Lee Sin’s Bizzare Adventure Chapter 132: The Robbed Dark Emperor


Diablo slowly woke up from his coma.

After experiencing the bottomless darkness, at this moment, he didn’t even know whether he was in **** or on earth.

His head hurt and his consciousness was still blurry.

The first thing he saw when he opened his eyes seemed to be a round and slippery head.

“Where am I? Am I still alive?”

A series of questions could not be answered, but an urgent call sounded in his ears:

“Wake up! Diavolo!”

“Diablo, wake up!”

Who is calling me?

Diablo was confused and wanted to answer.

But Diavolo forgot that the “operating system” set by his body by default was not him, but his second personality, Tobio.

“Diavolo? Who are you calling?”

Tobio touched his head with a splitting headache and replied dizzily:

“My name is Tobio, not Diavolo.”


Li Qing was slightly startled, and the muzzle of the gun in his hand couldn’t help but be a little farther away from the opponent’s head.

A piece of clothing cannot fully describe one’s identity. Some people may simply like fancy clothes and are not necessarily substitute messengers.

What’s more, Li Qing himself knew that his conjecture was just a conjecture.

In order to prevent his “delusion of persecution” from hurting innocent people, he did not shoot directly, but tried hard to wake up the man from his coma with his voice.

People often subconsciously respond to other people’s calls when they are in a state of confusion when they have just woken up.

So, if that guy had any subconscious reaction to the name “Diavolo” after being slapped awake, Li Sin would crush his head with a gun immediately.

However, the name the other party subconsciously reported after waking up was


Li Sin asked again cautiously: “Your name is Tobio?”

“No, that’s right”

Tobio rubbed his eyes, looked up and saw the pistol pointed at his head:


He cowered back in panic, like a frightened kitten: “Don’t kill me!”


Li Qing thought for a while and finally put the gun away.

He has confirmed that the guy named Tobio in front of him is not Diavolo.

Because the voices of the two are completely different:

Tobio’s voice is still very young, sounding like an 18-year-old high school student.

And the tone of weakness, weakness, and panic like that of a little girl just now was definitely not something Diavolo could utter.

“Don’t be afraid.”

Li Qing consoled him nicely: “I’m not a bad person.”

“I will take you to the doctor later, just stay with me for now!”

“I” Tobio was too timid to speak.

But Diavolo, who was hiding behind this second personality, could not help but roar in his heart:

“What’s going on! What happened? Was I saved by this bald man?”

“Wait a minute this is an opportunity!”

Diablo subconsciously wanted to kill Li Qing.

Then he looked through Tobio’s controlled eyes for a moment, and immediately saw the despairing full health bar above Li Qing’s head:

“Full, his blood volume has actually become full”

“Damn it, this guy can’t be beaten to death!”

Diablo cursed in his mind.

Now that he is seriously injured, he can barely keep fighting for a few seconds at most; and for Li Qing, who is full of health, even receiving one or two “fatal wounds” is not a big deal.

If there was a fight between generals, he would probably be the one who died in the end.

While Diavolo was thinking about how to deal with Li Qing, Li Qing first cast his malicious eyes on him.

To be precise, it’s his bulging pants pockets:

“Tobio, is that a mobile phone in your pocket?”

“Here, let me use it.”

Li Qing unceremoniously reached out and dug into Tobio’s pants pocket.

“No, no!”

Under Diavolo’s secret drive, Tobio panicked and covered his pocket:

What was inside was the mobile phone he usually used to communicate with organization cadres and members of the Guards.

If any of his subordinates happened to call and was picked up by Li Qing at this time, his identity would be exposed on the spot, and he might even be seriously injured and beaten to death by Li Qing.


Li Qing is a little unhappy:

“I borrowed your mobile phone to call the “doctor” for you.”

“Why, don’t you want to recover quickly?”

Of course Diavolo wanted to recover as soon as possible, but he didn’t want to stay with Li Sin any longer, let alone meet Li Sin’s companions again while he was seriously injured.

“No, no need”

Tobio could only continue to follow Diablo’s instructions and said carefully:

“I’m actually fine now. You can just put me on the road. You don’t need to help me with treatment.”


“You would rather not receive treatment than leave me as soon as possible. What, do you have any hostility towards me?”

Li Qing narrowed his eyes in displeasure:

“Speaking of which, you are so young, why are you dressed so immodestly?”

“I’m afraid, he’s not a good person, is he?”


Diablo’s scalp felt numb.

He was afraid that Li Qing would see something from him, so he had to manipulate Tobio and said submissively:

“I just like to dress like this. It’s a personal preference. There’s no other meaning.”

“If you want a cell phone, just take it.”

Diablo endured the humiliation and asked Tobio to obediently give him his mobile phone.

Li Qing accepted the phone with a rude smile, then walked aside and took the time to dial Bucciarati’s number.

The long-lost teammates finally reconnected.

After some communication, Li Qing quickly determined the location to meet up with his companions:

“Dealing with that meat mountain is the top priority now. Let’s go directly to meet near that meat mountain.”

“After we meet up, we will seize the time to send that monster into the sea.”

“Yes, there are more”

After Li Qing made the call, he immediately sat back in the driver’s seat resolutely.

While fastening his seat belt, he said to Tobio behind him without looking back:

“You act with me first.”

“I promised to cure you when I borrowed the car, so I would never leave you alone on the road.”


Tobio responded cautiously.

Then, urged by the voice in his head, he plucked up the courage to ask tentatively:

“Brother, can you give me my phone back?”


Li Qing turned around and showed his pistol with a kind face: “Is this what you’re talking about?”


Tobio shrank his head and did not dare to speak anymore.

And Diavolo was cursing crazily in his mind:

Him! mom! of!

I am an emperor of darkness, but I was robbed! !


I will wait until the injury is healed

Before he finished speaking, Diavolo felt a big hand on his forehead.

Li Qing brushed the lush and smooth pink hair on the top of “Tobio” with great emotion, his movements were as gentle as a father teasing his son, and the owner walking a cat or dog:

“Don’t be afraid, I’m really not a bad person.”

“When my friends arrive to help you heal your injuries, you can leave in good health.”

Him! mom! of!

I am a majestic emperor of darkness, and my hair was actually touched! !


I will wait until the injury is healed

Diablo kept roaring in his heart, but finally let Tobio say:

“Thank you, brother.”


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