Lee Sin’s Bizzare Adventure Chapter 125: “Companion”


The fate of death has been rewritten.

As long as he sends the enemy of fate in front of him to hell, his glory will never fade.

Diablo was trembling with excitement.

Since he mastered this heaven-defying power, he hasn’t felt this kind of nervous, exciting and heart-pounding feeling for a long time.

Now it seems that Li Qing’s appearance has brought back the “good” memories of when he was young and ignorant, when he was just an ordinary serial murderer.

“Go to hell!”

Diablo couldn’t wait to see Lee Sin die.

The Crimson King immediately stepped forward and slashed out a phantom.

Li Qing had no other choice. He was unable to fight back or dodge. He could only try his best to protect his chest with his arms, barely blocking his vitals.

The sword fell down mercilessly, and Li Qing’s body trembled violently.

If it weren’t for the digitalized body of “Indestructible King Kong”, his arms that acted as shields might have been split in half on the spot.

He staggered back under this huge force, and his health suddenly dropped to less than 30%.

Seeing that the Crimson King’s sharp and deadly attack was about to hit his vitals again, Li Qing had no other choice but to yell with all his strength:

“Jimmy Collint!”

“Hold on, help has arrived!”

This loud roar resounded throughout the world, making Diavolo stunned:

“Jimmy Collint? Who is that?”

“Hey, why are you shouting at him!”

But Li Qing had no intention of answering.

He even ignored the murderous Crimson King in front of him and turned his attention to the road dozens of meters away:

There was a US military convoy that was stranded here after being attacked by a fungus.

The poor soldier named Jimmy Collint was lying dying in the pile of corpses in the armored vehicle, unable to wait for death.

After Li Qing prayed for the unfortunate soldiers who died, he was intercepted by Diavolo before he could run far.

So, he was now only less than thirty meters away from the American convoy, and his voice could reach the poor soldier’s ears very clearly.

But now, the poor soldier who had been sentenced to death by fate has become the last straw that Li Qing can grasp.

Actually, Li Qing didn’t know if this was useful.

But the matter has come to this, and with the mentality of treating a dead horse as a living horse, he still shouted loudly with all his strength:

“Jimmy, wake up!”

“I am a doctor from the Navy Medical Team. Trust me, you will survive!”

Diablo became increasingly confused.

He simply couldn’t understand why Li Sin didn’t even dodge the Crimson King’s attack, but wasted the last moment of his life talking into the air.

And, Navy Medical Corps?

Why did he pretend to be an American?

A series of questions emerged in his mind, and the feeling of powerlessness that he could not understand the enemy’s intentions made him restless:

“What the **** are you doing!”

Diablo was puzzled, so he ordered the Crimson King to attack with all his strength.

At the same time

In the armored car filled with the smell of blood, the dying Jimmy Collint opened his eyes with difficulty.

His consciousness was close to blurring, but Li Qing’s hoarse roar still reached his ears clearly:

“Is someone calling me? Is it a doctor from the medical team?”

Jimmy tried his best to keep this voice in his mind:

“Finally rescue has arrived”

There were tears in his eyes: “Save me, it hurts so much”

Due to the functional loss caused by excessive blood loss, he could no longer see the surrounding scene clearly and could not smell the surrounding smell.

Even Li Qing’s roar quickly turned from clear to blurry in his ears.

However, at the last moment of his life, the poor soldier still waited for the rescue he had been waiting for, and grabbed the last glimmer of hope.

Although this hope is false

But at this moment, in Jimmy Collint’s heart, the owner of that voice is a real savior and a reliable comrade who can lead him out of the sea of ​​suffering.


“I don’t want to take advantage of a dying person, but please understand that I don’t want to die even more.”

Li Qing, who was dozens of meters away, let out a long sigh.

The Crimson King’s sword was about to hit him again, and with less than 30% of his health left, it was already very dangerous.

However, this is no longer important.

While Jimmy Collint felt the faint light in the face of death, Li Qing also grabbed the life-saving straw that could take him out of the sea of ​​suffering:


“Goodbye, I’m going to find my ‘teammate’ Golden Bell!”

As soon as he finished speaking, in Diavolo’s surprised, shocked and angry eyes

Li Qing and the damaged health bar above his head, which was just two slashes away from falling to zero, turned into a phantom of wind that even the Crimson King could not catch up with.

He just took off into the air without warning and flew towards the dead American military convoy dozens of meters away.

In just a split second, Li Qing, who had been standing in front of the Crimson King unable to wait for death, got into a military armored vehicle dozens of meters away.

The cooked duck actually flew away.


Diablo was silent for a while.

He simply couldn’t accept the excitement and shock of this ups and downs in life.

Then, in the next moment, a kind of humiliation of being arbitrarily played by fate but unable to resist came to my heart.

This unspeakable sense of shame soon turned into overwhelming anger:

“Li Qing”

“Why don’t you just want to die!”

Diablo exploded in anger.

The dozens of meters that Li Qing used to escape using the golden bell did not dissuade him from killing. The ruthless and changeable fate only made him crazier.

But this madness has not swallowed up his sanity, and he has maintained the most basic combat mind:

“There is still time”

“His ‘positioning light group’ still has a few seconds before it can be used again. I still have time to change everything!”

God Diablo muttered to himself:

“The Crimson King threw me out, into that armored car!”

The distance of several tens of meters is neither long nor short. Although it is feasible to run with the body, it is a bit reluctant after all.

So, Diablo directly asked the Crimson King to squat down, and stepped on the Crimson King’s shoulders.

Then, the Crimson King held up Diavolo who was curled up in a ball, and threw his body with the greatest force like throwing a shot put.

Diablo jumped into the air and quickly crashed into the armored vehicle where Li Qing was.

He turned himself into a javelin, a javelin that firmly locked onto his prey.

Just like that, just three seconds after Li Qing used the golden bell to escape, Diavolo successfully caught up with him before his Tianyin wave could be cooled down.

“Li Qing”

“Let’s see where you can escape!”

Amidst the murderous roar, Diavolo used the Crimson King to catch his body flying at high speed, and landed firmly on the front hood of the armored vehicle.

Through the hard and strong bulletproof glass, he could see Li Qing’s face clearly:

“Crimson King, kill him!”

The Crimson King struck out with his sword again.

The strength of that arm is so powerful that even the bulletproof steel plate of the armored vehicle cannot withstand such a slash.

Soon, with a harsh buzzing sound of metal twisting and deforming, the armored vehicle’s roof steel plate was torn open, and the bulletproof glass that could withstand bullet bombardment also loosened and peeled off like shredded paper. .

However, Li Qing still showed no fear on his face when facing the Crimson King who was tearing his armor apart.

Not only was he not afraid of Diavolo’s murderous intent, but he also showed a smile that showed he had a winning chance:

“Hey, Diavolo.”

“Your substitute ability is really too strong. With my current ability, there is no way I can fight back.”

Li Qing just smiled and said without thinking:

“However, even so, it would still be too cowardly to run away.”

“So I thought of a way to help you find some little trouble.”

At this moment, time seems to have frozen.

Diablo suddenly had an unpleasant premonition in his heart.

At the same time, he suddenly discovered that Li Qing seemed different from a few seconds ago

It’s not a change in appearance, but a change in clothing:

In the precious time he had just gained by using the golden bell, Li Qing not only did not choose to get out of the car and escape further, but instead used that time to pull out a blood-stained American uniform from the pile of corpses. He put it on himself randomly.

Yes, he is wearing the clothes of the American army now.

If one didn’t look carefully, and didn’t pay attention to the shoes he hadn’t had time to change into and the size that didn’t fit him well, an outsider would definitely mistake Li Qing for a US soldier who had just been attacked.


Li Qing stroked the camouflage helmet on his head and wiped a little blood on his face to hide his face:

“I didn’t lie just now, at least, I heard it a long time ago”

“Rescue has really arrived.”

It’s as if he has some ability to follow his words.

With an increasingly clear roar of engines, a heavily armed US military convoy appeared at a distant intersection.

Li Qing immediately opened the door and rolled out nimbly.

Just when the Crimson King was about to pull out his palm from the broken steel plate and turn around to pursue him

Li Qing suddenly pointed at Diablo, who was standing menacingly on the armored vehicle, and yelled at the naval soldiers who had just appeared at the intersection:


“He is the terrorist who carried out biological and chemical attacks!”


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