Lee Sin’s Bizzare Adventure Chapter 133: Prefer Roshan Tour


Li Qing spent a lot of time confirming Tobio’s identity and calling his companions.

After successfully reaching an agreement with Tobio, he immediately drove away from the messy ruins of the city and approached the port warehouse not far from the coast.

This modern port lacks the rich historical atmosphere of the ancient city of Naples, but it is also unlike the old city where the houses are densely packed and the roads are narrow and winding.

The terrain here is relatively flat and the view is wider.

Large warehouses are lined up in front, and wide and flat roads are distributed in an orderly manner.

Even though a strong earthquake had just occurred, these modern warehouse buildings withstood the test perfectly and did not turn into ruins like the ancient houses in the old city.

And near this large port warehouse, next to the natural deep-water port of the Bay of Naples, is the naval base where the main force of the US Sixth Fleet is stationed.

In the past, dating back to Roman times, this was the busiest and liveliest port in the Mediterranean.

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The Vesuvius volcano in the distance is spewing fire, and the blue sky is dyed gray by volcanic dust.

There is always a faint smell of sulfur in the air, and even the blue sea in the distance is unconsciously covered with a layer of dust haze.

What is even more frightening is that right between the port warehouses and next to the neat warehouses, there is a mountain of meat standing in the middle.

The previous “Hero” helicopter has been destroyed.

Having lost the target of pursuit, Roshan wandered aimlessly in this empty warehouse, slowly crawling forward, devouring everything it could come into contact with.

Everywhere he passed was white land.

At this time, Li Qing drove the wounded in his car and approached calmly.


Tobio swallowed nervously.

The distance between the car and Roshan is getting closer and closer, and the visual pressure brought by the huge body is getting stronger and stronger.

He finally couldn’t help but ask:

“Do you still want to go forward?”

“Can you stay away from that monster? It’s very easy to get into trouble!”

Because the mountain of meat wrapped in a layer of magma has turned into a “lava beast” that ordinary people can see, Diavolo also felt relieved to let Tobio question this.

In fact, the opinions put forward by his cowardly second personality at this time were also Diavolo’s true thoughts.

Diavolo had just narrowly escaped death not long ago, and he knew how terrifying that monster was:

With its endless speed, towering body like a mountain, and vast and infinite power, even the Crimson King has no power to fight back in front of it.

Now he is seriously injured and his combat effectiveness is greatly reduced.

If possible, Diablo would really like to stay as far away from this monster as possible.

However, Li Qing, who was far weaker than him, did not panic at all:

“Don’t worry, it’ll be fine,”

“Don’t look at how big this guy is, he is actually a brainless idiot.”

Just like a breeder who is not afraid of approaching a tiger, Li Qing, who is familiar with the habits of the meat mountain, also unknowingly loses his awe of this giant beast.

While he drove towards the meat mountain calmly, he generously told Tobio a few things to note when dealing with the meat mountain:

“It has no intelligence and will only mindlessly chase and kill the fastest target within the sensing range.”

“As long as we always stay a hundred meters away from it, it is impossible for it to attack us.”

That’s it

Just like a remotely controlled avatar, Roshan’s movement patterns are traceable.

Diablo quickly understood the monster’s behavior, but

How could Li Qing know so much about this monster’s habits?

Does he know the origin of this monster?

Could it be that the appearance of this monster is not a coincidence, and that there are other people behind it cooperating with Li Qing to cause trouble?

Diablo, who was almost devoured by the mountain of meat as a snack, couldn’t help but have the urge to find out the “mastermind” and cut it into human slices.

Finally, he asked Tobio’s question in a subtle way:

“How do you know this?”

“Didn’t this monster just emerge from the volcano?”


Li Qing frowned, and finally told Tobio the truth perfunctorily like telling a story:

“I just came across it two hours ago, but it wasn’t so big then.”

“Actually, it’s a stand-in for a fat man. That guy is a killer sent by the mafia to hunt me down. You won’t understand even after I tell you this.”


Diablo was silent for a while.

He seemed to vaguely hear who the culprit was that caused him to be almost swallowed by the monster.

Li Qing was just about to comfort Tobio with a few more words, telling this “young man who has never seen the world” not to panic, but at this moment, a crisp sound suddenly sounded from a large warehouse in the distance. And intensive gunshots.

With the crisp sound of the warehouse window glass shattering, a series of supersonic bullets shot out of the warehouse.

And these bullets happened to fly towards the mountain of meat.

Roshan reacted instantly.

It was like a shark that had smelled the smell of blood. Its seemingly slow and heavy body suddenly exploded with terrifying speed.

The huge body traveling at high speed squeezed away tons of air in an instant, and the suddenly generated high-pressure air waves surged in all directions like a tsunami.

Not long after, all the bullets were swallowed up by the mountain of flesh.

Roshan stopped moving, but he was already much closer to the warehouse without knowing it.


Li Qing was slightly stunned, and couldn’t help but be a little surprised:

“Someone in the warehouse over there is shooting at Roshan.”

“Is it those troublesome Americans again? This is totally looking for death!”

Firearms cannot cause any damage to Roshan.

Those supersonic bullets can be used as bait to distract Meatloaf, but the side effect of this method is that it will definitely make Meatloaf get closer and closer to the person who fired.

“Use this water gun to deal with monsters”

“Have they watched too many movies?”

Li Qing sighed helplessly in his heart.

No one can be saved by stupidity, and there is nothing he can do about it.

He could only follow carefully nearby, carefully keeping a distance of more than 100 meters from the meat mountain, and be determined to watch all this.

Soon, gunfire rang out again.

Roshan continued to move forward along the trajectory of the bullet, getting closer and closer to the warehouse.

Li Qing also drove closely behind, moving forward slowly with Roshan’s pace.

“Is this too close?”

Looking at the monster that occupied almost half of his field of vision outside the window, Tobio nervously advised in his true colors:

“Can you please stop being so close to me? I’m a little scared.”

Li Qing was unmoved.

What happened previously made him understand that this mountain of meat could be affected by the unsystematic operations of these Americans at any time and run anywhere without control.

Thanks to the sacrifice of the “hero” helicopter earlier, it finally left the city.

If something goes wrong again and this meat mountain leaves the harbor and enters the city inexplicably, the consequences will be almost unimaginable.

Only by being a little closer can Li Qing make timely compensation when something unexpected happens.

So, he still boldly stuck to the side of the meat mountain and moved forward parallel to the meat mountain.

“Don’t worry!”

While listening intently to the movements of the meat mountain, Li Qing casually spoke to Tobio:

“It only looks close, but in fact we are still more than a hundred meters away from the piece of meat!”

“Trust me, nothing will happen.”

In this way, following the pace of the meat mountain catching bullets, he and Tobio gradually approached the warehouse where someone was shooting.

“Is nothing going to happen?”

Somehow, both Tobio and Diavolo had a very bad premonition at this moment.


“As long as I’m here to check, there’s no way that thing can come within a hundred meters of us.”

Li Qing was being harassed to the point of becoming impatient.

“Besides, even if something happens, it will be the fool who just shot in the warehouse first!”

“There are idiots like that who are ‘actively’ attracting hatred. What do you have to be afraid of?”

He pointed to the warehouse not far ahead and yelled a few words angrily.

As he said that, Li Qing also deliberately shifted the focus of monitoring away from Roshan and tried to listen to the movements in the warehouse, hoping to “see” the fool who had shot to death.

However, what he heard was

Boom! !

It’s like looking down to pick something up in class and smelling the fart from the table in front of you

A cloud-shattering explosion suddenly sounded from the warehouse, almost knocking Li Qing unconscious as he concentrated on listening.

The fire suddenly started, and the air surged into the sky.

The warehouse wall collapsed instantly in the violent explosion, and the masonry and rubble were blasted into the air by the powerful shock wave.

Roshan was so high right away.

It ran away chasing the flying gravel, but unfortunately

The fastest piece of gravel was heading towards Li Qing.

In just a few breaths, the distance between Roshan and Li Qing narrowed significantly in an unexpected way.

What’s worse is that several pieces of gravel flew farther and farther in the air wave of the explosion, and finally hit the front hood of Li Qing’s car, damaging the vital car engine.

The car he had just borrowed for a few minutes was lying there smoking white smoke.

Damn it! Why?

What on earth were those Americans doing in the warehouse?

Isn’t this an ordinary port warehouse? How could a good thing explode!

The power of the explosion is so terrifying, how much explosives are hidden inside!

Li Qing has endless questions in his mind.

However, at this moment, these questions are meaningless.

Roshan has arrived.



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