Lee Sin’s Bizzare Adventure Chapter 137: Call to the boss


When Li Qing squatted on the side of the road with Giorno to steal a motorcycle two hours ago, he never thought that he would have the opportunity to witness such a big scene two hours later:

Beyond the gray-black sky, on the blue sea level, a patch of light lit up in the distance.

The light was like the stars on a summer night, almost occupying the entire sky.

Gradually, those “starlights” came closer.

The naked eye can see the long flame tails trailing behind the light, as well as the simple arcs made of white smoke left behind when they cut through the sky.

However, no sound is heard.

Because these little things, as dense as stars and as fierce as storms, are far faster than sound.

It wasn’t until they tore through the sky and crossed the sea to fly in front of Li Qing that Li Qing finally noticed these deadly weapons embodying the highest achievements of human science and technology through the abnormal airflow disturbance like a hurricane.

He was so shocked that he was speechless by such a generous gesture, and his hands that were holding on to the cannon unknowingly relaxed.

He stopped firing the cannon bullets used as bait.

But this is no longer important.

In the face of those missiles with unparalleled speed, the helicopter Li Qing and Colt rode was just a tasteless piece of chicken ribs.

Roshan soon abandoned the helicopter that was about to be swallowed into his stomach and faced the “fireworks” scattered in the sky.

“Shoot at me!”

General Colt’s heroic roar on the radio still echoes in the hearts of all officers and soldiers in the aircraft carrier command center.

After carrying out a saturation fire attack on the monster as ordered, many of them took off their hats and paid a distant tribute to General Colt, and shed tears of emotion.


These officers and soldiers who were moved by the pure spirit of rice noodles gradually discovered

The General Colt they were mourning seemed fine, but the monster followed the traces of missiles and artillery fire and rushed towards them at a speed comparable to missiles.

In just a few breaths, Roshan, which was fast enough to “fly” on the sea, crossed the sea and crashed into the aircraft carrier in the distance that kept pouring firepower on it.

This giant steel beast that was supposed to shine in the Balkan War was turned into pieces of sea garbage by a mountain of meat nearly forty meters tall and traveling faster than the speed of sound.


The helicopter hovered over the sea in the distance, and there was silence in the cabin.

General Colt was breathing heavily, his expression dull.

Looking at the monster clinging to the wreckage of the aircraft carrier and feasting on the sea ahead, he stared in shock with round eyes, as if unwilling to admit that this was the reality he was seeing now.

“That” Li Qing swallowed and said to Colt in shock: “You seem to have sunk your own aircraft carrier.”


General Colt roared hysterically.

He breathed a long sigh of relief, and his mood gradually calmed down from the collapse:

“It was my order, but I didn’t know the monster would attack the aircraft carrier.”

“Besides, this is all to save mankind and save the earth.”

“Those great boys sacrificed themselves, led monsters into the sea, and saved the world in danger. The people of the motherland will not forget them, and mankind will not forget them!”

Speaking of these touching mandarin clichés, General Colt gradually regained his composure as a big shot.

After erasing the feeling of guilt as a colleague, he keenly discovered that today’s incident would not only have no personal impact on him, but might even become an unprecedented military exploit

There are many generals in history who have conquered cities, destroyed armies and destroyed countries. Which general has defeated monsters, and which general has saved the earth?

If this works, he will be the next worshiped savior of mankind.

“Cough cough”

General Colt thought about a bright future, and then suddenly realized that Li Qing, an uninvited guest, was still around.

He immediately put on airs and asked in a neither humble nor overbearing tone:

“Who are you?”

“Does this monster have something to do with you?”


Li Qing glared at Colt with his charming gray eyes:

“Everyone in the city can see that it erupted from Mount Vesuvius. What does it have to do with me?”

“As for me, I am just an ordinary citizen who acts bravely.”

“What happened today was an accident. I didn’t expect something like that to come out of a volcano.”

General Colt was stared at and stopped looking.

In fact, he didn’t believe that Li Qingneng had anything to do with the volcano monster. It was just a casual deception.

Moreover, for Colt, who wants to establish himself as a human hero, it is more in his interest to confirm the volcano monster as a “natural disaster that destroys mankind.”

“Okay.” His eyes flashed sharply, and his tone was very meaningful: “I believe you have nothing to do with this natural disaster, but”

“I understand.”

Li Qing gave the vote in a considerate manner:

“You and the United States saved the world today, and I won’t talk about unnecessary things.”

“Besides, even if I really have nothing to do and the public opinion is controlled by your Western media, who would care about the truth told by an Easterner?”

Hearing this, General Colt nodded with satisfaction.

Li Qing is right. His voice alone is limited and the threat is almost non-existent.

Anyway, Colt is also vaguely afraid of Li Qing’s supernatural abilities. If Li Qing can express his opinions and keep silent, then everyone will no longer have conflicts.

“If nothing happens, please send me back again.”

“The next thing to look after the monster is left to you, the ‘great hero’.”

Li Qing sat down on his seat and urged Colt to get him back to the land.

In order to avoid causing trouble, he did not want to tell Colt the truth behind Roshan.

However, in order to cause some trouble for others, Li Qing specially added two sentences:

“By the way, I don’t know where this monster came from, but I know who the terrorists who carried out the biological attack in Naples today are”

“That guy’s name is Diavolo, and he is the leader of the passion organization.”

A moment later, the helicopter flew back to the port of Naples.

After a pleasant farewell, Li Qing jumped off the plane and dived into the shadows, completely disappearing from Colt’s sight.

He first returned to the place where he had just separated from Tobio, but Tobio was nowhere to be seen.

Li Qing actually expected this:

After all, I borrowed Tobio’s cell phone as soon as they met, and then semi-forcefully abducted Tobio here in order to get Tobio treated as soon as possible

Although it is well-intentioned, this behavior does look like an armed kidnapper.

Having just had the opportunity to escape from the control of the “kidnapper”, of course the “hostage” will not stay here obediently.

“Forget it, just run”

“Having the strength to run away alone means that your physical condition is not too bad.”

“Even if Giorno hadn’t helped him treat him, he probably wouldn’t have died.”

Li Qing thought for a while and quickly forgot about Tobio.

Then, he fumbled for the mobile phone that Tobio had given him by default after leaving without saying goodbye, and prepared to call Bucciarati to ask about the current location of his companions.

However, at this moment

The phone rang.

What is displayed on the screen is an unfamiliar number with no notes.

“Who is calling me at this time?”

Li Qing subconsciously answered the phone.

Soon, a slightly anxious voice came from the speaker:

“Boss, something bad is going to happen.”

Um, boss?

Li Qing was in a trance for a while, and suddenly remembered that the owner of the phone was not actually him.

Does boss refer to Tobio?

This? !

Li Qing frowned and realized that things were not simple:

To be called boss at such a young age, that kid is probably a rich second generation!

It’s a pity that his personality is too timid and he always speaks with trepidation. I guess he will be a loser who can’t hold on to his family business even if he becomes a boss.

As he was thinking this, he heard the man on the other end of the phone eagerly report:

“There is news from Naples that Mr. Polpo has also died in the line of duty!”



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