Lee Sin’s Bizzare Adventure Chapter 130: Strategic transition


Diablo yelled crazily in fear.

But the area has already become a dead zone because of his previous decision, and no one will come even if he shouts at his throat.

The piece of meat still pounced on me.

It waved its tentacles flowing with hot lava, and its body was filled with pungent and unpleasant yellow-white sulfur smoke. Like a purgatory demon described in a fantasy story, it opened its abyss-like terrifying abyss toward humans. Huge mouth.

This armored vehicle, with a total length of five meters and a weight of nearly eight tons, looked as compact as a child’s collection of models in front of it.

There is nothing Diavolo can do.

He could only watch helplessly as the armored vehicle he was living in was entangled, restrained, pulled, and swallowed by the pieces of flesh that rushed forward quickly.

He thought about running away, but there was no way he could beat the seemingly endless speed of the piece of meat.

Even when the Crimson King burst out at high speed and was about to jump out of the car with his body to escape

The “Lava Beast” seemed to have sensed Diavolo’s intention. It suddenly branched out a huge tentacle arm and tightly wrapped around the Crimson King at a terrifying speed that was always one step faster. .


Diablo immediately let out a cry of pain.

Although the piece of flesh had not yet begun to entangle and strangle with force, its tentacles filled with lava had just touched the Crimson King’s body, and it burned the Crimson King until his whole body turned black. trace.

The burns returned to Diavolo, making him almost faint from pain.

The avant-garde and trendy black silk see-through bra on his body was still intact, but the large skeletal muscles behind the clothes were burned black and red and difficult to distinguish.

Unprecedented pain poured into Diavolo’s brain, causing his already exhausted consciousness to blur uncontrollably:


“Am I going to die here?”

He closed his eyes in despair and fainted.

Before the consciousness disappears

Diablo faintly heard some strange sounds, like someone shouting loudly next to him, but when he thought about it carefully, it seemed like he was hearing hallucinations when he was dying.

Then, the huge shadow covering the sky was ignored, and the dim sunlight soaked in volcanic ash reappeared

Port of Naples, naval base.

“Lieutenant General Colt, something bad has happened!”

I don’t know if it was the first time today that General Colt’s office door was pushed open in a hurry.

“I know.”

Colt stood sideways by the window, looking out the window with an indifferent expression at the doomsday scene of meteors, fire, and black clouds blocking the sun.

Due to the strong earthquake just now, his usually neat military uniform had more wrinkles, and his gray hair was also slightly messy.

However, this can no longer affect General Colt’s calm and steady aura.

Seeing the impatient subordinates pushing in through the door, he couldn’t help but rolled his eyes quietly:

Can’t he see such a big movement like a volcanic eruption?

In just a few minutes, the city had turned into a sea of ​​inferno.

The volcanic ash blackened half of the sky, and the lava meteors that crashed into the city turned another part of the sky red.

However, he still didn’t panic.

Anyway, the naval base is far enough away from Mount Vesuvius. Although some volcanic meteors occasionally hit the base, it is still safe here for the time being.

The earthquakes associated with the volcanic eruption have ceased, and the military-grade solid buildings of the naval base have withstood the test perfectly.

Since this disaster does not bring any real danger, General Colt is also willing to use this crisis to show his style of a general who remains unchanged despite the collapse of the mountain.

“Young man, calm down.”

“Pass my order to have the boys at the port base return to the team as soon as possible, board the ship in an orderly manner according to the disaster plan, and evacuate to the aircraft carrier fleet off Naples in a timely manner.”

The maritime fleet does not need to worry about the impact of earthquakes, and its location is further away from the volcano, so it does not need to worry about volcanic meteors.

The other subordinates standing in the office nodded in unison, and then said to General Colt very thoughtfully:

“Lieutenant General Colt.”

“As long as we are here to command the evacuation, please evacuate first!”


General Colt shook his head with a serious face:

“The volcano may erupt again, and the boys staying at the port base may also be in danger.”

“As a Vice Admiral, how can I leave my subordinates alone and escape first?”

“Leave me alone, let the soldiers go first!”


The subordinates stood at attention and saluted, looking at their superiors with eyes filled with deep respect.

A few of them were so moved that they almost shed tears. Only the young officer who just pushed the door in had a strange expression on his face:

“That General Colt.”

“What I want to report is not a volcanic eruption, but”

“The ground team we sent to the city for search and rescue investigation seemed to have been attacked by some kind of attack and was completely wiped out.”


“Can another small group of terrorists have such strength after sacrificing another one? How did you do it!”

Hearing that his men had folded in another ground team, General Colt immediately frowned tightly.

The two squads numbered dozens of people. Such battle losses were extremely unbelievable to the US Army, which was at its peak in the 1990s.

“No, not a terrorist.”

“According to the report of the reconnaissance helicopter that arrived later, the attacker who attacked the ground troops was”

The young officer swallowed, organized his words, and then reported the absurd news:

“It’s a monster that erupted from the volcano!”

“Volcano monster??”

General Colt was slightly startled. (, domain name (please remember_三

If he hadn’t received professional training, he almost couldn’t help laughing just now.

“I’m not kidding.”

The young officer said helplessly:

“This is what the reconnaissance helicopter in front reported. The monster that fell in the city was nearly forty meters high. It was covered with lava that had not completely cooled down. It looked like a wriggling giant octopus.”

“They also tried strafing with cannons and bombing with missiles, but this monster was not affected at all.”

The piece of meat is a substitute, and of course ordinary people cannot see it.

But now it is like a fried chicken leg wrapped in bread crumbs, wrapped in a very eye-catching black and red armor made of lava.

Even ordinary people can now see this abyss demon covered in sulfur smoke.


The atmosphere in the office became very subtle, and everyone looked at their colleagues as if they were aliens.

General Colt quietly reached for the phone on the table, thinking about whether to call someone from the medical team to take him for compulsory psychological treatment.

“Believe me!”

The young officer felt the unpleasant look his superior looked at him, and he hurriedly emphasized:

“This is definitely not a joke!”

“The reconnaissance helicopter ahead reported that the monster is now in Naples, near the terrorist’s crash site”

As he spoke, his voice suddenly choked in his throat.

His face turned pale for a while, and he stared straight out of the window, as if looking at something frightening: “It’s right there!”


Everyone was stunned and couldn’t help but follow his gaze and look out the window:

I saw in the distance, near the port warehouse less than two kilometers away from the military base, a “hill” covered with black and red lava, rushing toward the area.

Although it is still far away, this hill is still just a small mass in the eyes of these officers.

But as long as we use the houses and buildings it crushes as a reference, we can clearly feel how huge and terrifying this monster is.

And in the mid-air not far in front of the monster, there was a small black “fly” flying.

That is actually an armed helicopter of the US Army. 33PC:/

While flying forward, it frantically poured cannon bullets at the monsters behind. 33

The giant lava beast chased the armed helicopter all the way like a poor child in the third world picking up chocolates to eat behind a US military car.


General Colt’s voice suddenly trembled.

His worldview collapsed instantly, and his whole person seemed a little sluggish.

However, soon, the monster that became more and more obvious in his field of vision woke him up in time:

“Hey, didn’t you say this monster is in the city? How did you lure it here?!”

“Go quickly!”

General Colt turned pale and roared:

“Go find out which idiot is flying the plane and let him take the monster back to the city!!”

“This” the young officer was stunned for a moment, and then asked with some concern: “General Colt, shouldn’t we send troops to rescue this kind of monster when there is such a monster in Naples?”

“Rescue the ass!”

Looking at the monster that seemed to be rushing in front of him at any time, General Colt gritted his teeth and slapped the table:

“Have you watched too many Hollywood movies? You are really ready to save the earth!”

“Quickly take the people and retreat to the sea, the further away from here the better!”

He yelled hysterically, then blushed and said:

“Ahem that”

“Prepare the helicopter, let me go first.”


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