Lee Sin’s Bizzare Adventure Chapter 13: Skyaro


Half an hour later.

The yacht has left the bustling Palermo harbor.

This yacht is not that big, only about ten meters long from front to back.

The boss of the ship was obediently steering the ship in the cockpit, while Li Qing was lying comfortably on the sun lounger on the small deck, drinking the “free” ice drinks stored on the yacht while admiring the exotic sea scenery. .

The waves on the sea surface under the sun are calm and waveless, like an endless sapphire mirror, blue and bright.

The refreshing and moist cool breeze from the Mediterranean with a faint smell of sea blows in, making the air on the ship smell good

“It stinks like hell.”

Li Qing pinched his nose, his face full of disgust.

His sense of smell has been greatly enhanced after leveling up, so he is very sensitive to pungent smells.

In order to cover up the pungent smell, he couldn’t help but pick up the lighter “borrowed” from the boat boss and lit a cigarette “borrowed” from the boat boss.

By the way, during this friendly exchange, Li Qing politely remembered the fat captain’s name:

“Andrew, what does this smell like?”


“You’d better not smoke now.”

The unlucky captain named Andrew gave Li Qing a submissive look and muttered:

“If I guess correctly, this may be an oil leak.”

“Oil leak?”

“Why is this ship leaking oil?”

Li Qing’s face changed slightly, and he immediately used his fingers to put out the cigarette he had just lit.

The tone of his question was not scary, but after experiencing a series of coercion, intimidation and kidnapping, poor Mr. Andrew had already regarded Li Qing as a hungry wolf in human skin.

He tried his best to hide his inner dissatisfaction and answered carefully:

“Mr. Bald Bu.”

“Didn’t I tell you from the beginning – there seems to be something wrong with the oil tank of this ship, and it must be sent back to the dock for inspection.”

“You insisted on me opening it.”

Although he tried his best to hide it, the resentment of being “forced to become a thief” could not be hidden.

“Oh haha.”

Li Qing did not make things difficult for the unfortunate Mr. Andrew.

He touched his bare head and smiled nonchalantly:

“You seem to have told me about this.”

“So, can this boat still sail?”

“If you can, please drive further. The further away from the place just now, the better.”

Andrew rolled his eyes and replied with ulterior motives:

“Although there are some signs of oil leakage, we can still barely move.”


“If this continues, if it doesn’t come ashore, it may stall at sea at any time.”

“If the situation is more serious, it may spontaneously combust. In that case, we will all be finished.”


Li Qing responded casually:

Obviously, Andrew was encouraging himself to quickly find a place to dock the boat so that he could leave safely.

However, he didn’t think the other party was lying.

Because Li Qing could smell that as the yacht continued to sail on the sea, the unpleasant smell of fuel was indeed getting stronger and stronger.

“Then let’s find a small island to dock in front of.”

Li Qing said very reasonably:

“Don’t worry, I’m just an ordinary citizen passing by.”

“As long as you cooperate well, I will let you leave safely.”

“Ordinary citizens”

“Are there ordinary citizens like you who commit armed robbery, kidnapping and threats?”

The corners of Andrew’s mouth twitched, and he held it in for a long time without daring to express the resentment in his heart.

Then he replied with a forced smile:

“Yes, sir.”

“There is a nice island in front of you. You can get a new boat there.”

“Don’t worry” Andrew added wittily: “There is not even a police station on the island. I will definitely not call the police and cause you trouble.”


Li Qing responded noncommittally, then turned back to continue enjoying the wonderful sunshine on the sea.

And at this moment

With his extraordinary hearing, he heard the roar of an engine coming from the distant sea:

“Is there a boat?”

“A ship is coming from behind!”

Due to security concerns, Li Qing instinctively entered the digitalization mode.

The light suddenly disappeared before his eyes, but his already extremely keen hearing was strengthened dozens of times at this moment.

In the “blind monk” state, the voice becomes clearer:

“What caught up was a speedboat, sailing very fast.”

“There was only one person on board the boat.”

“200 meters, 180 meters, 140 meters are getting closer.”

“Yes, it is coming for us!”

Li Qing’s tone suddenly became serious:


“Give me more power and drive as fast as possible!”


Andrew didn’t react at all:

“Drive faster?”

“The oil leakage problem has not been solved yet. If it is overloaded again, I think there may be problems.”

“I don’t want you to feel it, I want me to feel it!”

Li Qing urged very arrogantly: “Give me enough strength!”

“Otherwise, if the ship behind is the mafia that comes to hunt me down, do you think he will kill you as well?”

“This, this”

“Chasing the Mafia?”

“God, what on earth have I been involved in!”

A layer of greasy cold sweat suddenly broke out on Andrew’s fat face.

Then, he cautiously followed Li Qing’s instructions and pushed the ship’s speed to the maximum.

It’s a pity that the speed of this yacht is limited. No matter how much power it increases, it can’t get rid of the small speedboat that is catching up behind it.

In this way, the distance between the two ships became closer and closer.

120 meters, 100 meters, 70 meters, 50 meters

When there was only fifty meters left between the two ships one behind the other, the speedboat behind that had just been moving at full speed suddenly slowed down and slowly followed the yacht. .


“Why didn’t you pursue that ship?”

Li Qing was a little confused, but Andrew was slightly relieved:

“Maybe, maybe it’s not a killer, but a passing tourist.”

“Many tourists like to rent speedboats here to travel around the Mediterranean. It is normal to meet them at sea.”


Lee Sin still did not let down his guard.

But the truth is just as Andrew said, the guy driving the speedboat never showed any malice:

He neither increased his power to catch up for a boarding battle, nor took out any weapons for long-range sniping. He just drove the speedboat quietly, maintaining a distance of about fifty meters from Li Qing with great restraint. .

Several minutes passed, and the other party never showed anything strange.

“Am I overthinking it?”

“There is no difference, it is the biggest difference!”

“The sea is so vast. If the other party is really a passing tourist, why does he follow us so persistently?”

The other party remained motionless, and Li Qing’s expression became more serious.

He continued to maintain the digitalization mode without slacking off.

What Li Qing hasn’t noticed yet is

On the deck under his feet, in the shallow water, a “shark” quietly emerged

At the same time, on the speedboat.

A young man with orange hair was staring intently at Li Qing on the deck of the yacht ahead.

The ship owner can’t see it, but he can see it

A strange long red frame was floating above Li Qing’s head.

This is a red blood tank that can only be seen by those who are judged as “enemy” by the system. It is an obvious sign that Li Qing has entered the digital mode.

This man’s name is Shik Yaro. He is the boss’s most trusted member of the bodyguard, and he is also a naval warfare expert who has high hopes for this time.

“You are so vigilant.”

“After waiting for so long, he still refuses to release his ‘substitute ability’?”

“Trouble is really trouble!”

Skyaro said to himself impatiently:

“According to the information provided by the boss, the bald man has a weird body like a ‘video game character’.”

“If you fight head-on, it will take a lot of effort.”

He didn’t take action directly just now, just to let Li Qing relax his vigilance and cancel the digitalization, and then tried to order the avatar to sneak attack, trying to solve the battle with one blow.

Unfortunately, Li Qing was not that careless.

“Forget it.”

“Let’s just do it!”

“Get his head as soon as possible, and I can still make the lunch appointment with Di Cano when I get back.”

Dicano is his partner, and the two have always been inseparable.

However, this mission was urgent, and Dichano’s stand-in ability was not suitable for frontal combat, so Shi Yaluo came to pursue Li Qing alone.

He murmured his partner’s name in a very relaxed tone.

The battle is about to begin, but the biggest question in Shiyaro’s mind is whether to order Margherita pizza or spaghetti with squid sauce when having lunch with Di Chano.

This is not because he underestimates the enemy, but because he is confident.

As long as the battlefield is in this vast sea, Shi Yaluo has absolute confidence in his stand-in ability:

“Come on”



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