Lee Sin’s Bizzare Adventure Chapter 135: Meet on a narrow road


Tobio flew quickly in mid-air, like a discus thrown by an Olympic champion.

Roshan noticed him immediately.

The huge body like a mountain suddenly moved, causing the earth to tremble slightly.

Facing the mountain of flesh was like facing the crest of a tsunami, with a sense of oppression that would destroy the world, but it was even more sinister and terrifying.

Tobio quickly fell onto a piece of grass.

After such a collision, his injuries were even worse.

However, he didn’t even have time to curse for the pain. The thick carpet of flesh that covered almost the entire land had spread to his feet unconsciously.

“Help, help!”

Tobio’s face turned pale and he ran away.

Thanks to Diavolo’s timely command lurking in his mind, he was forced to stop this act of seeking death.

However, this only eased the crisis slightly.

Roshan has already caught up with Tobio and Diavolo.

The spreading carpet of flesh could almost touch his body. At this moment, Diavolo could even clearly hear the sound of gravel being absorbed, swallowed and crushed by the flesh along the way. .

It won’t be long before the sound is coming from his own bones.


With a wall of flesh nearly forty meters high in front of him, Diavolo couldn’t even see where Li Qing was.

He fell into an unprecedented panic:

“I’m dead if I continue like this!”

“Did that bald man have discovered my true identity, so he threw me out to feed this mountain of meat?”

“Will he come to save me or help me lure this monster away?”

He didn’t know whether he should risk exposing his identity and use his last strength to summon a substitute to use time to save himself, or whether he should entrust his life to the kindness he scorned and sit here waiting for Li Qing’s rescue.

Diablo was confused:

If Li Qing really wanted to feed him meat, then he would die if he didn’t save himself.

But if Li Qing wanted to save him sincerely, he would have self-defeatingly exposed his identity by summoning the Crimson King.

How should I choose?

Roshan’s body was getting closer and closer, and he couldn’t help but nervously and tangledly grasp the weeds on the ground.

“Wait a minute?”

Diablo was startled for a moment, then his expression became much more relaxed:

“I see, this bald man will definitely come to save me!”

This port is full of hard roads covered with concrete, with only a narrow strip of grass on both sides of the road serving as a green belt.

Despite this, Li Qing still accurately threw him onto the softer grass.

Obviously, he didn’t want this “innocent citizen” to fall too badly.

After thinking about all this, Diavolo calmed down a lot.

The fact is just as Diavolo expected:

Li Qing did not discover his true identity and had no intention of harming him.

Tobio’s disguise as the second personality is perfect, and the golden bell can only determine whether the target is a teammate, and cannot rule out the possibility that the target is a passerby.

So, Li Qing sincerely wants to save people.

At the critical moment when the huge squirming meat mountain was about to swallow Diavolo into his body, Li Qing’s voice sounded in the distance:

“Don’t move!”

“Leave it to me next!”

Li Qing suddenly took steps and ran within Roshan’s range of perception.

Roshan’s figure suddenly trembled, then he turned around and chased the faster target.

The earth instantly collapsed under the crushing force of such behemoths.

The place where Li Qing left his footsteps was crushed into mud by the mountain of meat.

The huge tentacles covered with black and red lava were dancing wildly in mid-air, as if they were going to smash the little human in front of them into pieces in the next second.

“Almost even close!”

Feeling the overwhelming monsters behind him, Li Qing still did not panic.

He is saving people, not sending them to death.

Before deciding to come to the rescue, he had already used his keen ears to capture something that could get both him and Tobio out of trouble.

And taking advantage of the fact that Tobio was helping to draw out the hatred, Li Qing also successfully opened a large safe distance.

With enough safe distance, he can escape further when being chased by Roshan.

This distance may not be too far, but it can bring Li Qing closer to the military base next to the port, closer to the thing that can allow everyone to escape safely:

“Tian Yin Bo!”

Li Qing concentrated on his precise positioning, and then shot a ball of white light into the sky ahead while running.

The ball of light roared out and flew towards the military base nearly 300 meters away.

In the end, it accurately hit a helicopter that had just taken off from a military base.

And Li Qing was like an extreme athlete cutting through the waves in a tsunami, and he narrowly grabbed the glimmer of life before the huge wave of flesh drowned him:

“Echo Strike!”

General Colt is not in a good situation right now.

Because of that **** helicopter earlier, that unknown pilot who should have been shot ten thousand times, he and the entire military base he managed were in a huge crisis.

The retreat plan did not go as smoothly as he imagined.

He also couldn’t get on the helicopter used for “strategic transition” so easily.

When a nearly forty-meter-tall monster was discovered at the port less than a kilometer away from the base, all the officers and soldiers in the base fell into a huge panic.

An orderly retreat?

Just kidding!

Why should you board the ship first and we have to risk waiting?

Then he is a monster. The disaster plan did not say that what they are facing is a monster!

If you wait here a little longer, they might be dead without even a trace left.

With this mentality, the soldiers forgot about collectiveness and discipline, and awakened the selfishness and madness of human instincts.

In order to leave the base as soon as possible before the mountain of meat swallowed them up, they began to desperately grab cars, boats, planes and other means of transportation, and even fought over a small raft or a swimming ring. .

Although Roshan actually had no intention of moving towards the naval base in the past few minutes, these frightened soldiers still could not stop their madness.

Just like the salt-grabbing aunt who was frightened by the nuclear leakage in neighboring countries.

Facing the monster covered with lava, the giant beast that seemed to crawl out of hell, all the so-called rules and disciplines became a joke.

No one will wait politely to let the leader go first.

It doesn’t matter what status or position you have. Everyone depends on their ability, and whoever can grab it will get it.

Fortunately, General Colt is not the kind of incompetent person with a fat stomach and a brain.

Although the aura of the Vice Admiral has temporarily lost its effect, in the final analysis he is still an experienced veteran.

Relying on his strong skills and strong desire to survive, after wasting precious minutes, General Colt finally succeeded in grabbing a way out for himself in the rioting base. helicopter.

“It’s finally safe, huh?”

“Why, why are we so close?!”

The helicopter quickly took off under the control of a trusted officer.

General Colt, who was sitting next to him, was shocked to find that the mountain of meat had unknowingly approached the outskirts of the naval base, and was only a few hundred meters away from the aircraft that had just flown into the sky. distance.

At such a close distance, Colt could even see the monster’s transparent body hidden behind the lava armor through the gaps in the black and red lava.

“What the **** is this?”

His forehead was covered with cold sweat, and his eyes were filled with lingering emotions:

“Fortunately, I evacuated in time.”

“If it had been that late at night, I might have been overtaken by this monster.”

Colt was somewhat grateful for his decisiveness when he just snatched the plane.

However, at this moment

Suddenly a ball of white light entered the cabin.

The trusted officer in the driver’s seat was hit by the mysterious light group, and a strange fluorescent pattern appeared on his shoulder.

Colt was horrified, the next second

A bald head suddenly flew from the sky.


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