations, Captain, you guessed it right.”

“If we are lucky, we will meet again in the belly of the sea monster later.”

“Shut up”

“I don’t want this kind of luck!”

Under that strange invisible but tangible attack, Andrew’s emotions almost collapsed.

Li Qing is in a good mood.

He patted Andrew on the shoulder and said, half seriously and half jokingly:

“Just kidding.”

“After all”

“I don’t know whether you will die or not, but I probably won’t die.”


Andrew was startled by the nonchalant coldness in Li Qing’s words.

At this time, “Impact” had already revealed its huge shark teeth as wide as a door panel, and bit Li Qing and Andrew mercilessly.

In an instant, the wind rose and the waves surged.

The yacht bumped and undulated in the huge waves caused by the “impact”, and the frightened Andrew instinctively closed his eyes in the strong wind

But Li Qing didn’t sit still and wait for death, he took action

He completely ignored the huge whale shark that was smashed down in front of him. He suddenly turned around in the huge waves and strong wind, and punched in the air towards the unobstructed stern of the ship:

“Tian Yin Bo!”

The bright white light gathered into the sun on his fist, and then roared out.

The direction of this sky sound wave was not the “impact”, but the direction of Shi Ke Yaluo who was fifty meters away.

“It’s you”

“The Stand User who controls this powerful Stand!”

There are only three people in this sea. Li Qing has already firmly locked the position of Shik Yaluo, and will only wait for the time to use the Tianyin Wave to make a long-range attack.

At this moment, the light ball of Tianyin Wave has smoothly flown out of the stern of the ship, whizzing away towards Skayaro.

If he can successfully hit, then Li Qing can use the skill effects of Tianyin Wave and Echo Strike to directly attack the enemy’s body before the “impact” swallows him and his ship together.

However, there was a touch of sarcasm on Shik Yaluo’s lips:

“Have you just thought of attacking the main body now?”

“Too slow!”

The ability of “Impact” is to move instantly. As long as there is enough water nearby, no one can keep up with its speed.

It is almost impossible to defeat it in a head-on battle.

Therefore, after knowing the ability of “Impact”, the enemies that Skayaro encountered in the past would immediately look for Skayaro’s location and find ways to bypass the avatar and directly attack his body.

Only Li Sin, only he would finally think of attacking Skayaro’s body after foolishly fighting “Impact” for such a long time.

Looking at the white light group that was flying closer and closer in front of him, Shi Kearo’s smile became more and more mocking:

“Is this the ‘positioning light group’ that the boss mentioned?”

“It’s a really good ability. If it were on land, coupled with his powerful perception ability, it would definitely pose a great threat to my body.”

“It’s a pity”

“We are here on the sea now, and this is my home ground, Skylaro!”

Just finished speaking

Before Tian Yinbo could even get close to twenty meters in front of Shi Ke Yaluo, he was blocked by a mountain of flesh.

This mountain of meat is “impact”.

It moved to the sea behind the yacht in an instant, and with its hill-like size, it easily blocked the Tianyin Wave positioning light group that Li Qing shot in a desperate situation.

At this moment, it is a city wall that can move instantly.

All the abilities Li Qing used could not overcome the obstruction of this mountain of flesh.

With the current huge size of “Impact”, if it wants to kill Li Qing, it can only take one bite.


“Maintaining a size as big as “Impact” consumes a lot of my mental energy. ”

“If I didn’t rush back to have lunch with DiCiano, I really wouldn’t want to use this trick.”

Shik Yaro wiped the sweat from his forehead, his expression looked a little tired:

“I won’t waste my time with you”

“Let’s do it, “Impact”! ”

The Tianyin Wave cannot penetrate the avatar and attack the master. The Golden Bell cannot move without teammates. There is still fifty meters of sea between Li Qing and Shi Jialuo, and there is a twenty-foot man standing on the sea. Meter-long giant shark.

Under Shik Yaro’s command, this giant shark with the ability to teleport finally showed its ferocious fangs.

No matter from which angle you look at it, Skayaro has already won.

He just needs to sit quietly on the speedboat and admire the desperate expression on Li Qing’s face from a distance.


Under Shi Yaluo’s confused gaze, Li Qing smiled instead.

Facing the giant shark that pounced towards him, he calmly took out a lighter from his arms and lit a cigarette:


“It seems that I won this battle.


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